Genius Token - Distributed general purpose computing with a crypto token payment system.

in geniustoken •  3 years ago  (edited)

With the use of technically advanced equipment and internet of things, it is obvious that the world is experiencing huge data usages & loading which is day by day increasing the traffic on online web system. The usage of on line transactions is increasing. To meet the requirements. it becomes necessary to use lots of computing power so that the heavy algorithms can be solved easily. But the fact is that it is really very costlier to make a set up for an individual firm or organization to meet the requirements of this huge data/information used to be processed rapidly and provide best service to customers. Genius Token is a decentralized protocol with a sound aim to use the distributed blockchain technology and provide the best way out to provide more scalability to users so that they can conduct their transactions rapidly and with very low cost.


Genius Token Blockchain

The decentralized ecosystem of Genius Token platform is free from third party influence and there are direct dealings with customers. The basic idea of project is to use any sort of machine, computer, hardware or IoT to generate more computing power. That is required to serve the purpose to decode and solve the heavy equations with a joint effort where lots of users having their own individual setups will create a huge joint family where the equation or heavy algorithm is distributed among lots of different computers & internet of things that includes mobiles and processing machines. This distribution of data is then breakdown in easy blocks that can be solved in a flash. So Genius token is working in the field to balance the huge usage of data & on line internet transactions with scalability.

The whole system works efficiently in a decentralized ecosystem of blockchain technology. The transaction is executed by Genius Token platform and the heavy equation/ algorithm is transferred in a distributed way into different setups where it is breakdown in small pieces. Every attached setup is solving a part of that heavy equation and then this solved and processed data from all the different distributed setups is gathered and the smart contracts of Genius Token platform are checking the validity and approving the authenticity. Once all the norms are met that will complete the process and then that processed data is used by Genius Token platform. This is the business model to create fast speed and low cost transactions on the platform and Genius token is using it perfectly as this platform is built on blockchain technology and thus is free from all flaws of centralized system where the data & information is compromised and also user’s security is not taken care of. Genius Token platform runs with a clause that there are no hidden charges and heavy commissions are to be paid to third parties. So this platform is sharing the profits with community and reward then with GUNS token.

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Role of Scalability

The main concern is speed and transaction cost that is playing a vital role for the success of any project. The users are now well aware of technology usages and demanding immediate results for their any query or operation on this heavily congested web. Genius token is created by an innovative team that is taking along the community to provide best services as the motto of the project is to create Butterfly effect that means with a joint family of tiny blocks this project is creating a huge setup that is able to cover up this ever increasing volume of online transactions. This platform is focused on generating distributed computing power that is the need of the hour and the best economic way where lots of people are providing their efforts to serve the community.
The projects and organizations attached with Genius Token ecosystem are now able to use this strong and distributed computing power plant setup and do their need ful so that they can survive in this highly competitive market.

Earnings with Genius Token platform

The users are motivated to allow the Genius Token project to use their internet of thing set ups and then the company is processing the data in distributed way. This distribution of data is fully backed via blockchain technology and there is no hazard of manipulation or hacking. All joined computers are providing their unused computing power and helping to get immediate solution to any internet problem that will be not possible for an individual concern. Genius Token platform is paying the customers who are allowing to use their setups with GUNS token that is the native token of the platform. The customers can use this paid reward of Guns tokens in app purchase program of the platform and also can convert their Guns tokens in any other crypto or fiat currency as per their comfort. Guns tokens are the base of this sound ecosystem, the holders of this token can use all the applications and protocols in its full potential. The holders are the stake holders and can give their useful opinions to help the platform grow rapidly.

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Strong Team & Sound RoadMap

This project is led by an innovative and hardworking team that is having tons of experience in blockchain and different sectors of the economy. The team is always in touch with best developers to support and deliver the project ecosystem with perfection by kicking out third parties and bad actors of the market. The Genius token is an independent identity and this platform is heaving a strong team and enough resources to create and implement best future development strategies as it is reflected in their RoadMap:

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In Conclusion

Technology is developing rapidly, so is the number of users is increasing drastically. Also with recent scenario where the world is facing pandemic, the importance and usage of internet of things and online transactions has increased in multiple times. To stay alive in this highly volatile and sophisticated market and to stay ahead from competitors, more computing power associated with more scalability is the need of the hour and Genius Token project is built to serve the purpose. This platform is a community oriented & distributed ecosystem built on blockchain where the community is playing active role and helping the platform to yield more computing power to generate high scalability. Genius Token platform is leading from the from the front and has created a solid structure to support the technology development and make it possible for more people to use and grow with technology developments.

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Good information. More computing power is related with high scalability.

Good going with project. using technology in full potential is a cool idea.

With tremendous usage of internet data, super computing is the need of hour and this platform looks worthy for that!

Advanced computing and more scalability is playing a vital role to stay alive in this highly volatile & sophisticated market. Useful platform!