expulsion of nanomaterials; silent film era highlighting AI, Sophia, Singularity, integration of body to machine

in genitaliahygiene •  6 years ago 

Third blog in a while with attempts to save data from being deleted from other platforms. Please forgive my "quick and dirty" format.

watching zager and evan 2525 and the vid and a friend said the movies was metropolis filmed in 1927
https://tinyurl.com/y7whx4wv will see the highlight of the video included AI -Sophia -Singularity -human sacrifice- mind control-brain or integration of body to machine-the perspective they had was accurate to T to what we are seeing today and the curiosity of how they had the details --uncanny --NANO integration and how the integration--making babies today and what is coming out with the nano bio in the DNA at the early start -foods that would have increased the viability of access of the technology--20 year old having issues with vaginal region-women in general are having issues with that area--tampons or pads are one of the causes the networking in that are and a solution to assist in the expulsion of the tech

--dietary guides to assist the immune system to be refortify--and how minerals will assist the DNA fortification----speculation of what is really here as a pathology may actually be a program operating system that runs intermittently in a pattern is not just a pathology but an operating system--USDA is not a validate sticker to imply that it is organic just the opposite--what are some of the ingredients in the supplements and nutrients




7:30 Mark


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  1. https://byebyebluesky.com/?s=tony+pantalleresco
  2. http://health-axis.com/tony-pantallerescos-page/
  3. https://www.gagcanada.com/#

protocols for reducing and regenerating: http://tinyurl.com/y74amu5y
avoid products with nano: http://www.nanotechproject.org/cpi/
transfer factors: http://augmentinforce.50webs.com/Transfer%20Factor.htm#TRANSFER_FACTORS
nanotransformation: https://independz.wixsite.com/nanotransformation
patents validate technology to start/stop weather patterns/nano delivery system: http://byebyebluesky.com/world-wide-hurricanes-floods-forest-fires-engineered-climate-chaos/ and http://www.thelibertybeacon.com/

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