Predictive Programming? What's going on with all of the Questions surrounding George Floyd and Derek Chauvin? According to NPR they worked at same place for 17 years? Why are some in MSM pretending they didn't know each other? What's up with that?

in georgefloyd •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Predictive programming?
You decide!

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We've been trying to Wake You Up!
Get you to Step Outside of the Programming.

Those who are awake have been trying to #AwakenTheOthers

These Lyrics. . .remind you of anything?

Lyrics from We Built This City

It's just another Sunday
In a tired old street
Police have got the choke hold, oh
Then we just lost the beat

We Built This City Lyric Video

How about those lyrics and What just Happened to George Floyd by Derek Chauvin.

Go look it up! Already a Wikipedia page stating a White man and Black man.

9 min. choke hold. Why that number? What do you suppose is the Real Agenda?

Why wasn't the cop, Derek Chauvin, who was well known for police brutality numerous times. . .taken off the force before?

Was he needed for a moment in time?

How were all of these protests around the nation ready and rearing to go so quickly as they spoke about bringing the rioting and violence to suburbia?

Who counts the money underneath the bar?
Who rides the wrecking ball into our guitars?
Don't tell us you need us 'cause we're the ship of fools

Who funds Antifa and all those groups only meant to divide all of our brothers and sisters?. Who is behind it all?

Someone's always playing corporation games
Who cares, they're always changing corporation names
We just want to dance here, someone stole the stage
They call us irresponsible, write us off the page

GUESS Who Wasn't irresponsible? The people slated to STOP all of it!

They gave you Another "heads up" with

"Marconi plays the mamba, listen to the radio
Don't you remember?"

WHO was nicknamed the Black Mamba? They call it an alter ego. What's up with that?

What is the deal with Kobe's show they ran on ESPN, which is owned by Disney. . . called Muscage geared towards children and one show based on "Dark Musings" and feeding into dark energy. Is that a good thing for children or anyone for that matter?

How about the fact that in his alleged rape case, Kobe had the very same lawyer as the Ramsey's in the Jon Benet Ramsey Case. What did they hide from you in that child murder case? Who was really at the Top behind it all?

Where is Field McConnell now for daring to talk about the TRUTH of SERCO? Please pray for him. Will drop source link from Open Source Intelligence News.

What's up with the fact that Kobe Bryant's helicopter crash was predicted years in advance by Comedy Central in Legends of Chamberlain Heights?

Kobe Bryant and his daughter said to have died in the crash just before the Coronavirus broke at and their remains are buried at Corona Del Mar.

Why all the Signaling and Signs prior to many celebrities dying? #ChristCornell, #ChesterBennington, #Avicii

Released in 1985 on their album Knee Deep in the HOOPLA!

Get it?

Who is pulling the strings?
How many signals do they need to give before More will Stand and stop them from puppeteering?

They don't just do this to those in Hollywood and the Entertainment Industry as "Hey Look Ma, I Made It," a song by Panic! at the Disco from their sixth studio album. #DemonStocks and #BibleTraders, #AreYouReadyForTheSequel, #GardenOfEvil

Will be adding this song into the comments and Frames.
If you haven't seen this short video, you should watch it to see Exactly how they control and what they use to bribe.

Now What Really #LiesBeneath?
What do they use for their sick honeypot? Just adults as in #MeToo?
Do satan and his ilk have a line or are they willing to do whatever it takes and trample upon the most innocent? Use them for currency also?

Well the line from We Built This City tells the truth. . .

Too many runaways eating up the night!

How many Runaways and missing in the United States alone? Almost a million! Now ask your brothers and sisters around the world how many in their country. What's up with that? Why don't MORE care? Why don't More Stand Together to Stop it?

Who had the Tweet in 2012? Trump, "Got to do something about these child perverts. Fast trial Death Penalty!"

Why do you suppose they go after him like a bunch of hateful, mad dogs?

Do you suppose he threatens their lifestyle and currency?

What was Avicii trying to tell us?
What were Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington working on?
Why were their deaths eerily similar?
You really think it was just because they were friends?

Why did those artists have to die? WHY?

Now how is this All Connected? Flip through the frames, go to the source links where you can see it's been right in front of you the whole time, people have been conditioned to put a literal veil over it all. Time to live in Truth and Not the illusion/delusion!

