Geniuses Have To Have Thick Skins To Survive

in geniuses •  3 years ago 

Why do you think that some people are highly successful and smart people are not able to accomplish anything? The only thing that I can say is that they are missing something very basic. Something that all great people have in common is that they need a certain mental attitude that they just cannot get without.

You see, all geniuses have one thing in common. They have to have thick skin. In fact, if you want to become a genius, you need to have thicker skin than most people. I am not saying that you need to go out and take a big deep breath before you go to work every day. All I'm saying is that the kind of mental toughness that makes people great at what they do is a special kind of personality.

What kind of personality are we talking about here? Well, we're talking about geniuses, aren't we? If you are determined and focused, you have a great advantage over 99% of the population. Most of us are more or less like ants trying to run around in a sand box. You have to have a plan and you have to follow it to a T. When it comes to becoming a genius, a plan is what separates you from the rest of the crowd.

You see, in order to become a genius you have to be focused, determined and motivated. These are the three most important characteristics of a true genius. You need to be focused because you have to be fully committed to what you are trying to achieve. You also need to be determined because it takes a lot of discipline to stay focus on what you want to accomplish. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, you need to have thick skin because only the strong survive and that is why you have to be a genius.

So what does having thick skin mean for the geniuses out there? Well, it means that you can handle all kinds of people and situations that most people would find intimidating. You can also take criticism and deflect it with ease. If you are truly a genius then nothing will intimidate you because you already have the knowledge and you don't need anyone to teach you what you already know.

You are also one of the few people who have the ability to think faster than others. This can be a very attractive trait, isn't it? Just think about all the wonderful ideas you could possibly imagine if you had the ability to think fast. If you are a genius then you have to be a pretty good student also.

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