VenomnymouS Presents: Is sex really a Spectrum?

in gender •  7 years ago  (edited)


Is sex really a Spectrum?

By Dr Tricia

There are a couple of articles which have been widely quoted as "proving" that sex is not binary, but rather a spectrum. The main article is this one:

The other article quoted, which is actually a blog post based on the first is this one:

So let us look at the first article in detail. The first thing to note is that this is not a research article, it is an op-ed. The introduction tells us of the strange case of a a woman who's "body was built of cells from two individuals, probably from twin embryos that had merged in her own mother's womb. And there was more. One set of cells carried two X chromosomes, the complement that typically makes a person female; the other had an X and a Y." This incredibly rare condition is used to introduce us to Disorders of Sexual Determination (DSD)

Or as the author states, "differences" of Sexual Determination. I'm pretty sure that this is not used clinically - but is important in the context of sex being a spectrum. We are told that " Parents of children with these kinds of conditions often face difficult decisions about whether to bring up their child as a boy or a girl. Some researchers now say that as many as 1 person in 100 has some form of DSD." the 1 in 100 figure as been widely used to "prove" that sex is a spectrum, it originates in this paper:


Careful reading of the paper shows that the 1 in 100 figure comes from a new way of classifying DSDs in a way that includes all anomalies of the reproductive organs, many of which are "mild" and would not put in doubt the sexuality of the individual e.g. Hypospadia - this is "a condition where the meatus isn't at the tip of the penis. Instead, the hole may be any place along the underside of the penis. The meatus (hole) is most often found near the end of the penis ("distal" position). But it may also be found from the middle of the penile shaft to the base of the penis, or even within the scrotum ("proximal" positions)." Whilst undoubtedly a difficult condition to have to deal with - it obviously is not any kind of indicator of a "sex spectrum"



"However, the incidence of 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis, in which genetic mutations result in disruption of testis development, is estimated at less than one in 10,000 live births." If the obviously unambiguous disorders are removed, the incidence of DSDs is seen to be much lower.

The paper describes the genes which are know to be involved in sexual determination and how MUTATIONS of these genes cause DSDs. Sex determination is incredibly complicated and involves a network of interacting genes. This does not mean that sexuality is "pick & mix"


depending on which particular group of genes are expressed or not in an individual. The paper describes disorders caused by mutations, the words "mutate or mutation" occur >100 times. The word "spectrum" occurs 2x.j


Both times that spectrum is used, it is in the context of disorders. There is no statement in the paper that the data examined leads to the conclusion that sex as a spectrum. So let us turn back to the Nature Op-ed piece.



The writer give 2 quotes from Eric Vilain (the senior author of the paper): “It has been, in a sense, a philosophical change in our way of looking at sex; that it's a balance,” says Eric Vilain, a clinician and the director of the Center for Gender-Based Biology at the University of California, Los Angeles. “It's more of a systems-biology view of the world of sex.”

“Biologically, it's a spectrum,” says Vilain. Neither statement appears in the paper. A google search for "Vilain Spectrum" yielded:



The only time "Spectrum" occurs in this article is in the headline. Again, there is no indication that Vilain believes that sex is a spectrum. He is takes a cautious view to surgery on babies with ambiguous genitalia and is described as an Intersex Ally.

Whilst "Vilain's research and interest in policy has put him on the front lines of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) rights movement and has made his lab a magnet for LGBTQ students", his work remains focused around DSDs not gender dysphoria.

There is no indication in the research paper discussed above, or in any other research that I have looked at, that there is any association of DSDs with Gender Dysphoria. Use of this and other work to support the idea that sex is naturally a spectrum and that our SRY ultimately determines the developmental pathway taken by the Bipotential gonad in the early embryo. This is stated in the paper form Vilain's lab several times.




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The LGBT Agenda: Pride&Population Control

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Lol. Good point.
Have you been following Jordan Peterson's work lately?
For some reason he's taken over my entire YouTube.
Still, when it comes to counter-narratives to the "left", he's done pretty well for a university professor ^^'
My upcoming post is basically about what I've taken from his body of youtube works

I haven't followed his work much. He won't recognize the zionist influence on these agendas in America and tells us Jews are smarter and better than us.

So you think Jewtube (lol jk) is actually pushing him on me?
I literally can't figure out what the hell.
See as a young guy in his 20s he's had a lot of semi-decent advice for me.
There's other times I'm listening to him and I'm just like whuuttt?

So it's not just I who's a little skeptical of his points?

It didn't help that he boldly went on Fox News and had this kind of over-the-top sensationalist convo with Chris Tucker... If you're appearing on Fox News (or any mainstream outlet) there's a part of me that deep-down knows you're chasing money; whether you know it or not

Would you think he's gate-keeper? Controlled-opposition for the gender fluidity SJW movement?

Do you have no opinion about him?

My next piece is literally about the impact he's had on me lately so would really appreciate any POVs! I heard about him through youtuber Mouthy Buddha... He's insane but also really talented, so I'm quite mesmerized by him (MouthyBuddha)

To be frank, Peterson reminds me way too much of my undergrad teachers... Dudes who think they are so interesting because they've read like 20 books, often misinterpreted them (or at least interpreted badly), and think they have something super special about their way of looking at the world. ("Being an "intellectual" ")

I think Nietzche is great but from my reading of him, nobody in academia understands the first thing about what he was trying to get at. (At least, I've never had an interesting convo about Nietzche with an academician lol) I did with friends and family, and come across interesting stuff on YouTube.

It's like the only new thing Peterson seems to have done (to me) aside from his "biological determinism" view of consciousness (ultra and patently oversimplified IMO), all he has done is offer a critique of this "postmodern/neo-marxist" kind of identity politics...

Makes sense to push back against it, but...

Anyway, I'll stop now and save the rest for this article ^^'

Yes, absolutely. Jewdon Peterson is a controlled opposition and a gatekeeper.

As far as I'm concerned all that he talks about it useless if he doesn't talk about who is behind the curtain, manipulating and pulling the strings in society.

Yeah... He's like a Noam Chomsky except his field is psychology instead of linguistics...

There's a part of me that goes at least we know where Chomsky comes from, why he got to were he is, why he doesn't speak on some topics...

For me Jordan Peterson is somehow doing a kind of damage-control operation for the alt-right... He's very appeasing to white people with a kind of conservative background. Something that say a Chomsky is not...

I saw a comment on a youtube video and it read something like this:

"I wonder if you took all of Peterson's social media followers and placed them in a room whether they would all just be massive fanboys that would devolve into some kind of galvanized horde of radical nationalists or would they all politely sit and try to debate what were the right and proper positions of an evolved and authentic Petersonian."

Which I thought was pretty funny and pretty telling of how people are viewing the whole phenomena.

I do see what he's trying to defend but in the age of "post-truth" or "post-fact" or whatever you want to call it; it's kind of a difficult even with my best intentions to truly see where he's coming from or what his point is.

So you think he's a useful idiot or an actual controlled opposition/gatekeeper like Chomsky?

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