Aceh Plans To Apply This Future the cutter (Pancung) Law !!!

in general •  7 years ago 

Head of Bina Hukum Syariat Islam and Human Rights of the Office of Syariah Islam of Aceh Province, Dr. Syukri M Yusuf stated that the application of the beheading law is the last resort to suppress the murder rate in Aceh.
Kabid Bina Hukum Syariat Islam dan Hak Asasi Manusia Dinas Syariat Islam Provinsi Aceh, Dr Syukri M Yusuf menyatakan penerapan hukum pancung adalah pilihan terakhir untuk menekan angka pembunuhan di Aceh.

Reported from CNN Indonesia page, Thursday, March 15, 2018, the Government of Aceh this year will conduct research related to the application of the beheading law to find out the community response to the punishment model.
DIlansir dari laman CNNIndonesia, Kamis 15 Maret 2018, Pemerintah Aceh tahun ini akan melakukan penelitian terkait penerapan hukum pancung untuk mengetahui respons masyarakat atas model hukuman tersebut.

So this (final punishment) last way, another way is to make people aware," said Dr. Syukri M Yusuf, Thursday, March 15, 2018.
Jadi ini (hukuman pancung) jalan terakhir, cara lain adalah menyadarkan masyarakat,” kataDr Syukri M Yusuf, Kamis 15 Maret 2018.

The provincial government of Aceh has undertaken persuasive measures to prevent crime of killing in the community.
Pemeintah provinsi Aceh telah melakukan langkah-langkah persuasif untuk mencegah kejahatan pembunuhan di masyarakat.

"In the Islamic Shari'a, the forward is a persuasive approach, Soft. That's what we've done. Communicate with the community, "he said.
“Dalam syariat Islam, yang dikedepankan adalah pendekatan persuasif, Soft. Itu sudah kami lakukan. Berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat,” tutur dia.

Aceh is a province with a special status that is predominantly Muslim. Aceh is given the freedom to apply Islamic-based criminal law (qanun jinayah).Aceh is a province with a special status that is predominantly Muslim. Aceh is given the freedom to apply Islamic-based criminal law (qanun jinayah).
Aceh adalah provinsi dengan status istimewa yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam. Aceh diberi keleluasaan menerapkan hukum pidana berbasis Islam (qanun jinayah).

One of the Islamic laws that has been applied in Aceh is the caning.
Salah satu hukum Islam yang sudah diterapkan di Aceh adalah hukuman cambuk.

The Aceh Provincial Government has already begun to examine the plan for the application of the beheading law to prevent the crime of murder.
Pemprov Aceh sudah mulai mengkaji rencana penerapan hukum pancung untuk mencegah kejahatan pembunuhan.

This review will involve the response of the Acehnese people. The law of pancung called Shukri can be applied if the community supports it.
Kajian ini akan melibatkan respons masyarakat Aceh. Hukum pancung disebut Syukri bisa saja diterapkan jika masyarakat mendukungnya.

"But if the people of antipathy can be considered again," he said.
“Tetapi kalau masyarakat antipati bisa dipertimbangkan lagi,” kata dia.

The plan implements the beheading law, according to Shukri, after it observed the application of similar laws in a number of Islamic countries or the majority of Muslims.
Rencana menerapkan hukum pancung, menurut Syukri, setelah pihaknya mengamati penerapan hukum serupa di sejumlah negara Islam atau mayoritas beragama Islam.

Shukri exemplifies the application of such punishment in Saudi Arabia. He claimed the beheading in Saudi Arabia effectively prevented the killing.
Syukri mencontohkan penerapan hukuman tersebut di Arab Saudi. Dia mengklaim hukuman pancung di Saudi efektif mencegah pembunuhan.*

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