Is the stock market topped out? When will the collapse become apparent

in geopolitical •  7 years ago 

Hello steemit community
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is anthony ulfig and i am an avid follower of economic and geopolitical issues affecting the united states and the rest of the world. I have followed the works of many very credible people in all areas of my interest. Some of my influences include Ron Paul, Dr Paul Craig Roberts, Mike Malloney, Gerald Celente, Gregory Mannarino, Harry Dent, along with many many others. My carreer has allowed me countless hours to listen to about everything these guys have said over the past 3 or so years.
Our world is ever increasingly becoming on the edge of a major collapse or correction. The federal reserve has inflated bubbles that are so far out of whack that many many people are going to be wiped out when this happens. The big question is when will this take place? From everyone i have heard speaking on this the aggrigate answer seems to be toward the end of this summer leading into the fall and 2018. So.... if this assumption is correct.... then how do we prepare for this scenario? Will this lead to war? If so what is your plan? Have you considered if we see a crisis where your grocery store shelves are empty? Or have you considered where you live? Is that a safe place to even be?. When this crisis happens we will see a collapse to the like that humanity has never seen. If this does spark off ww3 humanity may cease to exist. Between usa and russia we have nearly 16000 nuclear warheads each capable of destroying an area nearly the size of the state of new york according to dr paul craig roberts. I suggest everyone also look at venezuela and what is happening over there. This could be america in the coming months and years.
I plan to start my blog on this topic here as im going to break down each of these topics and what i have done with our family to prepare.
I welcome any followers and comments.
Be easy on me as i know my grammer may not be perfect lol..... I assure you though I am very serious about this stuff.
Thank you for reading
Anthony Ulfig

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