Artificially Flooding The Most Fertile Ground In Europe

in geoengineering •  7 years ago  (edited)

This topic might come as a shock to many, especially readers from my country. I found this a complex theme, but have a strong will to try and visualize my perception to you. It dates few years ago, when floods like never seen before hit us and created many disadvantages for us as a collective.


Many scientists

did thorough research and confirmed they were caused by HAARP technology, one of them is Serbian doctor and professor Velimir Abramović.

In case you are unaware of HAARP technology, read my article about it here.

As Abramović stated:

The cyclone that brought all the harm is not a theory, rather reality from many scientific experiments conducted. Especially the ones which are following the path of Nikola Tesla.

He continued adding:

These were not theoretical floods, rather realistic ones. In the next days I expect many more precipitations and earthquakes.

Maybe this will come as a shock to you but guy was right. In the next few days, even more floods came destroying everything in its path...

Not only the people lost their agriculture businesses and farms they worked whole life for, many unfortunate individuals lost their lives. If that was not enough, people lost their homes and basically their whole lives overnight. Everything was changed, and nothing is the same since then.

Meanwhile all the mass media (yes even the Croatian media is controlled :D) reported how this tragic floods were never seen before, how we need to stay tough and act together to be able to get out of this efficiently.

So they did their PR stunts, jumping from place to place - organizing charities and all that.

People did unite since they found good purpose in it, went to help those in need... And it was successful.

You know why? Cause people are good, they have good hearts. But the fact that media is connecting everything with their emotions so they Buy it - that is the fact many are still unaware of...

One point was somehow hidden and majority never questioned it, until they forgout about everything as a whole.

What if this floods were artificially created? Even the better one: Why were they artificially created?

Russian Research


Since Russia is close ally to Serbia, they sent their team of experts scientists and physicists (geoengineering professionals) to do their research. They came to Serbia instantly and remained there for 2 weeks. What they found was shocking.

If you want to visualize how the sky looked like at the time of the events (btw notice the "Clouds" pattern please):

Professor Abramović stands as one of the greatest acquaintances of Nikola Tesla work. While partnered with Russian experts, they brought up these crucial points:

As Tesla proved,

the lightning or electromagnetic discharge is created by rainfalls. In this particular case, the rain was falling for days without a single lighting. Why is that so? When you artificially create electromagnetic field that is inevitable for vapor condensation, there is no discharge - meaning there is no lightning.

The rain was falling for days,

but there was no raindrops. Just a huge flow of water concentrated specifically above the Balkan territory. Since when is the rain ethically committed? This kind of precision can only be achieved with two frequencies.

Three days before the rain started falling, cyclone was circulating. In reality, that was just moisture collecting which is crucial for the rainfall. When enough was collected, cyclone concentrated right above parts of Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia.

Afterwards, the electromagnetic frequency was added for the moisture condensation. The result was the huge flow of water I tried to visualize you with the picture. There were no real raindrops.

As scientists added,

what shocked them the most was cyclone that was oscillating:

When preferred level of moisture disappeared and rainfall started getting weaker - cyclone would start transitioning towards The Carpathian Mountains.

After collecting enough new moisture, it would come right back above the Balkan and continue the rainfall. During the floods, situation similar to this occurred at least 5 times!

The last and most shocking part:

When the heating of Ionosphere (HAARP) is suddenly switched off, the hole that was formed returns to the ground quick. In that process, low frequency ionospheric waves form. You can call them tectonic, since they enter the resonance with the tectonic plates. During three days after HAARP was switched off, the earthquake has to occur there or somewhere geographically close.

Believe it or not, that is exactly what happened and you can check it for yourself. Second day already, there was an earthquake in Albania. The day after it, earthquake happened in Bosnia as well.

Whatever you may thought about HAARP causing earthquakes or not - this is life experience people. Things that I know, feel and I've observed them since day one...

Even the Abramović himself stated

HAARP should have been used to examine the ionosphere, but it is being used as a tool to weaponize the weather. It is currently one of the most dangerous weapon tools. The ionosphere layer is charged with positive electricity and when you heat that layer (that is 50 kilometers away from the Earth on the winters, 70 on summers), it creates a whole in the ionosphere. Through that whole, from the ground you want to manipulate, warm air passes and cools itself there. Afterwards, you can use electromagnetic frequencies to cause condensation of moisture and rainfall.

Feel like adding 1 more visual,

so you can perceive how the sky looked. Anyone who dug just 1% below the surface should realize what is this. As you can see, there is massive aerosol in the sky. Meaning, not only HAARP technology was used but others as well.

