in general •  7 years ago  (edited)

o Each year World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated on May 8th.
o Famous sculptures depicting art of love built some time in 950 A.D – 1050 A.D, are in Khajuraho temples.
o Gravity setting chambers are used in industries to remove CO (carbon monoxide).
o Guwahati High Court is the judicature of Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam.
o Friction can be reduced by changing from sliding to rolling.
o During eleventh Antarctic Expedition in November 1991/March 1992 SODAR (Sonic Detection and Ranging) was installed.
o Names of Secretary-Generals of the U.N.O arranged in chronological order, Trygve Lie, Dag Hammarskjöld, U Thant, Kurt Waldheim.
o Fire temple is the place of worship for the religion of Zoroastrianism (Parsi Religion).
o Film and TV institute of India is located at Pune (Maharashtra).
o Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan became the members of U.N.O in 1992.
o Guru Gobind Singh was the 10th Guru of the Sikhs, founder of Khalsa, the inner council of the Sikhs in 1699, author of Dasam Granth.
o Hermann Scheer (Germany) received right Livelihood Award in 1999 for his indefatigable work for the promotion of solar energy worldwide.
o Germany signed the Armistice Treaty on November 11, 1918, that ended World War I.
o During World War II, Germany attacked France in 1940.
o Frederick Sanger is a twice recipient of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1958 and 1980.
o The ozone layer restricts Ultraviolet radiation.
o Eugenics is the study of altering human beings by changing their genetic components.
o Euclid was Greek mathematician, Contributor to the use of deductive principles of logic as the basis of geometry and Propounded the geometrical theorems.
o Ecology deals with Relation between organisms and their environment.
o Filaria is caused by Mosquito and Blood feeding Black Flies.
o Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) was established in 1957.

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Another fact: Factoids are misleading "facts". They're not true.