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Hey slowwalker, others have posted good hosts, postimage is good. imgsafe is good too but it's down right now. allows uploading images to IPFS.

Did you know you're a Steem Superhero?

Thank you
Am I ?

thanks a bunch man

Here is a good article that you can check and see how this work.

Thank you
I need to read

hi,try this
upload your image to

Add it via
! [ ] ( I M A G E )
(with out the spaces)
for more editing

Good luck

Thank you

You can upload in then copy the URL link into your posts

Thank you

You can upload your photo at and copy the direct link. When you posting your post, if you not familiar with markdown syntax, switch to editor mode and click on the image icon and paste your image link. After clicking the tick sign, you image should appear.

The Steemit image proxy servers were going back and forth yesterday between working and not, and then switched back to just having the original hoster with the image. I uploaded some images to imgur and these became broken because imgur banned Steemit from displaying its images. If the proxy server stays up though, they will continue to work. doesn't seem to be a good choice. Some recommendations can be found in this post:

Thank you

"An image in this post did not save properly". .. that's what is says if i wanna upload a photo .. don't know what to do

The Steemit platform requires a URL or web address for a photo? I know... a bit unusual if you're used to uploading a jpg file from your comp. So if you go to you will find the steps self-explanatary. I'm new to this and I still don't know how to check out how my photo looks as in "preview profile" or whatever. I don't know if my pic is being displayed properly, or needs to be resized, cropped, etc...

Nice,Awosame by great steem

I cannot upload photos, now.

I can't upload pictures, either.