Geoengineering; Back to Basics

in geoengineering •  7 years ago 

High bypass turbofan jet engines like you find on almost all modern military and commercial jets only leave condensation trails under the most extreme conditions. They certainly will not turn on and off, like you see in this picture.



Older jets from the WWII era had water vapor injected into the engines to cool them, leaving a distinct contrail. Modern jet engines will not leave a visible trail, what you are most likely seeing when a modern jet leaves a trail is solar radiation management or SRM.

Question 'Authority'

It would be easy to simply ignore what is happening in the sky above us and say that everything is OK, it's only harmless water condensation. This is what the people 'in charge' want from the masses; quiet capitulation to their crimes against humanity and nature. When you look up and see that the sky has been zigzagged with long artificial clouds that persist and spread into a thick haze, do not assume that it is water vapor. Ask questions and be skeptical of anyone who has a perfectly good reason for why we are under constant artificial cloud cover. They are either under the influence of people lying to them or worse yet, part of the problem.


from my Nexus 6

If you're new to this discussion, check out this video from Dane Wigington of as he explains what geoengineering is:

Take care out there, look up and question everything!

xo, b.

Just Beth.jpg

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Don't know exactly what they are spraying over us almost everyday in "Merica" land of the free home of the brave, but I do know enough not to trust these rat bastard TPTB with anything. If it's anything close to what they are putting in the water, vaccines, or on the food to make it 'safe', I don't want any part of it.


We have been lucky with minimal spraying the past two weeks! A minor bit tonight but for the most part, not as bad as it has been all year.
I try my best to bring it to anyone's attention who will listen.
Keep fighting the fight, that's all we can do!