Cultivation Cayenne Pepper In Polybag

in gerdening •  7 years ago 

This time we will learn to plant cayenne pepper in polybag. Already know polybag right? Ndak must be plastic polybag, this way you can later apply using pots or other containers. Okay, we just discuss the technique of cayenne cultivation in polybags. 

Introduction of chili plants

In general, chillies can be planted in the lowlands to a height of 2000 meters above sea level. Chillies can live well at temperatures from 24 to 27 degrees Celsius with less humidity. Chilli plants can be planted in paddy fields or mooring loose, fertile, not too clay and enough water. The most ideal soil surface is flat with a slope angle of 0 to 10 degrees and requires full and unshaded sunlight. optimal soil pH between 5.5 to 7.
Chilli plants require adequate irrigation. But if excessive amounts can cause high soil moisture and stimulate the growth of fungal and bacterial diseases. If the water shortage of chilli plants can be thin, dwarf, wither and die. Irrigation can use irrigation, ground water and rain water.  
Chili pepper turns its color from green to red when cooked. Although its size is smaller than other chilli varieties, it is considered quite spicy because its spiciness reaches 50,000 - 100,000 on Scoville scale. Common chillies are sold in markets along with other chili varieties.
cayenne pepper can grow well in the highlands, maupu in the lowlands. planting chili pepper can provide a high enough economic value if cultivated seriously. One hectare of cayenne plants is able to produce 8 tons of chili pepper because we can cultivate cayenne plants for two to two and a half years during the growing season.  
Chili cayenne plants like dry areas, and found at an altitude of 0.5-1.250 m above sea level. Shrub a year, branching lots, height 50-100 cm. The trunk is book or the top is angled. Single leaf, stemmed, layout. Spread of leaf oval, pointed tip, narrowing base, flat edge, pinnate pertulangan, length 5-9,5 cm, width 1,5-5,5 cm, green color. Flowers out of leaf axillary, crown of star shape, single flower or 2-3 flowers adjacent, white, greenish white, sometimes purple. The fruit is buni, erect, sometimes ducked, oval, straight or crooked, pointed tip, 1-3 cm long, 2.5-12 mm wide, long stemmed, and spicy taste. Young fruit dark green, greenish white, or white, fruit yang masa.k bright red color. Many seeds, flat round, 2-2.5 mm in diameter, dirty yellow. cayenne pepper is made up of three varieties, which is skinny leutik whose fruit is small, green, and stands upright on its stem; sheep (bodeng) whose fruits are bigger than the whimper leutik, young white fruit, after the old becomes orange; and ceplik a large fruit, while the young is green and after the old red. The fruit is used as vegetables, spices, pickles, and pickles. Young leaves can be steamed for lalap.Cabal rawit can be propagated by seed. 

Types of cayenne pepper

 1. small cayenne pepper
The fruit is small and short, more spicy than the other jean chili.
2. White cayenne or chilli sheep
White chili pepper is bigger than chilli jemprit or chili pepper, and taste less good
3. Cabe of cayenne celepik
Cayenne pepper celepik bigger than the chili jemprit and smaller than the chilli sheep. It does not taste like chilli pepper. when young chilli ceelepik green after cooking bright red.


Terms Grow Cayenne Pepper 

 To get the high chili we have to know which growing condition is desired by chili pepper. The terms as follows:

1. land
- loose
- fertile or lots of eating substances
- good drainage (not stagnant), and
- lots of humus
2. place to grow (area)
- lowland
- plateau
3. climate
cayenne pepper plants can grow, both in areas that are less rainy or often rainy. the required air temperature of this plant is in the range of 25 * c - 31 *

