Yet another unique micro-crystal cluster

in geology •  7 years ago 

For you red crystal lovers, this is a beauty.
I would not really consider this specimen a micro-crystal, as the druzy crystals show up very nicely to the naked eye. However, some magnification is necessary to truly appreciate it's beauty
As I attempt to zoom in, the structure become more apparent. and the sparkle is great.
I took this and the following photos with a zoom on my smart phone. It is very apparent the crystals are red, and not a reflection of the matrix behind them. The white and pink spots you see are reflected light.
The following pics are taken with the aide of our stereoscope.
I believe these crystals are red garnets, as I have never seen red quartz this deep red before. The structures are similar.

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Did you dig that up yourself? That’s a real beauty.

Sure! From from the pile of collections that have accumulated in the back store-room of our store. :-D

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Nice crystal, how do you get access to such crystal, its hard to find over here, but they look like malachite, just guessing though😂