Using kids as political pawns.

in gender •  2 years ago 


The thing about "gender affirming" care for minors, which we should all be pointing out to the child butchers out there, is it actually goes against gender ideology if you think about it for a few seconds.

Think about the rhetoric that we hear from these people all the time. They constantly say that gender is in the mind and not the body. They constantly preach that some women have penieses and some men have vaginas. They've come to the point of decrying he very concept of a trans person "passing." It's not just that women can have penieses now -- it's that women can have penieses, full beards, chest hair, etc. And, of course, there are over seven billion genders anyway.

So, if "presenting" isn't a thing that society should care about, and we actually should start asking everyone his or her pronouns all the time because men and women can look like anything, why are these same people rushing their kids into surgeries so they'll "pass" with their gender identity.

This might have been coherent several years ago when the public abuse of Jazz Jennings started. The whole neopronoun thing hadn't started yet. Pretty much everybody agreed that there were only two genders, and they there are defining characteristics.

Now, it doesn't make any sense. If your female child wants to be a boy, why aren't you telling the child what you believe about gender, and that passing isn't a thing that has to be worried about, and that your child can dress and play as she sees fit, instead of rushing her to a surgeon to chop off her breasts? Not only is getting you kid to buy into your ideology more ethical than drugs and surgery, it's also probably easier, and definitely a lot cheaper.

So, let's call these people out of this. Let's call them conservative dinosaurs who want to conform these children to the gender-binary model and regressive aesthetic expectations.

The question still remains though...

Given how blatantly this push for "gender affirming care" is a glitch in their narrative, why are they still pushing it so passionately?

Part of it has to be that they see it as another excuse to shame Republicans, and accuse them of bigotry. That seems to be the popular mode of operation in the media.

If saying that we shouldn't be mutilating children makes me a bigot, I'm a bigot. I'm fine with that.

Part of it is probably that there are more pedophiles operating in the ideology than any of us would like to imagine.

Part of it is probably to keep the numbers appearing to be in their favor. Detransition rates are low. Desistance rates are incredibly high. The reason is that detransition only applies to people who have transitioned. Most of those people transitioned as adults. With kids transitioning, you'll get a near zero regarding detransitiononers because they won't be able to detransitionon. They'll never know what it would have been like to have proper sexual function. They're already trying to entirely dismiss the factor of desistance.

Some in the medical community are seeing dollars signs.

Still, I think it's pretty clear that this isn't about compassion, or children living their best lives. It's about using kids as political pawns. Anything that they can do to make your kid depressed and angry and therefore a future socialist, they're gonna do.

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