in genealogy •  7 years ago 

In an era when the imagination of many people are of the romance and actions of the many imaginary Super heroes, who can fly in sky, have robotic capabilities, and overcome most of the evil in the world, it is prhaps a good thing to stop and examine real Heroes...


What does the term Hero stand for?
It is the main character in literary work, or in real life. The name comes from the Greek word Heros meaning protector or defender.

In Greek mythology there are many Heroes who loved and died in the pursuit of honor.
a few examples:!

Hector is a Trojan Prince and is the Greatest Fighter in the Trojan wars, (Homers Iliad) He is known for his courage and courtly , noble nature, it is said that he killed 31,000 Greeks in Fighting. Archillis was a Greek demi God, with superhuman strength, but known for his uncontrollable rage resulting in bloodthirsty actions. And so there are many mythological heroes as there are today

In real life and history we have people like William Wallis, who, as the son of a Scottish lord, Douglas Wallace, fought for the freedom of Scotland from the British Empire, He is the first to have this motto "I tell you truthfully freedom is the best of all things, never live under the yoke of Slavery to another "
He was believed to have been a Robin Hood type, with that type of warfare against injustice. He was well educated and only 20 years old, could speak Latin, Greek, French and Gaelic. He had no time for traitors, or cowards, and let nothing stand in the way of his fighting for the freedom of his country. He met with a horrific death a s a result.

But a real life definition of is someone who will act with dignity and honor and sense of duty, who has good moral ethics, who does selfless things for fellow beings.

I have chosen just a few selfless modern day heroes who are not not all that well known.

Officer Damon Cole is a real life super cop, and when he is not pursuing the interests of law, travels hundreds of miles
to visit seriously ill children dressed as their super heroes, like Superman, Batman, Hulk and others.
officer hero_1456322990182_890391_ver1.0_640_360.jpg.

Tony Fowler, is an ordinary milkman in England, who has braved floodwaters to rescue a cat, he single handedly hijacked a getaway car with criminals, participated in drug busts, and has an endless list of acts of bravery in the service of others. in 2010 he received a reward from Queen Elizabeth 11 for his service


Tejinder Singh
He is an air-conditioner repairman and a cab driver . Once a Month on Sunday ,he spends hours cooking and feeding the hungry and homeless in Darwin Australia. He does not receive any aid, but he and his family save one dollar a day, to purchase the food to be cooked and distributed.


There is a long list of heroes, that are mentioned publicly, some who have been rewarded and received world wide accolades, but to me the definition of a true hero, is not a political figure or a brilliant scientist, or a great orator, but the ordinary humble men, or women who sacrifice willingly for his or her fellowmen , time effort and even at the risk of their life. There are many unsung heroes worldwide.
We must us honor the heroes in our own countries and vicinity., who serve without the desire to be recognized, and so relieve suffering and injustice. Or even join the ranks of the selfless, pure and honorable men and women to make this world a better and safe place for all.
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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

nice panuch


Heroes are also the parents who work long hours and sacrifice their rest to bring sustenance to their children and then come home and have a while to hug their children.

so true