The Geoengineering never stops and I never stop taking pictures of it happening

in geoengineering •  7 years ago 

I've been taking pictures of the Geoengineered skies since June 2014 and over that time I have taken over 1000 photos. For anyone that is interested, here is a link to the Google Photo album which organises the pictures in chronological order. Currently, it is set so that only I can add photos but I am happy to open it up if anyone is interested in adding any photos. @jamesc or @bethalea are a couple of people that immediately spring to mind.

The weather has been pretty cold and snowy in South Wesk UK recently with days going by without seeing any blue sky, but there have been a few occasions where we had a break in the weather and for brief periods in the morning, the skies were reasonably blue and clear. As usual, the Geoengineers wouldn't allow clear blue skies and unimpeded sunshine so I photographed the trails being laid and then followed up with some photos showing the haze that was left after the contrails had spread out.

All photos below were taken by me from the 20th March onwards.

20th March at 10:38. Haze visible and trail being laid.

20th March at 10:54. Trail visible in front of the sun and haze surrounds it.

21st March at 08:04. At least four trails visible in the picture at various degrees of dissipation. Sun blocked.

21st March at 08:07. Changed location and purposely hid the sun behind a object so haze and trails more visible.

21st March at 08:20. Photo of sun clearly showing haze and gravity waves with a freshely laid trail in the bottom of the picture.

21st March at 10:35. Trails have dissipated to form haze which is clearly visible. Possible 'real' cloud mixed with geoengineered haze. The skies are almost always milky white and rarely deep blue like they once used to be.

Moving on to today.

26th March at 08:53. On the right of the picture you can see a trail that has dissipated to form haze. One of the problems with taking photos with mobile phones is that often, the skies are made bluer automatically by the camera software on the phone. Sometimes I can be looking at a sky that my eyes see as light blue/almost white but in photos it looks blue.

26th March 09:07. Two trails visible that have started to spread. Sun obscured.

26th March 09:28.

26th March 09:31.

26th March 12:29. Very little blue sky visible and sun completely obscured. If the skies are clear and blue in the morning it is rare for them to still be so by midday following morning trails.

Something is happening to our weather and our skies. Whether it is geoengineering/chemtrails/contrails/HAARP is not really important because only those who are aware something is happening have gotten to the point of even looking into these things. What is important is that people start to wake up and realise that something is happening and it has been happening for a long time now (20 years at least) and it is happening world wide.

Sadly, the current generation have never known the skies to be any different than they are now. They rarely if ever see deep blue skies free from cloud, haze or trails and when this is coupled with the intentional but subtle way the skies are depicted in TV programmes, movies and games (check out GTA5 for example), it's too easy for them to dismiss those that are concerned and do remember when things used to be different.

A global geoengineering programme has been ongoing literally in front of our noses for decades but most people are just too brainwashed/busy/uninterested to notice. I realise that I am probably preaching to the choir with this message but if even one person reads this and as a result starts paying more attention to the skies and starts to notice what very quickly becomes obvious once you start looking, they in turn will start to point things out to other people.

There is no need to muddy the waters with talk of HAARP/chemtrails or anthing else (and that doesn't mean they are not real or a contributing factor), all people need to do is LOOK UP and they cannot fail to see that something is seriously wrong. They can of course like most people, ignore it or spend a few minutes looking at disinfo sites like Snopes before dismissing it all as a conspiracy theory, but this is just a numbers game. There will always be those that don't want to confront difficult situations. All I can do is try to get as many people as I can to start looking up and asking their own questions. Over the past 4 years I've spoken to hundreds of people about it and it always pleases me when people I have forgotten I spoke to say things to me like, "I thought about you on the weekend as I was on the beach and noticed the blue skies turn to haze after the skies were filled with trails".

No matter what happens, I along with the thousands of others around the world who are awake to this, won't stop speaking out against what has got to be one of the biggest crimes against humanity ever perpetrated.

Will you look up and join me?

Thanks for reading.

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Agree with you 100% on all points. The biggest problem we face is that the crime is so big, it's implication so horrible that most people will not be able to believe it. It took me a long time to become aware of it myself. And honestly, two years ago I would have laughed at you, thinking you are crazy.
But even if it is too late, we owe it to ourselves to yell out the truth wherever we can...

The biggest problem we face is that the crime is so big, it's implication so horrible that most people will not be able to believe it.

Absolutely !! This is the main problem I face when trying to speak to people about the issue and I can remember when I first started to realise the extent of the problem how overwhelming it was.

Now I am aware of just how huge the problem is I find it hard to shut up about it, much to the consternation of my friends and colleagues ;-)

Thanks for taking the time to read/comment.

its a little hard for me to understand all but i am getting the idea, if some day you have time to explain me with more easy words i will like to speack about on spanish, after all its something that we can see every day

I will find some websites that cover the topic that are in Spanish or I will find some good sites and use Google Translate.
Try this wikipedia article to start (In Spanish)

Always great to know you are not alone.

Yes, things are wrong. Something is rotten in the state of (fill in the blank).

I have been commenting for years. When I find someone who really does not accept it, I simply call or send them a message each day about the shitty, overcast weather. After a while they get the shits about me complaining about the weather, at which point I point out that it is because it is EVERY day they are irritated...that makes some people think about things a little.

I've changed my approach over the past 7-8 years and am able to get people to start looking into the topic as long as I don't talk about chemtrails/haarp. Even if the trails and haze we see in the sky are simply just water vapour, it doesn't change the fact that water vapour is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 and cannot fail to be be having an impact on the climate. Add in the global network of power stations that produce huge amounts of water vapour and it gets harder and harder to ignore. Most people are not even aware that global dimming is a real thing (it has a Wikipedia article and everything ;-).

Thanks for taking the time to read/comment.

Agreed...I live in an area where there is very little chemtrail activity (SW Wisconsin), but have noticed much more activity around the current vernal equinox. Have you noticed any patterns with spraying and key times of the solar calendar? Great write up - thanks for posting it

Interesting question. I have not looked for any pattern but now you mention it, if what we are seeing is Solar Radiation Management (SRM) in action then it might make sense for there to be increases spraying at times when the levels of radiation being emitted by the sun increase. Thanks for suggesting this. I will look into it.

No problem, thanks for the feedback. I have been paying closer attention to key dates of the sun of late, and noticed an increase in "contrails/chemtrails" where I live given how intense the sun has been along the horizon during the week of the equinox.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

I love it, I finally bought a decent camera and one of it's purposes is to continue to expose the Geoengineering Campaign!

Right on brother. Feel free to send me links to any posts you put out with your photos and I will take a look and upvote them.

Thanks for commenting.

I am going to be co-sponsoring a Geoengineering #dailydose contest next month and will make sure I get you that link when it is up.

Here is the link to the current contest that is ending soon should you want to jump in.

Here is my latest photo submissions