The basic technique of Cultivation Cayenne pepper

In cayenne pepper cultivation, need adequate skills and field experience. Selection of varieties is very important to adjust to land conditions and market needs.  
The initial stage of cayenne cultivation is to make a seedbed to prepare healthy plant seeds, strong and uniform as planting material in the field. Media seedlings that are used should have a crumb structure, do not hold water and enough nutrients. The material that can be used is a mixture of compost, soil, and sand with a ratio of 1: 1: 1. To add nutrients give fertilizer NPK grand S-15 as much as 80 grams that have been smoothed for every 3 buckets of the mixture of the material. After the ingredients are mixed, insert the ingredients in a plastic bag of 8 x 9 cm to 90% full size, and make a drain hole on the bottom plastic that has been filled with the media.  
Arrange the media on seedlings that have been prepared seedling. Semi seedlings are made with a height of 20 - 50 cm with width 80 - 100 cm and length adjust conditions. The direction of the bed is arranged north long south by providing a plastic covering roof with east pole 100 cm and western part 80 cm or roof can be made with ½ circle model. This is so that seeds that grow enough to get sunlight so as not to experience etiolation.  
The next step is curing the seeds that aim to add the seeds. The ripening medium used is a towel or 3 - 5 layers of straw paper sprayed with a Victory fungicide solution with a concentration of 3 grams / liter. The seeds are sprinkled equally on the medium and cultivated do not accumulate. The seeds used should be hybrid chilli seeds that have been treated with pesticides. The media is rolled or folded and stored at room temperature. To keep the media moisturizer, spray water with handspray every morning and afternoon. After 4 to 7 days, the seeds will release radicals or prospective roots. With the help of clamps, the seeds that have been issued root candidates in planting on the media seedlings that watered first.
Every morning and afternoon nursery needs to be watered. To prevent fungal disturbance, spray seedbed with Starmyl 25WP and Victory 80WP fungicides alternately with a concentration of 0.5 grams / liter. To prevent nursery disruption, spray with 100ec winder insecticide with a concentration of 0.5 cc / liter.
Nurseries can also be done by putting the seeds directly on the media seedlings without first dikam.

In the cultivation of pepper crops the materials to be used where the planting should be cleaned of all kinds of weeds and roots of old plants, for root growth is not disturbed and to remove plants that host pests and diseases. If the land is overgrown with weeds, cleanup is better using Herbicides. Furthermore, the land is hijacked and ridden with livestock and tractor plow. Hijacking and renewal aims to bulge, improve soil aeration and to remove pests that are hiding in the ground.
Create a bed with a width of 100 - 110 cm with a height of beds 50-60 cm and trench width 50-60 cm. The length of the bed is adjusted to the condition of the land.
Soil pH measurements also need to be treated with a pH meter or with litmus paper. To increase the soil pH do calcification of land using dolomint or lime lime at doses of 2 - 4 tons / ha or 200 - 400 gram / meter square depending on soil pH to be raised. Calcification is given at the time of hijacking or at the time of making the bed along with scattering of compost or manure. The required manure is 10 to 20 tons / ha or ½ to 1 zak for 10 meters long beds.  
The basic fertilizer provided is a grand NPK fertilizer S-15, 2 kg for 10 meters long beds or 2 tons / hectare.  
The next stage is the installation of black silver plastic mulch that is useful to suppress the breeding of pests and diseases, weed growth, reduce evaporation, prevent soil erosion, maintain structure, temperature and soil moisture and can prevent the occurrence of washing fertilizer. Installation of mulch is done by stretching and pulling between two sides with silver surface in upper part. Each end and side of the mulch is buttoned with pegs. In order for optimal mulch installation and can cover the surface of the bed well should be done during the day or during hot weather. 

Planting Technique Cayenne pepper

Spacing used is 50 - 60 cm between holes and 60 - 70 cm for the distance between rows with the pattern of planting triangle or zig-zag model. The making of planting hole as deep as 8 to 10 cm is done simultaneously with the making of the hole on the mulch which is based on the pattern used and according to the recommended planting distance.
Preparation of holes in mulch can also use heating system by using cans with a diameter of approximately 8 - 10 cm. Planting hole is made by plastering the soil as deep as 8 - 10 cm. Cultivated chili seedlings that have been aged 15-17 days or have 3 or 4 leaves, ready to be planted on land. Spray seeds with fungicides and insecticides 1-3 days before being transferred to prevent fungal and pest attack shortly after planting.
Selection and grouping of seeds based on small size and health. Planting should be done in the afternoon or when the weather is not too hot, by tearing the bag of seedlings and cultivated media is not broken and directly inserted in the planting hole. Then do the installation of rhyme or ajir, mounted next to the planting hole. 