Jeremiah 33:3 King James Version (KJV)
3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

Daniel 2:21-22 King James Version (KJV)
21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

22 He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

Now Don't Say This is How they Rule Ya!
It's NOT okay that This is how they Rule ya!

John 1:7
7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

#GeorgeFloyd, #RaceWars, #Protests, #Riots, #DerekChauvin, #UnitedWeSTand, #ChrisCornell, #ChesterBennington, #Avicii, #TedBerling, #HowLookMaIMadeIt, #PanicAtTheDisco, #BrendonUrie, #EpsteinDidntKillHimself, #BillRichardson, #PrinceAndrew, #SERCO, #FieldMcConnell, #JuanOSavin

While doing this Facebook Frames post there were issues trying to bring in the Rickerlabs info on their patent to produce adrenochrome.

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To see all the photos in the Frames go here,
Predictive Programming?

Connectors and Sources,
Hear where the WHO was sending Wuhan Laboratory funding!


Candace Owens video on George Floyd

Thank you Shawn P Schoenvand for this excellent link share.

A Must Watch and under 10min.

A former black police officer speaks out on the reality of George Floyd and the rioting.

He lays down numbers! Who wants to wager not ONE progressive will be able to combat his evidence and common sense?

He calls out the cognitive dissonance and blatant Virtue Signaling with their sick "White Privilege.

Supporting ideas of oppression that are Unsubstantiated. He states Right Out. ..he's NOT Oppressed.

He gives many examples of who can get wealthy on a system that is Not against them. ..otherwise people like JayZ, Ben Carson would never have prospered.

Great Mirror talk. ..What have I done to make Other Lives Better? He's talking All lives and No More Division!

He states. . .

Riddle me This. ..

How is your rioting helping other black brothers and sisters he asks?

He wants to know how destroying property and causing more damage is helping black people or anyone for that matter.

He asks the same questions Candace Owens and many others have been asking from the black community, "Why didn't anyone help George Floyd?" More of them than officers, why weren't they trying to help him rather than just get video footage?"

"Why haven't they spoken out on how many blacks are killed by other black people?" As statistics show the rates for those deaths Far surpass whites killing black people?

Who does it benefit to create race wars?

a recent Harvard study concluded that 1,332 police shootings over the 2000-2015 time frame reveal that blacks are actually 20 percent less likely to be shot at by police than whites, despite the fact that blacks and whites are just as likely to be carrying a weapon.

This is further confirmed by a study conducted by John Jay College of Criminal Justice assistant professor Peter Moskos, who determined that when the homicide rate is adjusted, “whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks [to] die at the hands of police. Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”

  1. Police are also less likely to shoot at unarmed black suspects than unarmed white suspects.

This is according to a study conducted by Washington State University, which took 80 police officers–most of whom were white males–from the Spokane Police Department and put them in over 1,500 simulated scenarios “involving both armed and unarmed suspects who were both black and white.” The researchers concluded that the officers were three times less likely to fire at unarmed black men than unarmed white men.

  1. According to American Free Press’s Peter Papaherakles, “For every black killed by a white police officer in the U.S. every year, there are about 71 blacks killed by other blacks.”

Papaherakles came to his conclusion after examining FBI data from 2007-2012 as well as a Wall Street Journal report highlighting “hundreds of homicides by law enforcement agencies” that aren’t in the FBI’s database and compared it to the 7,440 blacks killed by other blacks in 2007:

Will drop more links and evidence in the comments of this Original Post. Access by clicking on the time stamp underneath my name.


Lying on Police officers by the black community

White liberals are the biggest racist. Wanna end racism shut up a white liberal.

Black folk stop telling that 400yrs of slavery lie America ain't even that old.

Thank you for this link share from LifeSite News Christopher Stokes.

Dancer FoxKidd. .. I have more on him #GeorgeSoros

See more in comments. For those seeing it from another post, click on the time stamp under my name to see all of the Tells, Evidence and source links.

So the man that got kicked out of his own birth country clearly wants to wreak havoc everywhere else!

