Hardcore Aerosol Spraying In Zagreb, Croatia

in geoengineering •  7 years ago  (edited)


wouldn't believe what we had to go through in these last few years... Nation's health is declining, people are literally getting sicker day by day not even understanding the true consequences. The manipulation of the public or you can say Collective Brainwash was never at the higher level.

On a regular basis we have to deal with heavy attacks from the skies...

The picture you can see below comes from the capital of Croatia, Zagreb

The amount of ignorance is at pretty high rate, most of the days you can see skies similar to these but no one seems to notice. Everyone seems to be busy with their Enslavement phones, how @runicar said.

Is it better that way? What do you think?

Climate Engineering

hit us in many ways, not only our Sun exposure is violently limited, we are getting sprayed with shitload of life-threatening chemicals. Not just that, since weather cycles are thing of a past most of farmer's crops were destroyed. Now the prices are more expensive, while farmers have around 30% of what they usually have had.

The picture you can see below was once a fertile ground, now it is called Croatian Sahara

I think you will understand why.

You need to keep in mind Croatia had ones of the most fertile grounds globally. After artificially flooding the most fertile resources, few days later Media stated how Monsanto is offering free seed in worth of 1 million Euros.

Nowadays, most are forced to buy GMO. There is 4 500 000 living in Croatia. When you consider what kind of ground we have and most are stuck buying modified food, you know what time it is!

This Kind Of Agriculture Situation resulted in a Historic switch when it comes to nutritional options. Never there was more artificial fruits and vegetables that mysteriously can't root somehow...

Fact #1 On average: We see sun one or two times weekly, maximum


Situation is not normal, and the population is in collective Vitamin D deficiency.

In case you don't know much about it, you can check my post here.

It is funny though, how always the mass chemical attack is going in front of my window.

Open window or not to open it? Seems like first option is way better at the moment.

I'm spreading the harsh truth of this reality since I found out about it.

Many didn't want to comprehend me on the way but now many are acknowledging their senses.

As soon as I've seen this, I ran out to grab some pictures (even though that maybe wasn't a smart idea).

The Sun-path was basically bombarded, it was obvious that colder weather is coming and even higher reduction in Sun-exposure.

Soon as I got home, the situation looked like this. A bit cloudy don't you think? When you compare it to the first one.

Thankfully to my buddy,

I've learned how to create a Chemtrail Buster. Soon, I will put it into action and will inform you how it went.

Meanwhile, check how it is made here

Original work from @gameywatchman. Really excited to have met that guy.


seeing the Sun was Mission Impossible. Considering the massive facade that was made and is standing in the sky right now.


We are legitimately in a Gas Chamber.

Not for the first time ever, but first time in the last two days.

Sun is completely covered and it is barely possible to get some exposure. The temperature went down and air became heavy...

Did someone say massive aerosol?

Many people who realize some truths start to approach things negatively. I personally feel that is a trap and you should use the information you have to benefit you.

Keeping that in mind, if there is a chemical warfare above you make sure to use all the means you can to keep yourself healthy.

Exciting times indeed, but dangerous and challenging. We need to efficiently detox ourselves as a mean of counter-defense, that is the way everyone should choose. Never underestimate the power of detox.

I'm encouraging every single one of you to take the necessary steps, these events that occur above our heads are not healthy.

Always have to be the one who is sharing this kind of information, I love to write about everything - but someone has to do it. Most don't want to.

I understand that sometimes it is easier just to put the pink glasses and act like nothing is happening. But lets face it, this is real. The purpose is nowhere noble, but all the contrary.

That being the main reason, why we must make sure to take all the measures needed, to protect the people we love.

Don't just watch this happen and feel helpless. That won't bring nothing but make it harder. Rather contribute...

If you feel like it, read another post of mine about Chemical spraying here.

Don' take this kind of posts as something strange, please. I wish we could become friends. This is just:


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This is the largest crime against humanity in human history

I agree lady, your views always inspire me :)

That's a crazy amount of chem trails! I don't think I've seen that many together at the same time.

Yup it is! But I've seen more :)