Moin! Translate State of the DApps into German 🇩🇪 (part 3/4, contribute & get rewarded)steemCreated with Sketch.

in german •  6 years ago  (edited)

Last week we did a poll asking you Which language should we support next on State of the DApps?

Thanks to the German Steem community, especially @wehmoen, @serylt, @samsemilia7, @meluni, @vikisecrets, @spe3dy123, @luegenbaron and @jeanpi1908, we are making great progress in translating the most important public facing parts of State of the DApps into German 🇩🇪. The initial version of our Deutsch site is now live on

Screenshot 2019-01-29 12.51.04.png

By translating the most important public facing parts of State of the DApps into other languages, this will be a major help in spreading the word about Decentralized Applications (and thus Steem) to a wider international audience.

Congrats to German 🇩🇪 for winning this poll! Specifically we'd like to thank
@isnochys @bobskibob @abbak7 @nerdtopiade @spe3dy123 @masterthematrix @bluerobo @luegenbaron @samsemilia7 @akomoajong @twinner @ikarus56 @brammdal @taldor @meluni @serylt @pizzaboy77 @naturicia @baden-city-scum for their votes & comments.

But there is more work to do!

Today in part 3 of 4 we'll focus on the sentences for the DApp Search, Rankings and Statistics pages.

Do you speak German? Here is how you can help & get rewarded:

Translate one or more of the following sections / sentences and we'd love to reward you for your contribution.

If you are a native German speaker, please comment below with the German translation next to the original English sentence. Do check if others have translated the same thing already, and comment on them if you have a correction, instead of repeating the same work. You shouldn't translate any of the identifiers or {variables}.

As of 30-01-2018 all sections below have been translated thanks to @jeanpi1908, @serylt and @spe3dy123.

Final translation part available on

Dapps ✅

Completed by @jeanpi1908

noResultsThere are currently no ÐApps here. Please try another search.Es gibt momentan keine DApps hier. Versuchen Sie einen anderen Suchbegriff.

DappsResultCount ✅

Completed by @jeanpi1908, @serylt

resultresult / resultsErgebnis / Ergebnisse
showingShowing {showing} {total} {result}Zeigt {showing} {total} {result}
xOf{x} of{x} von

DappsSearch ✅

Completed by @jeanpi1908, @@@serylt

placeholderSearch by ÐApp name or tagSuche nach DApp Name oder Tag

DappsSort ✅

Completed by @jeanpi1908, @serylt

sortBySort bySortiere nach

FeaturedRankingByCategoryList ✅

Completed by @jeanpi1908, @serylt

headingRankings by CategoryRang nach Kategorie

FeaturedRankingByPlatformList ✅

Completed by @jeanpi1908

headingRankings by PlatformRang nach Plattform

filters ✅

Completed by @jeanpi1908, @serylt

allPlatformsAll platformsAlle Plattformen
chooseColumnChoose a columnWähle eine Spalte
choosePlatformChoose a platformWähle eine Plattform
allCategoriesAll categoriesAlle Kategorien
chooseCategoryChoose a categoryWähle eine Kategorie
allStatusesAll statusesAlle Status
chooseStatusChoose a statusWähle einen Status

rankingColumns ✅

Completed by @jeanpi1908, @serylt

dauUsers (24h)Nutzer (24h)
usd_value_7dVolume (7d)Volumen (7T)
dev_30dDev activity (30d)Entwickleraktivität (30T)
user_activity_30dUser activity (30d)Nutzeraktivität (30T)

RankingTable ✅

Completed by @jeanpi1908, @serylt, @spe3dy

noDappsThere are currently no ÐApps for this category and platformEs gibt momentan keine DApps für diese Kategorie und Plattform

RankingTableRankHead ✅

Completed by @spe3dy

helpRank is based on multiple factors including active users (unique source addresses in transactions to ÐApp contracts), transaction volume, developer activity, profile freshness and strength, CTRs, and user recommendations. The number next to the rank is the change over 24h.Der Rang basiert auf mehreren Faktoren, wie z. B. aktive Benutzer (Eindeutige Adressen in den Transaktionen der ÐApps), Transaktionsvolumen, Entwickleraktivität, Währungstransaktionsbericht und Empfehlungen der Nutzer. Die Zahl neben dem Rang ist die Änderung über 24 Stunden.

TheStats ✅

Completed by @jeanpi1908, @serylt

titleÐApp StatisticsDApp Statistiken
descriptionStats are updated daily. Check back often to see the progress and development of the ÐApp ecosystem.Statistiken werden täglich aktualisiert. Schau öfters vorbei um den Fortschritt und die Entwicklung des ÐApp-Ökosystems zu sehen.
askUsAsk us about custom dataFrag uns nach benutzerdefinierten Daten
activeUsersHelpUnique source addresses in transactions to ÐApp contractsEindeutige Quelladressen in Transaktionen für ÐApp-Verträge
dailyActiveUsersDaily active usersTäglich aktive Nutzer
monthlyActiveUsersMonthly active usersMonatlich aktive Nutzer
newDappsPerMonthNew ÐApps per MonthNeue DApps pro Monat
newDappsNew ÐAppsNeue DApps
nrOfContracts# of contracts# von Verträgen
smartContractsSmart contractsIntelligente Verträge
24htransactions24h transactionsTransaktionen der letzten 24 Stunden
24hVolumeUsd24h volume USDVolumen der letzten 24 Stunden in USD
transactions24hTransactions (24hr)Transaktionen (24h)
transactions30dTransactions (30d)Transaktionen (30T)
transactionsHelpNumber of transactions to ÐApp contractsAnzahl der Transaktionen mit ÐApp-Verträgen
totalDappsTotal ÐAppsÐApps ingesamt
volume24hVolume (24hr)Volumen (24h)
volumeHelpTransaction volume to ÐApp contracts. Platforms use different currencies, so numbers should not be compared directlyTransaktions Volumen von DApp Verträgen. Plattformen benutzen verschiedene Währungen, deswegen sollten diese Werte nicht direkt verglichen werden.
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Nice job on your translations!
@jeanpi1908 @serylt @spe3dy123

You should have received some STEEM as reward :-)

Thanks to you parts 2 & 3 are now live, check it out:

Thank you

Posted using Partiko Android

great job at everyone who contributed to make this happen in such a quick time!!

I can only translate to the best of my belief. :>


To finish this one

Transaction volume to ÐApp contracts. Platforms use different currencies, so numbers should not be compared directly

Transaktions Volumen von DApp Verträgen. Plattformen benutzen verschiedene Währungen, deswegen sollten diese Werte nicht direkt verglichen werden.

Posted using Partiko Android
