in genesis •  3 years ago 

Let's not rush from one assumption to another. The religion is as corrupt as the science. The religions of the book were set up to hide true spiritually and the divine nature, the scientism was set up to hide true science and reality. I think it is reasonable to conclude.

Jehovah is English for Yahweh in Hebrew articulation of tetragrammaton YHVH, pronounced as Yahu / Yahoo, which means light in Egyptian and identified as the first light over the earth, which would be, traditionally, that of Saturn / Chronos (& Kairos as perfect moment), god of time and separation, translated in English as Lord God, first mentioned in Genesis 2:4, in contrast to Elohim in Hebrew, plural masculine form, of the seven days of Creation, translated as singular masculine God.

So, if Yahweh has anything to do with the Creation than it is strange that the bible did not mention him antil after the fact.

Thus it is safe to say that Yahweh is not the Supreme Deity of Creation, albeit is of Babylonian Israelites, and the fact that Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Jews spent a lot of time and effort to exalt Yahweh as such while hiding the true identity and divine nature of actual Supreme deity.

It took a while for them to get rid off the original patriarchal Abrahamic tradition by replacing it with the matriarchal Moseretic one, yet, at the same time hiding goddess Asherah, consort of Yahweh, popular among ancient Israelites, now only present in the bible inconspicuously as grove or groves, trees and fruits, and by removing the first letter of the alphabet Aleph from the opening sentence of their earlier scriptures, which they were extensively editing, and with it the opening title of the Supreme deity as Father of the Beginnings, Aba Rashit, turning it into banal In the beginning God created, Barashit Bara Elohim.

Yet, we now know that Elohim is plural masculine word most likely in reference to the seven planets, the Luminaries, Lords of the Sky.

However, since the removal of Father, and Mother for that matter, from the beginning of the bible, as it makes perfect sense to start supposed word of God with the first letter of alphabet and end it with the last, God being referred to as Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end, while word truth in Hebrew is amet, first middle and last letters of alphabet, the Elohim became next in line for that title, thus from being the first created ones, the original sentence would have been, Aba Rashit Bara Elohim at Hashmaim v'at Haaretz, The Father of the Beginnings has Created the Luminaries (planets: Saturn & Jupiter, Mars & Venus, Sun & Moon, and Mercury), Heavens and the Earth, they became the Creators, God, but the grammatical structure of the sentence is thus left broken.

If the Elohim have indeed Created everything then it should start with them, Elohim Barashit Bara, yet this is not the case, leaving the holy scriptures open with the second letter of Hebrew alphabet Bet, meaning house, house of Yahweh and the Elohim of which he is the chief Lord God.

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