Geoengineering Research and Technology Recommended in Report to CongresssteemCreated with Sketch.

in geoengineering •  8 years ago  (edited)

A new planning report was sent to Congress today in an attempt to normalize the acceptability of deliberately manipulating Earth's atmosphere with the alleged goal of cooling the planet.


This new endorsement of geoengineering by the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) comes with growing concern in the current establishment about the uncertainty of the new Trump administration's policies and actions to take towards climate change.


The new report, title The National Global Change Research Plan 2012-2021: A Triennial Update (January 2017), only talks about geoengineering in a short area. I only found the actual word "geoengineering" mention once! They reference geoengineering as "mitigation technologies" or "climate intervention". The stated goal is to "work to identify research needed to understand interactions between mitigation activities and the underlying processes of Earth system behavior." This data will then be used to enhance the "spatial and temporal precision across multiple geographic scales within and beyond the United States"

This report is composed from research across 13 departments and agencies. None of these agencies expressly supports geoengineering research. But federal climate science officials have been reviewing the geoengineering topic ever since Obama took office in 2009.


In the first public interview that the then newly appointed White House science adviser did, John Holdren said he had already been discussing this controversial idea of geoengineering in his new position. Even at that point, public perception and acceptance of geoengineering was not favorable, causing a scuffle about if the White House was even considering using geoengineering or not.

After that, the government and federal officials have been weary of approaching the topic publicly again. Despite their acquiescence, the Royal Society in the United Kingdom, the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and the House of Representatives science committee all have called for government-funded geoengineering research. Many scientists have proposed theories or models from blocking the sun to carbon removal.


Global Climate Monitoring and "Mitigation"

You have likely heard of PRISM, the global surveillance program developed by the NSA which can spy on the whole planet basically. Well the geoengineering agenda wants to take that to a public level for monitoring of climate data, but openly accepted by the world:

Multiple data streams (e.g., satellites, inventories, societal indicators, process models) can be included and harmonized to optimally constrain estimates of carbon fluxes on land, in oceans, and connecting surface waters.

That just sounds like a plan for carbon "taxing" the whole Earth through planetary metrics. They will monitor everything and automatically charge your through satellite data collection. This is what some "visionaries" who "fight climate change" are trying to do. Climate taxation and carbon credits are a scam.

If you are aware of the past geoengineering evidence, such as has been covered by Geoengineering Watch and people like Dutchsinse, then you know there has been long standing activity in this realm. It has all been done, in secret, with little admitted concern for the safety of people.

Just go look into chemtrails for a starter. There is research proposing increasing reflectivity of the sun, which is one of the suspected purposes of chemtrails. The material they use to do that, isn't what you call "safe" for the public... but they don't care to tell us this is going on. That's not the topic of this post though. There is also HAARP to look into.


The report says they are looking to study the methods of "climate intervention" while also "laying a science and governance foundation that would allow potential future experiments to be conducted in ethical and responsible ways."

They are admitting they are "now" looking into geoengineering technology, but want to assure us we will be safe from such technology, although they say this tech isn't being used "now", but possibly in the future: "some types of deliberative climate intervention may someday be one of a portfolio of tools used in managing climate change."

They only say "other" parties may be interested in looking into it as well (even though there is evidence China has already been engaging in such activity which you can find online): "side effects of climate intervention becomes all the more apparent with the recognition that other countries or the private sector may decide to conduct intervention experiments independently from the U.S. Government."

So the report says again, it's a future thing, not that it's already happening now. anyone reading that would not even consider that geoengineering has already been happening.

Future Administration Plans

The worry about Trump -- for those who promote the "global warming" or climate change problem, as well as look forward to geoengineering -- is that may focus on geoengineering in terms of the data collection without actually doing any geoengineering. They think he'll just drag his feet to collect data as an excuse to not do anything about climate change.

Others, like Simon Nicholson of the Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment at American University in Washington, D.C., is worried about overly eager adopters of climate engineering. Some people might embrace it technological "magic solution" to deal with problems we created rather than changing our behavior. Applying a Band-Aid while never actually healing the wound or stopping to injure yourself is not going to solve the problem at its root causal source.


Nicholson admits that even if Trump and the White House avoid research into geoengineering, that US intelligence agencies might still be interested in pursuing it. The reason for this justification on his part is how he recognizes "other countries are pursuing their own planetary cooling technologies". Even though as I said this research has been going on within the US and other countries for several years. It's just not officially admitted to the public.

As has been demonstrated with the Cold War, when security agencies get involved in something they tend to focus only on the threat. Focusing on geoengineering as a security threat from other countries will also promote secrecy around geoengineering studies and technology.

Rather than continue the ongoing research and development of geoengineering technologies, as has been done with HAARP and chemtrails without public disclosure, It would be better if geoengineering would become openly discussed and available for public and global review.


Because right now, all of this crap has been going on and we have been kept in the dark. Further, all of this has been denied by the establishment while they keep experimenting with potentially dangerous methodologies to attempt to control and manipulate the weather and climate on Earth.

This also leads to control of people and populations, which is why the intelligence agencies are interested in it. To be able to create massive drought in one area, or massive rain, can heavily affect the food growing in an area and depopulate regions of the earth. Depopulation is a serious agenda for the elites.

Geoengineering is a controversial topic that has had evidence of its use for many decades, yet people have denied its actual functionality and current operational status.

We are tampering with the overall balance of climate forces in the closed system of our planet. The manipulations in one area of our climate system can and does affect other areas of our climate system.

It's sad that we always try to find band-aid "quick fixes" to deal with problems we create, rather than stopping to create the problems in the first place.

We can stop poisoning our land, water and air if we want to.

Knowledge of what we are doing to ourselves is required in order empower us to change what we are doing.

Geoengineering is not going to save us from ourselves.

Geoengineering is not the solution. . It will promote us to more deeply ingrain our denial and ignorance of what we are doing to ourselves.


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2017-01-09, 5:17pm

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