I recommend this essay by Yaroslav Trofimov. Going in this article, do not think the author takes the very idea of a "West" for granted.
He aptly highlights that this "West" can be equally credited with the race-obsessed Nazi and Fascist ideologies, the socio-econ. classes-focused Marxist ones, the various Liberal political worldviews, the Christian ones (ranging from Protestantism(s) to Greek Orthodoxy), etc.
All in all, "the geopolitical West is a relatively recent construct. It was forged by the democracies that had won World War II against one totalitarian ideology, Nazism, and fortified in the ensuing decades of the Cold War against another totalitarian system, the Soviet-led Communist bloc."
Nonetheless, focusing on what stands pragmatically verifiable about this otherwise feeble category, the author does go on to expose multiple cogent views of the fall of such a "West.”
An interesting argument I want to explore further is the following: it is believed that the self-assurance of the "West" crumbled in the face of "successful" authoritarian governments around the world. China being a stark example of that. See, before, the "West" could boast of its mainly Liberal worldviews and affirm that the values underpinning it - freedom of speech/thought, liberal education, the free market, ethnic diversity, etc. - are the only way to achieve prosperity, happiness and peace for all. "Just look at our prosperous and peaceful societies".
However, China's repressive, indoctrinating, highly state-controlled economy and diversity-despising and crushing (see the current treatment of the Uyghur and many other people groups) regime's prosperity, happiness and relative peace stare the "West" in the face and bolster rivals to the "West” as this "West" is now ever more divided, crumbling and anything, but peaceful, prosperous and truly Liberal-minded like it once was.
He concludes his article on a pragmatic, yet hopeful note, quoting Mr. Robinson:
"“It’s touch and go at the moment. It is not preordained that the West will find its footing all over again and come back together,” he said. “But if you look at the long sweep of European history, the capacity for renewal is astounding.”"
That, "in my book", remains to be seen...