In Feb. 2018 Hungary’s Orbán Calls for Patriotic Alliance to Save Europe, ‘We’ll Fight Together to Stop the Soros Plan’

when the organisation announced it would be closing its Budapest office, OSF chief Patrick Gaspard blasted Budapest for “using tactics unprecedented in the history of the European Union” to “denigrate” and “repress” the group’s work promoting far-left culture change and policies in Hungary.

OSF vowed to “pursue all available legal avenues to defend the fundamental rights that are threatened by the legislation”, which the Fidesz government went ahead with after winning a landslide victory in national elections in April, when Orbán and his party ran on a platform of protecting the country’s borders and Christian identity.

Clearly Soros knows the United States is the Last Stand and he needs our economy and way of life to topple in order for his New World Order to fully take shape!

As stated by LifeSite News,

“Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary,” he said during an interview on May 11.

Soros also said that “Europe is facing several existential dangers.”

He was “particularly concerned about the survival of the EU because it is an incomplete union.” While, according to the Hungarian-born billionaire, the European Union was “in the process of being created,” that process “was never completed.”

Thus, Soros said the EU was “exceptionally vulnerable – more vulnerable than the US not just because it is an incomplete union but also because it is based on the rule of law.”

Soros also commented on a recent conflict between Germany and the EU. Germany’s highest court had ruled on May 5 that one of the EU’s Court of Justice decisions regarding policies of the European Central Bank (ECB) was not legally binding. In turn, the European Court of Justice asserted that it alone had jurisdiction over the ECB.

In the interview, Soros sided with the EU. “When Germany joined the EU, it committed itself to abide by European law,” he argued.

He voiced his fears that countries like Poland or Hungary might become more independent of the EU, if also “the German court can question the decisions of the European Court of Justice.”

I will be putting more George Soros evidence in links and connecting articles in the comments of this Original Post. Access by clicking on the time stamp underneath my name.

In a new interview, the left-wing billionaire called the coronavirus pandemic ‘the crisis of my lifetime.’

WHOA! You want to talk about Awake and Clear to the Ploys.

If you haven't heard this it's a MUST WATCH!

Not for little ears, he is stellar at getting his info across and to the Heart of the Matter!

Former Black Lives Matters member speaks out about infiltrators.

He talks about. . .

people building fake pages

Trying to feed off of their emotions

Trying to get them involved in things they didn’t want to be involved in

Trying to get them to believe in things they weren’t familiar with

He said it wasn’t even supposed to be about politics

He says they have them working doing their Dirty Work, he states, “the far left’s dirty work!”

He states they are getting them by Playing them Emotionally

Because they need all the help that they can get, so they’re getting gays, black people, anyone who doesn’t like Donald Trump, they’re basically trying to get you to work for civil war and they want the to be on their side.

He states that the Movement Has Been Compromised

The RBG movement has been compromised.

He says the BLM is NOT a black organization and never was!

He states BLM is endorsed by Soros and the Clinton family and they don’t give a d*** about the black people and play off of their plight.

He says they use Demonic people to fight the people.

He states the Left is going against the Right. . .a huge Civil War that’s being planned out.

It’s happening right now and they want everyone to choose a side consciously or subconsciously.

He states you’re setting yourselves up against slaughter and you need to become aware of what’s going on within the system.

Hidden powers controlling the Narrative and they’re brainwashing you.

He says do Not let these evil people do this to you.

If you think these people who have never given a d*** about you all of a sudden care about the black people’s plight. . .all of a sudden these white people on the left, who have been doing this All of a Sudden are supportive. This is All to get as many numbers on their side to fight out the civil war they have already been planning for.

Don’t set yourself up to be slaughtered. This is all propaganda.

He says we have to put the race thing to the side.

He says the people on the left are using them, the democratic party are using black people to fight their war with Antifa.

He calls them a terrorist group and encourages people to look them up because they are militant.

He states Antifa is being paid for by the younger Rothschild’s, the Clintons and Soros and that the media is downplaying them.

He said they want to take the guns away from the people on the far right. He says as it stands the people on the left stand to get slaughtered.

I LOVE how he states what I do. ..don’t take my word for it. .do your own Research!

He’s Got it. ..what’s going on is So Much bigger than Race!

He states, the people on the left are lying to you and trying to get you slaughtered.

He states, they know the best way to get them is through Entertainment so they use Celebrities to try to bring them into their way of thinking to Use them.

