3D Design Tutorial (german) - Music Box

in german •  8 years ago  (edited)

Today I like to share with you my first and favorite CAD design, the Musix Box.

I created this design based on an actual music box I ordered on Amazon and tried to copy it as accurate as possible.

The pin's however are randomly aligned and not in the correct way. 

I have created a series of YouTube videos in german and hope those might be helpful to you if you are starting with 3d design.


Video 1 - 5: Sketch

Video 2 - 5: Music Box Rahmen

Video 3 - 5: Music Box Kamm

Video 4 - 5: Music Box Cylinder

Video 5 - 5: Music Box Zusammenbauen

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Wie viel Stunden braucht man dafür? o.O

Da ich noch nicht so viel Ahnung hatte wie man CAD software benutzen muss hat es einige Tage gedauert. Besonders die Cylinder Köpfe haben viel Zeit gekostet da man nicht auf runden Flächen Zeichen kann.
