Geoengineering, fact or fiction?

in geoengineering •  8 years ago  (edited)

People like to claim that geoengineering or the pop word “chemtrails” that describe the lines in our skies is bogus because the governments or corporations wouldn’t do these things without our knowledge or consent.

Well here is a good piece that brings this question up if they are legally allowed to do it or not without our consent.

The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract)—

(1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or

(2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects.

This seems to say that they must acquire your consent.  …Or does it?…

Please read on to section (b)…

(b) EXCEPTIONS.—Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e), the prohibition in subsection (a) does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes:

(1) Any peaceful purpose that is related  to a medical,therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or  research activity.

 (2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.

 (3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control.

 (c) INFORMED CONSENT REQUIRED.—The  Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment described in  subsection (b) only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from  each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject.

 (d) PRIOR NOTICE TO CONGRESS.—Not later  than 30 days after the date of final approval within the Department of  Defense of plans for any experiment or study to be conducted by the  Department of Defense (whether directly or under contract) involving the  use of human subjects for the testing of a chemical agent or a  biological agent, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee  on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on National Security  of the House of Representatives a report setting forth a full accounting  of those plans, and the experiment or study may then be conducted only  after the end of the 30- day period beginning on the date such report is  received by those committees….

Here the US quietly admits this in the paper.

Here the CIA director publicly talks about it.

There is also evidence that shows that this has been going on since the 1940’s.   

The Federal Government has been involved for over 30 years in a number of aspects of weather modification,  through activities of both the Congress and the executive branch. Since 1947, weather modification bills pertaining to research support,  operations, policy studies, regulations, liabilities, activity  reporting, establishment of panels and committees, and international  concerns have been introduced in the Congress. There have been hearings  on many of these proposed measures, and oversight hearings have also  been conducted on pertinent ongoing programs.”     

Operation Popeye in Vietnam 

“The Department of Defense has requested our approval to initiate the operational phase of Project Popeye in selected areas (map at clip)2  along the infiltration routes in North Vietnam and southern Laos. The objective of the program is to produce sufficient rainfall along these lines of communication to interdict or at least interfere with truck traffic between North and South Vietnam. Recently improved cloud seeding techniques would be applied on a sustained basis, in a non-publicized effort to induce continued rainfall through the months of the normal dry season.”  

Here a newspaper talks about how it can be used and paid for during events such as weddings to get rain free weddings.   

A luxury holiday company is offering to use geo-engineering to guarantee  ‘fair weather and clear skies’ – for a starting price tag of £100,000   

Another newspaper talks about how geoengineering was used during the Olympics in China to control the weather. 

China's cunning multimillion-pound plan to manipulate the Olympic weather seems to be yielding results. While rain drenched the capital yesterday, the downpour that should have fallen on Friday night was averted; Olympic organisers fired a barrage of 1,110 rockets into the evening sky to make sure the 2008 Olympic opening ceremony was precipitation-free.  

Another newspaper talks about how much money that have been invested by different countries in geoengineering and to control the weather.

This summer, China set aside $30 million for a controversial project that involves shooting salt-and-mineral-filled bullets into the sky. Their mission? Make it rain. The project is part of a larger campaign of so-called weather modification techniques that the country has been using since at least 2008, when they claim to have cleared the skies for the Beijing Olympics by forcing the rain to come early. China is far from the only nation trying to bring (or stop) the rain. At least 52 countries - including the United States - have current weather modification programs, 10 more countries than five years ago, according to the World Meteorological Organization.  

It has also been spoken about at a UN conference by Rosalind Peterson in the context of agriculture and the negative effects it can have.

It’s time to start to research and inform ourselves about what is going on in the skies above us. Here are two introduction videos that I think will shine some light on the topic of geoengineering for the people that are unaware.

Why in the world are they spraying

What in the world are they spraying

If you later on want to read through official documents about this topic then I would suggest you go to this link. 

Here is a recording from a hearing at Shasta County July 15th, 2014 about the topic of geoengineering where different people with different skill sets and backgrounds demands an investigation into this topic and also gives testimonies.

No study has been made on the health effects of geoengineering which should alarm everyone and here in this article it states this:   

“there is substantial evidence that a host of adverse human health effects will directly result from climate change, very little has been done to describe the potential human health impacts of this emerging disruptive technology. We have described the potential occupational and public health impacts of inadvertent exposure to potential SRM materials, and have also speculated on the possible health impacts of exposure to barium titanate using knowledge of similar nanomaterials”  

Here is a long list of Geoengineering patents that keeps being updated showing the various techniques.

Geoengineering and Weather Modification Patents

The History of Artificial Clouds: How to Geoengineer a Planet with Jet Fuel

Here is a presentation about the use of HAARP to control the weather by Nick Begich

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Horrific fact

Yes a very horrific fact. The fact that it has not been done a single public safety study when it comes to the environmental health or human health. But one doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that what goes up has to come down and that nano particles goes through your body and bypass the whole immune system. We already see the effects of this in nature such as very acidic soil and among humans that get respiratory problems more and more. Here is a good watch for the one that has not watched it yet, a public hearing in Shasta county about this topic.