They’re coming after you, no matter your color he states!

#UnitedWeStand, #ItsAllOfUSAgainstTheElitistControllers, #DontBePlayed, #AllYouHaveToDoIsStandTOGETHERAndTheirLittleGameISOVER, #LetsDoThisSTandPrayFightAgainstTheControllers, #BorthersAndSistersOfAllColorsWorldWide, #TheWorldIsWatching, #UnitedWeSTandDividedWeFall, #DontLetTheControllersToppleUS, #AllColorsUNITE, #TogetherWeStandandFightAgainstTheEliteControllers, #RISEupTogether, #DontLetThemDivideUS

Skillet - Undefeated (Lyrics HD)

All American Rejects - Move Along [WITH LYRICS]

Thank you Jeff Cox!

This is very informative!

Some don't go beyond what MSM puts out forgetting that MSM shelved Epstein's information as they shelved an interview they had from Virginia Roberts Guiffre for 3 years!

Research Yourself!
Inform Yourself!
If you Don't you become Played by their "Players!" Who called his crew Players? Bill Gates in his Event 201 put on with the UN entity the World Economic Forum. Go look it up. It's a Quick look up, then notice at the bottom of page 1 Open Philanthropy Group funded. ..that is Dustin Moskovitz charity (another facebook founder). Psyops much? You decide!

This is Only the opening! Worth the read or at least a skim if not familiar!

People are trying to spread around that he was a Christian, preaching the gospel. For starters, George Floyd was a porn star (and that is proven). Kind of a strange occupation for a Christian isn't it? He had already been to jail for drugs, armed robbery, including armed robbery of a pregnant women. Next, his "best friend", also known as his twin Stephen Jackson, is a freemason. Again, this is proven, he admitted it himself on social media. There are photos of the man in freemason gear. Stephen's father was a freemason. His father's "33 mason brothers" gifted Stephen his father's mason gear when he passed. George Floyd himself had a huge freemason symbol tattooed on his chest. Photos also indicate that he himself is a freemason. Plus I find it interesting how there is a pic of him in front of a corona beer poster. Remember the hidden hand of the cop who had his knee on Floyd's neck? That is a key freemason sign. Chauvin and Floyd worked together for 17 years. Chauvin's now ex wife, is Tou Thao's sister. You will also find freemason significant symbols, and numbers, throughout all the footage we are being shown on the news which I will get into later. See a pattern developing here? I am going to explain why this is all important.

Thank you Jeff Cox for this twitter link,

Note. . .a Q drop,

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This is interesting!

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This is another great link from Damon Smith! Thank you!

This is All Kinds of #Sick, as the White Hats have told us for years, #ThesePeopleAreSick, When will the others Acknowledge instead of defending their Sickness and predatory actions?

#Repent, #RememberWhenBadWolvesWatchIt, #Sept202010, #TommyVestKilledByTwinBrother, #TheseTwinsShouldntHaveBeenPreyedUpon, #VextTwinsKilling, #VextTwins, #GodHelpTheFamiliesThesePeopleHavePreyedUpon, #GlobalistElitesPreyUponThePublicWithTheirFakeCharities

Hillary Clinton on "Superpredators"

Trump is to right 'to label Antifa as a terrorist organisation'

Out of Shadows Documentary - TFBReview

Cops and liquor store know your rights,

The Progressive, socialist, radical overlords are attempting to silence Anyone who Won't show support or doesn't agree with Black Lives Matter

Tucker: Black Lives Matter is now a political party

New York Times ran an article telling people they should shun family members who don't support Black Lives Matter.

Had an anonymous patriot send me a link that FB removed. When I showed it to Damon Smith he Knew it likely wouldn't last long and archived it on Bitchute as they do not remove information nor censor! #WeThePeople should be trusted enough to use our Own discernment to vet info. Who made MSM and these Tech Giants of certain platforms our overlords? THEY and the corporations who own the News Stations did!

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The Truth and Tells of the George Floyd "killing"

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I guess he just wanted them to grow up and take advantage of the US by partnering with the nefarious in the Ukraine and China, while NOT taking care of the working class in those countries And the United States! Sad!

What is going on? How many people connected to Epstein? Epstein connected to Biden Deal?

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