 Cultivation of Cayenne Plants

After chili plants aged 7-14 days, plants that can not grow normally or die need to be embroidered with seeds that are still in the nursery.
If the planting hole grows weeds, then we need to do weeding by removing. Weed control needs to be done on weeds that grow in the trenches by using hoes or with Rambo 480AS herbicides. At the time of application nozzles should be given a hood for herbicide spray is not about chili plants.
Pewiwilan needs to be done on the buds that grow on the underarm under the main branch and the first interest that appears on the main branch. This pewiwilan is done so that vegetative growth can be optimal.  
Binding is done when plants aged 10 - 15 hst by tying a rod that is under the main branch with a plastic strap on the rim or ajir. At the time of the plants aged 30-40 hst, bunches of plants on the main branch and bunch also at the time of fruit enlargement is at the age of 50 -60 hst. 

Chili cultivation technique 

To encourage the growth of chili plants, it is recommended to leak from 7 to 60 hst with NPK Grand S-15 concentration 7 gram per liter as much as 250 cc of cropping with 7 day interval. Each repeat leakage of fertilizer concentration is increased 2 gram per liter. At the time of 30 hst plant, the first follow-up fertilization is done by giving the mixture of NPK Grand S-15 150 kg / Ha and Urea 40 Kg / Ha. Fertilization is done by piercing the mulch and planting on the side of the plant with a distance of 15 cm.  
In addition to leaked plants, it is recommended to spray with Mamigro Super N or special NPK leaf fertilizer or with Gardena D with a concentration of 2 - 5 grams / liter of water from 7 to 30 hst with 7 to 15 days interval. The second follow-up fertilizer is done when the plant is 40 hst by giving fertilizer NPK Grand S-15 300 kg / Ha.
At the time of the plant is 50 hst, third fertilizer is done by giving fertilizer NPK Grand S-15 with a dose of 350 kg / Ha. To spur the growth of flowers and fruits, it is advisable to do spraying with Mamigro Super P or Special NPK leaf fertilizer, Gardena B or with Micro Fitomic Fertilizer. The concentration for Fitomic is 1.5 - 2.5 cc / liter with intervals of 10-15 days. Fourth follow-up fertilization is done when the plant is 60 hst. The fertilizer provided is a fertilizer NPK Grand S-15 with a dose of 200 Kg / Ha. 

Watering Technique Chili cayenne

Watering of chili is done every 7 - 10 days or depending on the condition of the land by flooding or leb. At the time of discharge water from the planting plot should be done slowly to avoid washing of fertilizer from planting beds.

Harvesting of chili cayenne

Harvesting of cayenne pepper is done when 75-85 days old chili plants are marked with solid fruit and red color is lit, chillies ready for the first harvest. The age of cayenne pepper harvest depends on the variety used, the location of the planting and the combination of fertilization used and the health of the plant. Chili plants can be harvested every 2 - 5 days depending on the area of ​​planting and market conditions.
Harvesting is done by picking the fruit along with the stalk that aims for chili can be stored longer. Chili fruit that is damaged by pests or diseases must remain in the harvest so as not to be a source of disease for healthy chili plants. Separate the damaged chillies from healthy chilies.
Harvest time should be done in the morning because the weight of the fruit in the optimal state due to accumulation of substances at night and has not happened evaporation. 

Post-harvest Cayenne pepper

The crops that have been separated between healthy and damaged chilies are then collected in a cool or shady place so that the cayenne pepper.  
To get better prices, the results of cayenne pepper are grouped according to market demand quality standards such as for supermarkets, local markets and export markets.  
After the chillies are grouped according to their class, the packing needs to be done to protect the chillies from damage during transport. Packaging can be made from various materials by providing ventilation. Cayenne pepper ready to be distributed to consumers who need fresh chili. With the application of cultivation technology, true and appropriate post harvest subscribers and the use of hybrid seeds that are resistant to disease can increase the production of chili, which is now widely needed. Well that's what I can share with my steemian friends, Hopefully useful for all of us. See you later on my post @vanirfan then good luck. 

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