Virgo (23 August - 22 September)

in gemstones •  4 years ago 

Virgo belongs to the element of Earth, the two, most defying words for them are Order and Service. Mercury is considered to be their ruling planet, however, according to our Astrologist, their real ruling planet might still to be discovered. Anyhow, Mercury supports the analyzing, intellectual inclinations that a Virgo tends to manifest in a detail-sensitive way; noticing the tiniest spots, often critically. Virgo is characterized by small steps and Sisyphean work, service usually manifests in doing, they aren’t particularly emotional. Virgo is who do their job, often in the background.

Their birthstone, the blue Sapphire can lift their analyzing features, directing them towards the service of Divine Order. Sapphire sharpens intelligence and cleverness, their very own characteristics, further more helps focusing and not to get lost in the details. Yellow Sapphire strengthen the recognition of coherence, as synthesis does not come to them as evidently as analyses.

Their critical setting often turns them against themselves as they see too many spots to dislike. Beryl can be a good counterweight with its filtering and cleansing energies. This stone can help getting rid of the many, disturbing details, ensuring clear sight and purity of the mind. As a consequence, it soothes anxiety and stress.

Aquamarine can also be a great aid to leave their self-flying programs behind, and to stop for a while their endless self-analysis. This stone can bestow Virgo with self-confidence, and with it relief can come. With Aquamarine they can connect to the energy of “everything is OK”.

Amethyst, the crystal that brings solidity and satisfaction, can lift Virgo who is centered in matter to higher planes. The common sense, that a Virgo never lacks, can be accomplished by Amethyst with intuitions, expanding the limits of their selves.

Blue Calcite, radiating optimism, can melt away Virgos’ anxiety, gently alleviating their nerves. Besides, the gem can connect reason and emotions, making Virgo more balanced, when get lost in their mental processes.

Ruled by the element of Earth, Virgo can welcome Garnet, the regulator of the energy-system. This gem is able to stir up their fire – or appease it, depending on what is needed in the moment. Hessonite garnet is especially beneficial for a Virgo, as it helps eliminate bad conscience and feelings of inferiority.

Another gem that is mentioned as Virgos’ birthstone is Peridot, representing Order and orderliness – just as Virgo – however, helps them not to get lost in details and find their way back to Oneness. One of the most defining features of Peridot is joie de vivre, and can contribute to express emotions openly, full of trust.

Gem of the heart, Rose Quartz can serve them by promoting self-acceptance, just the way they are. It helps to come to peace by themselves. After that they can walk on the paths of love with more light-footed.

And above all, Serendib gems bear all the energies characterizing Sri Lankan people so well: the lightness of heart, joy, hope and good will.
We hope that our pursuit of utilizing the power of gems in artisan, designer jewels can contribute to enrich the life with new powers beyond beauty of their owners.

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