Genealogy: Flora Effie Roberts (1875-1891)

in genealogy •  2 months ago 

I'm experimenting with posting some random bits of my genealogy research here with the goal of eventually creating a linked family tree on Hive. You can see the index here.

Subject: Flora Effie Roberts (1875-1891)

Closest relationship to me: Fourth cousin five times removed

Family tree management software: GenoPro

Family tree reporting software: Gramps

Other software used: The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding (TNG), GedSite (evaluating for now)

Updates: Found census record and burial info. She died at the early age of 16 and had no children.

The chart at the top is an ancestry chart out to four generations. The chart at the bottom is the same chart as generated by TNG. The index of all individuals I have posted so far can be found here.

The Skaggs-Files

Roberts, Flora E

Birth Name Roberts, Flora E.
Gender female
Age at Death 16 years, 5 months, 10 days



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1875-03-02 Greene Co, MO   1
Baptism DB7874072DCB45C58E35D8BBD7F8FBD9C98C Census 1880    
Death 1891-08-12 Greene Co, MO   1

Age: 16y 5m 10d


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Roberts, Noah R.1831-10-001907
Mother Headlee, Sarah F.1842-12-271914-07-21
    Sister     Roberts, Cora E. M. 1873-08-02 between 1900 and 1910
         Roberts, Flora E. 1875-03-02 1891-08-12
    Brother     Roberts, Samuel G. 1879-03-00 1900
    Sister     Roberts, Sadie Mcclure 1882-10-18 1930

Generated by Gramps AIO64-5.1.5-1
Last change was the 2022-03-18 20:45:22

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