in genesisproject •  7 years ago 


He was an answered prayer, he was a dream come true, he was so sweet so loving and caring, he was my man.

He had little but he made sure he shares with me the little he has, he was love personified

I remember the day he asked me to be his woman by then i was already inlove with him, i accepted and i never regretted that decision. He will always call me obim in igbo language which means my heart, the only day he called my name was the day he said"Mirabel will you be my woman for life " of course i said yes.

He never saw my nakedness and when i asked why he said because he wants to wait for a special day and that special day would be our wedding night.

He loved me so much he was far from me but i never felt it, he was always calling and texting just to keep me company, i would never forget what he told me he said"obim if you ever misses me, go to your window look at the sky you would see me". He is all a woman could wish for in a man, but good things they say never last.

Death is a cruel thief, he comes to you and take that which you cherish the most and leave you empty and in tears and they is nothing you can do about it, death took Martins away from me, it snatched the only thing i wanted the most, but i refused to accept it.

Every night i stay at my window and look at the sky but i never saw him, i called him but he never answered, i waited but he never came.

Its been five years now but Whenever i remember him tears still soaks my eyes, i find it difficult to be in another relationship cause i expect every man to be like Martins it has been affecting my relationship for years. I still want my man back, i miss his kisses, his hugs, and his words, i miss him, if i could make a wish it would be to have him back.

But its time to move on, i have accepted the fact which is Martins is gone and gone for ever nothing can change that. We can never be together again, we have been separated for life, the vaccum you left in my has to be occupied.

Martins if you can hear me, know i miss you and will always do, you have taken a huge part of my heart but i think its time to forget you for good please dont misunderstand, but i have to part away with your memories for good. Please allow me fall in love again, let me test love again please.

This is goodbye Martins for ever.

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