Genealogy: Wesley Skaggs (1794-1874)

in genealogy •  15 days ago 

I'm experimenting with posting some random bits of my genealogy research here with the goal of eventually creating a linked family tree on Hive. You can see the index here.

Wesley Skaggs was born in the late 1700s. While normally I don't consider census records easy to find (or find people in) until about the mid 1800s, they do go back further. This individual can be found in census records going back to 1820. He's also interesting from a historical perspective because if fought in The War of 1812.

This person is another relatively close relation. According to Gramps, he is my first cousin seven times removed.

I use GenoPro to maintain my family tree but I mainly use Gramps to generate reports which is what most of the info below is based on. GenoPro generates reports too, I just don't like them as much. While GenoPro is commercial software, Gramps is open source software that is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS. I also use its relationship calculator functionality as noted above. I've also been exploring The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding (TNG) which is web based and requires a web server, PHP and mySQL database. I also have GedSite which also generates static HTML reports.

Both TNG and GedSite are commercial software so you have to pay for them. I think their price is reasonable and they are both excellent in their own ways. However, I prefer the open source nature of Gramps and the fact that it generates static HTML makes it easy to work with. I still like TNG enough that I will probably keep using it as well. I've been playing with GedSite on and off but haven't committed to it yet, however I've liked other sites I've seen generated with it. For now I am generating reports with Gramps and updating TNG on a fairly regular basis.

The chart at the top is an ancestry chart out to four generations from Gramps. The chart at the bottom is a descendant chart as generated by TNG. The index of all individuals I have posted so far can be found here.

The Skaggs-Files

SKAGGS, Wesley 1 2a

Birth Name SKAGGS, Wesley
Gender male
Age at Death more than 55 years, 5 months


Wesley was a veteran of the War of 1812 as shown by the following records: (1) From Tennessee State Library Archives: Wesley Scaggs, private, enlisted 20 Sept 1814, branch of serv.-infantry. Remarks: Left sick at Ft. Montgomery. Bounty Land Warrant 21701-80-55. (2) 9Dec 1850 - State of Indiana, Davis Co.: On this day personally appeard before me a Justice of the Peace within and for said county and state, aforesaid Wesley Skaggs, age 56 years, a resident of Davis county, Indiana, who being by me, duly sworn according to the same, declares that he is the identical who was a private in the company commanded by Capt. Zale Rains in Regt. commanded by Col. Leroy Hammonds in the War with Great Britain, declared by the United States on the 18th day of June 1812, that he was drafted at Warren County, Tennessee on or about the 20th day of September 1814 for the term of six months and continued in actual service in said war for the term of six months and was honorably discharged at Nashville 20th Jun 1815, as will appear by the muster rolls of said company on file in the war department. He states that he received a discharge and that he gave it to his father to keep and that his said father died with said discharge in his possession and that it never could be found and thatis the reason he does not present it to the department. He further states that he never received from the government any bounty land heretofore. He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land granted by the act of Congress passed the 28th day of September 1850.(Signed) Wesley Skaggs Subscribed and sworn to before me the day and year first above written. (Signed) Wilson Webster, Justice of the Peace Wesley and Hannah are listed on the 1850 Daviess Co. IN Census in Elmore Township. It reads as follows: Wesley Scaggs 56 TN, Hannah 56 KY, and John W. 21 IN. Wesley and Hannah are listed on the 1860 Bourbon Co. Kansas Territory Census. Living in the same household with them is their son, Solomon and his family. Listed are Wesley Skaggs 65,Hannah 65, Solomon 39, Rebecca 37, Henry J. 10, Mary A. 8, John W. 5, George 2. Also living in Bourbon Co. KS in 1860 was James Skaggs, son of Benjamin Skaggs. Wesley Skaggs' father and James Skaggs' father were 1st cousins.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1794-08-00 KY    
Death after 1850 Jefferson Co. MO    

Age: 56y

Burial   Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church Cemetery Ware, Jefferson Co. MO   3


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Skaggs, Solomon1766-01-15after 1817-10-19
Mother THOMPSON, Rhoda1767-10-23
    Sister     SKAGGS, Nancy 1788 after 1850-11-12
         SKAGGS, Wesley 1794-08-00 after 1850
    Sister     SKAGGS, Sylvia about 1797 after 1850
    Brother     SKAGGS, Robert about 1800 before 1858-12-28
    Sister     SKAGGS, Margaret about 1801
    Sister     SKAGGS, Susannah about 1803
    Sister     SKAGGS, Marian about 1808
    Brother     SKAGGS, John Wesley 1813-11-29 1870-11-02


Family of SKAGGS, Wesley and SHIELDS, Hannah

Married Wife SHIELDS, Hannah ( * 1794 + after 1850 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1817-12-11 Orange Co. IN Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
SKAGGS, Rhoda1820-11-121880-12-04
SKAGGS, Solomon1825after 1865
SKAGGS, John Wesleyabout 18281874-04-11

Family of SKAGGS, Wesley and WECKERSHAM, Nancy

Married Wife WECKERSHAM, Nancy ( *


Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1843-01-15 Daviess Co. IN Religious Marriage 4

Source References

  1. Wanda Sparkman: John Wesley Skaggs/Sylvia Evans Skaggs
      • Source text:


        ID: I31955
        Name: Solomon SKAGGS
        Sex: M
        Birth: 15 JAN 1766 in Washington Co. VA 1
        Death: AFT 19 OCT 1817 in IN
        Note: Solomon is mentioned in the Archibald Thompson Diary. The diary begins November 8, 1796 where Archibald says he started with his family from the Little River in Montgomery County (VA) and was traveling to Kentucky. He tells about places the family stayed over the next week when they reached the plantation of Mr. Stephen Yets (could be Yeats) where they took up winter quarters, leaving on March 8, 1797 and then "pressed our journey for Green River...The 20th of March 1797 we lay all night at dutchman plantation 5 miles from the Crab Orcherd. The 21st lodged in the woods at the Nob lick. The 22nd lay in a very kind mans house. The 23rd lay all night at Mr. McColgens and the 24th got to Mr. Solomon Skaggs house. There we lived plentiful upon free cost.



        Father: Henry SKAGGS b: 08 JAN 1723 in Maryland
        Mother: Mary THOMPSON b: 18 AUG 1739

        Marriage 1 Rhoda THOMPSON b: 23 OCT 1767 in Montgomery Co. VA
        Married: 1787 in Washington Co. VA
        Has Children Nancy SKAGGS b: 1788 in VA
        Has Children Wesley SKAGGS b: AUG 1794 in KY
        Has No Children Sylvia SKAGGS b: ABT 1797 in Green Co. KY
        Has No Children Robert SKAGGS b: ABT 1800 in Green Co. KY
        Has No Children Margaret SKAGGS b: ABT 1801
        Has No Children Susannah SKAGGS b: ABT 1803 in KY
        Has No Children Marian SKAGGS b: ABT 1808 in TN
        Has Children John Wesley SKAGGS b: 29 NOV 1813 in KY

        Author: Archibald Thompson
        Title: Diary
        TYPE: Book

      • Citation:
  3. James D. (Jim) Wadsworth: [SKAGGS] fw: Solomon Skaggs
  4. Indiana Marriage Collection 1800-1941

Generated by Gramps AIO64-5.1.5-1
Last change was the 2023-06-30 17:00:13

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