I've been corresponding with the Met Office in the UK as well as the Department of Geoengineering at Oxford University for years and been getting nowhere but recently something has changed. A couple of years ago I Tweeted a picture of some hazy cloud that I had watched form from an aircraft contrail to the Met Office in the UK and I got a reply back saying that they looked like cirrus clouds and when pressed about the fact they had formed from aircraft condensation trails I was told that the Met Office are not involved in and are not aware of any ongoing Geoengineering program and they do not recognise the term "Chemtrail".
Last month I again contacted the Met Office, this time by e mail to include some pictures and videos of the sky full of trails and haze. I waited for the mandatory 48 hours for a reply and received nothing so I called them and was told that they had not responded because they have responded to a previous similar query in the past. I informed them that my previous queries had talked about chemtrails and my latest query did not mention the word at all and only referred to aircraft condensation trails.
The reply I then got was as follows...
"Thank you for your phone call and your email.
I was the supervisor to whom Tammy spoke earlier. The automatic response customers receive when they contact us states that "Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to all of your emails, but please be assured we are reading them". If you did not receive this auto response (and were therefore unaware that a reply to your enquiry is not guaranteed) it is possible that our auto response was blocked by your organisation's spam filters, which is out of our control.
Regrettably, as a government organisation we do not have the resources to repsond to multiple enquiries from the same customer on very similar topics. As an employee of a government organisation yourself, I am sure you can appreciate such constraints.
As you have previously corresponded with us regarding condensation trails and geo-engineering and have received a reply to your previous enquiries, there is little else we could add to this.
I have located some pages and articles which may be of interest to you in relation to your enquiries. All are publically accessible and as such, you may have already seen them in the course of conducting your research.
WMO cloud atlas - http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/news/releases/2017/new-clouds-named-in-wmo-cloud-atlas
(see also: https://www.wmocloudatlas.org/aircraft-condensation-trails.html)
Cloud factsheet (see page 56) - http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/binaries/content/assets/mohippo/pdf/library/factsheets/12_0674-factsheet-1_clouds.pdf
Cloud types for observers (see page 34) - http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/binaries/content/assets/mohippo/pdf/r/i/cloud_types_for_observers.pdf
Environmental Information Regulations response to question about contrails - http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/binaries/content/assets/mohippo/pdf/p/m/contrails_disc_log_011.pdf
What is geoengineering? (video) -
Geo-engineering research - http://www.exeter.ac.uk/g360/"
You could not make this shit up !!! For years I was stonewalled by every agency I contacted and now all of a sudden they officially recognise man made clouds and what I was previously told were plain old Cirrus are now officially named "Cirrus Homogenitus" and there is nothing more Met Office have to say.
Met Office and others continue to report the weather as natural when it is clearly not but now they have officially named the man made clouds perhaps some research can begin into how these clouds which are being formed on a global scale are affecting the earths climate and weather patterns as well as blocking the sun and whitening the sky.