If you want to, you can read my post about spraying aerosols here.

The one about spraying in my hometown is here.


was ever the same after these floods, and it won't be. Complete switch came in our agriculture industry and in our lives in general.


The floods

hit literally most fertile ground in whole Europe. Not just that, the amount of fertile ground we had could easily feed many more countries than just us.

3 days after the floods passed

Big Humanitarian corporation came and offered us their aid in resolving the situation. Can you think of who it was? Monsanto! Yes. Think no more.

Basically after the most fertile ground in Europe got ruined, people lost lives, homes - everything... Big Monsanto came and tried to gift us their artificial seed. Can you believe this shit? Not just that, our media portrayed the action as something positive - Big USA, and that shit. Laughing my ass off (if anyone is from USA don't take this personal)...

In case you didn't know, this is how Monsanto workers treat the crops that get on your plate.

I can assure you that was the main plan: Limit their fucking options, so they don't have a fucking choice! Now I am mad again.

We are forced to import doubtful foods from Italy and Spain. People would think Italy and Spain have nice groceries but reality is far from that.

In this reality we live in, Italy and Spain is just a trick to import GMO in a country that had perfect agricultural setup once...



As I got mad right now, it is the best option to stop with writing... To not let my emotions guide me.

I think I've provided enough information, for the people who are willing to listen.

What can we do about this?

We need to work on ourselves. If you want to change the world, change the way you think. :)

We need to treat ourselves better in every way, so we can differentiate in this huge pile of shit we exist in.

Education (but true education) is really important in order to change the world, not just that, we need to work on our Spiritual parts. Nothing can be solved with violence, only thing that could solve this is a global peaceful revolution of the minds...

But sometimes a bit of violence is okay (like my picture) :)

Btw: I couldn't give two fucks about your ability to repeat repetitive information. All I really care about is do you feel the real things with your heart...

Real eyes, realize, real lies

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Yep, haarp is working all over the planet and its such an "out there/tin foil hat subject that the masses dont want to know about it.... There was an episode of a 60s tv show called " the invaders" which had the invaders(aliens) creating tornadoes in places to make it easier for them to gain power over the area, coincidence? I think not.

I'm glad to hear you both embarrassing and working on this anger. Great post, say on the path of a higher conciseness. This topic is powerful and the irony is it can really end up doing us a lot of good..

Agreed! This is one of the easiest truths to comprehend in the beginning. That is why, highest focus is here at the moment.

This anger is here for a loong time man, before I didn't even know where it came from.

As time passed, I realized its because I'm being forced in the system whole life - even though I feel different

Of course, I developed some anger at my parents as well, since they were loyal agenda agents...

They didn't do it on purpose though, they just didn't know better considering the times they were in

That is why we spread the word to young people here, so they can become the best parents possible :)

you have a very convincing style of writing things.
I can absolutely respect that.

It reads smooth and there is some sort of flow in it without some sort of "pointing finger" or "preaching" feeling to it!!
It's almost as if the feeling you get when done reading is like "aah, allready?".

1 thing, and I saw his being said a few times before me, but 1 thing I would like is some sort of source reference, or some more "proof" (visual etc.).

I mean, don't get me wrong, you explain everything in such a good way that a less critic person would believe it and need no more proof.

I am of course not saying you lie, or make up things, but just some more proof would really make the whole experience of reading your stuff complete.

you gained a follower in me, hope to see more from you
Nice to see how a country pretty close to mine, has such different issues and way of thinking. And I love it.

Kind regards from Holland!

Okay brother, thank you for the kinds words. I will definitely keep that in mind and work hard to give you that last part of the puzzle, you crave for :)

I really appreciate the fact you came here and share your thoughts with me, feel free to keep in contact with me I would love to help you on the platform and support you a bit

Have a good day!

the pleasure is mine ;)
Just keep on writing these things.

Get people to think.
That's what I try to do on a whole other subject, but we are all the same.
We make people think.
Even if they say that we are crazy, then they still think about whát we said....

The seed planted is an unstoppable force.

Agreed! That is what I always say :)

My work is done here, the seed is planted

A series of unusual floods?
Geoengineering weather modification isn't unusual, it's criminal!

Agreed! Its just being portrayed as unusual :) Trickery...

And this could be our future

Lol, thats a reality bruv

Follow the white rabbit - Patent on Evil CoverWhiteRabbit.jpg

lol this kind of info should be free