Geopolis photo contest entries - Start voting!

in geopolis •  7 years ago 

Last week some interesting entries were submitted and now it is time to decide who is the winner! There were exactly 3 entries so every author will be rewarded with SBD. The only question is who will take home the first prize? You can read how to vote below the entries. Don't hesitate to do this as the authors will be grateful.

The funnel weaver spiders I know and love: My entry to the first ever Geopolis photo contest

I'm expecting there to be many aesthetically pleasing pictures in the first @geopolis photo contest.  I understand that spiders are not everyone's cup of tea, but I think my entry is pleasant looking, and I hope to sway your opinion, too.

Webs lacing the brickwork concealing terrifying (looking), but harmless funnel weaver spiders are a very common sight where I live. These are not to be confused with the dangerously poisonous funnel web spiders from Australia...

Preservation of igneous textures - 2 billion year old pillow basalts

The picture is from my visit to the Ungava Peninsula in northern  Quebec. On the picture you can see round blebs of rock covering the  outcrop. On the picture below I have highlighted these features for you.

Pillow basalts form when hot lava erupts into water. The water  leads to extremely fast cooling of the exterior of the lava, solidifying  its surface and forming beautiful pillow shapes. These particular  pillow basalts where photographed on the Purtuniq ophiolite, a piece of  oceanic crust that has been obducted onto the continent. The age of the  Purtuniq ophiolite has been dated to be 2 billion years old[1]. That means these rocks are representing the ocean floor two billion years ago...

Why Camping at Enchanted Rock Will Keep You Up All Night?

Located 23 minutes North of Fredericksburg, Texas, and 1 hour 45  minutes Northwest of Austin, Texas, Enchanted Rock is one of the most  popular destinations for hikers, campers, climbers, and cavers in the  State.  The uniqueness of this Park brings hundreds of thousands of  visitors each year.  Most come for the beauty and activities the Park  provides but there is much more available if you are willing to scratch  the surface.

Enchanted Rock is a large pink granite rock that is the product of  a never erupted chamber of magma that cooled over a period of a billion  years creating a distinctive underground batholith.   What makes the area even more interesting is that although it cooled  underneath earth's surface, today it is 300-400 ft above ground and is  one of the highest points in the area...

How to cast a vote

Voting is fairly simple, place a comment saying "I vote for" + The title of the post you would like to vote for, easy as that! Of course only one vote per person and the post with the most votes on Thursday the 22nd of March at midnight will win! On a draw, the post with the lowest payout will be selected and the final score will be announced the day after the voting closes.

Good luck everyone!

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I vote for "Preservation of igneous textures - 2 billion year old pillow basalts"

Excusing myself from voting due to obvious conflicts of interest. However, I gotta say that either of the other two posts are excellent.

I vote for "preservation of generous textures 2 billion year old pillow basalts"

I loved all of them so it was hard. Ultimately one had the most epic photos and a story?!?!

I vote for

thank you. I appreciate it.

Congratulations to the winner. This is really a unique and beautiful photo.

You do realize the contest is not over yet?

I vote for Preservation of igneous textures - 2 billion year old pillow basalts.

I vote for "Preservation of igneous textures - 2 billion year old pillow basalts".

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment