For the Enlightenment about the deeds of the "totalitarian and apparently insane Merkel & Co-regime" it is - ever since the resurrection of left Goebbels, Freisler & Co. imitators daily harder and harder. Not only are Facebook messages and YouTube videos censored and deleted: more and more channels and accounts are being disposed of. Now the first regime critics and resistance fighters are picked up. Previously they were threatened with the concentration camp, the hatchet, the rope, the butcher hook or the shooting. What threatens them today? Sven Liebich fears the worst, because he has no confidence in this regime.
Background - The usual incidental messages from the day
what's new? We briefly skim over "Angela's diary of January 16, 2018". Berlin: "Rejected asylum seeker commits brutal robbery and cuts someone's throat. Munich: Nigerian raids 59-year-old Russian woman at the station, tears down her panties and pantyhose and tries to rape her. Brandenburg: 19-year-old sexually harassed by black-driving Lebanese on the train. In Mannheim there was a stabbing and in Durmersheim a 44-year-old was beaten up by two Algerians and then buried alive, where he smothered.
Politics and state media are not interested in such "trifles". You talk flat rate of lapidary individual cases, which one must get used to somehow. Because - as Katrin Göring-Eckardt of the Greens - "Our country will change, and drastically. And I'm looking forward to it! "There is even talk of a colorful enrichment.
We read further in "Angela's Diary of January 16, 2018". Gelsenkirchen: 17-year-old attacked, beaten and robbed by two unknown persons with a "dark complexion". Grünau: Syrian arrested in anti-terror raid. Bochum: Three men with black beards wrest the 78-year-old retiree the shopping bag. Hamburg: Libyan attacks 20-year-olds, Holzwickede: 56-year-old insulted by a group, threatened with the knife, injured and robbed.
Yes, the country is daily "beautiful" and "safer", the "news" and politician views always "serious": Even the health insurance companies are now allegedly relieved. Away from such media-directed propaganda fake news, we ask ourselves: what new enrichments are there, for example? in Krefeld or Duisburg? Again, you will find the same day. Krefeld: Young man with a "dark complexion" attacks 42-year-old from behind, wants to tear her to the ground and threatened with sexual violence. Krefeld: 18-year-old persecuted and sexually molested by an "unkempt Southern person". Duisburg: The police search with photo for Abdul Aziz Ali for attempted murder.
Let's go to Wolfenbüttel for a change: "Man" addresses 33-year-old "in broken German" and grooms her. Or to Hamburg: 23-year-old asylum groped wife. When her companion intervenes, he is threatened with blows. What about our Jewish fellow citizens, who obviously suffered less in the country from Merkel's guests? We read: Jewish attack targets spied out throughout Germany.
What happens next? What are the reactions to such acts? We go to Berlin in part: Rejected asylum seeker cuts someone's throat during a brutal robbery and will not be deported. Or to Frankfurt: Despite a self-built pipe bomb in the basement, terror suspects are released.
What is the result for Germany as a whole? Soberly we read: The politicians do not want to limit the number of migrants, it is an unlimited immigration possible. It may all come - and uncontrolled, even offenders, especially those who are no longer desirable in their homeland, because too dangerous. The prisons are - as you read - now full - but Germany is supposed to do everything. We are becoming the Third World catch basin - and that's a good thing. The whole world needs our help.
The whole world is to come. And if not? Then we have to go to Africa and do more propaganda (Merkel quote). "We can do it!", One hears from the leader, who is radical and does not want a limit - like back then at Stalingrad. We can do it - or we will go and be heroes.
Parallel to this madness and the new deeds of today, the foreign press is judging annihilating the new censorship law of Maas. It is not talking about concentration camps but at least a "return of the opinion police", "popular education programs" and "censorship", "fired by a state that has had terrible experiences with opinion polices in the past". And also reports, T-Online on 17.01: Germany slips in the democracy index.
Back to the daily horror reports of madness: these were just a few. On the whole, however, they are all the result of the ideology pursued by the rulers and their followers and their misguided ominous compulsory policy directed against their own citizens. In addition comes for the 16.01. then by the way a small knife stop in Cottbus with a free move as a thank you. We save the rest here for time and space reasons.
But fortunately, there are now enough dedicated scouts who collect information and facts and report accordingly. It is those courageous critics who are trying to defy this regime. It is those in whom psychology and history have somehow been successful. It is those who do not parrot and apologize for any idiocy in the parrot language, which is indoctrinated by the system.
It is those who know and feel the difference between a true democracy and a dictatorship. It is those who bravely stand up, such as the Munich group of the "White Rose" around the students Hans and Sophie Scholl, Alexander Schmorell, Christoph Probst, Willi Graf and the professor Kurt Huber, who in the years 1942/43 had spread six leaflets against the Nazi regime and persecuted and was executed. JusticeScherge Freisler had his true joy back then. Of course, people like him have a different name today. Their character and attitude, however, have parallels.
And today? Today, students, teachers and professors are watching. No, they sometimes even join in As before. So even today, most information is suppressed and veiled. If this fails, alternative facts are simply created for distraction or psychological relativization.
As for the abovementioned acts and the perpetrators: Only very rarely comes to prosecution. And if it does, then the perpetrators quickly come back on the loose, at least when it comes to guests of that woman who wants to turn this country together with their followers this country since 2015 really - into a true reign of terror of madness and ridicule, In addition, in a new opinion dictatorship of the Goebbels, Freisler and Co. quite something they could have learned.
Or have the mock democrats of today looked at this from back then? After all, it is always stressed that you have learned his lessons. How was that meant? Let's take a look around:
For the Enlighteners and the resistance against the totalitarian and apparently insane Merkel & Co regime it becomes daily - at least since the resurrection of Goebbels, Freisler & Co. imitators, their new laws and their arbitrary interpretation according to the regime's attitude harder and harder. Not only are Facebook pages and YouTube videos censored and deleted, but more and more channels are disposed of, e.g. the YouTube Channel by Oliver Flesch.
Now Sven Liebich got caught:
The courageous Halle dissident and activist is known for his famous and sometimes ingenious provocative satirical actions. Demos for more refugees and his performances as an Islamist hate preacher or Bundeswehr recruiter.
He was also a speaker on 168 so-called Monday demos and on a newly established German "Speakers Corner" in Halle an der Saale. With his provocative stunctions against the so-called "Vereinsmafia" and with her "under a blanket" politician and his sometimes completely "crazy" acting channel "Sven's world" Liebich has long been a thorn in the side of politics and radical left - also because Liebich, the owner of a T-shirt printing shop, seems full of tireless energy and seems to never give up despite the toughest attacks on him. Others have long "thrown in the towel" - Liebich not. He continues to fight - albeit a bit chaotic and improvised.
Wall graffiti such as "Liebich verrecke" (similar to the Nazi regime before 1945 - it was called "Judas verrecke") and murder calls against him are nothing new for him, as well as the deletion of videos on YouTube. Now his YouTube channel has been deleted and even more radical: Currently Liebich - as he himself in a "perhaps last" video explains "- hunted by the police and his living and working environment targeted.
In his "hopefully not last" video message from January 16, 18, Liebich explains that the police have made representations to his landlord - and searched his property for three hours. Allegedly put an arrest warrant against Liebich. The search warrant would have reportedly not identified. You do not need a search warrant, because it put a warrant. Liebich fears the worst, namely that he wants to pick him up and murder him.
This is a translation from You can read the origin article in german here!
Unsere Vorväter und Mütter haben Ihr Blut und Leben gelassen für Moralische Ethische Deutsche Kulturelle Werte wie Freiheit, Warheit Gerechtigkeit, Brüderlichkeit für Ethische Noble, Moralische Werte !
Doch das ist dem Dark Shadow Government, Vereins Mafia ein
Dorn im Auge ! also fluten sie Deutschland mit Menschen
anderer Rassen Herkunft
die ein hohes Gewalt Potential in sich tragen die keine Christlichen Moralischen Werte in sich tragen mit dem Ziel das Deutschtum die
Deutsche Kultur durch Bürger Kriegs Zustände zu Zersetzen.
Die PuppetMaster kreieren das Problem um dann dem zermürbten Deutschem Volke eine Lösung Ihrer Probleme vorzuschlagen die im Sinne Ihrer Totalen Kontroll Agenda Entspricht !
Nachtigall ik hör dir trabsen.
Die Linken und die Grünen sind die Handlanger Satans die dieses Werk
der Zerstörung mit Tragen als Psychopatische und Destruktive Kräfte
im Deutschem Kulturellem Hoheitsgebiet !
Das ist die Warheit doch keiner will Sie Wahr haben :(
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Passend dazu habe ich heute einen schönen Kommentar gelesen, den ich dir nicht vorenthalten möchte:
"Lasst euch nicht weiter täuschen ausplündern und beherrschen!!!
Die Besatzung wurde 1989 beendet und alle damaligen Politiker wie Hennoch Kohn (Künstlername: Helmut Kohl) ihrer Ämter enthoben! Sie waren von dem Moment der Streichung des Artikels 23 GG nur noch normale Bürger.
Schäuble als Jurist wusste was zu tun ist und er rief eine Verfassunggebende Versammlung aus!
Doch dann formierten sich einige ehemalige Politiker und hekten einen Verbrecherischen Plan aus. Anschlag auf Schäuble und Ende der Verfassunggebende Versammlung.
Die BRD und die DDR wurden juristisch Beendet.
Sie machten eine Firma auf und raubten uns die Freiheit! Sie haben uns zu Personal gemacht mussten die Grenzen entfernen da nur echte Staaten ein Gebiet haben welche man mit Grenzanlagen sichern darf!
Um ihre Verbrechen zu vertuschen hat man jetzt mit unserer Ausrottung begonnen. TAG täglich werden angeheuerte Söldner aus Afrika und weiß nicht sonst woher in unser Land geflogen um uns Final zu erledigen wie man es damals mit den Indianern in ihrem Land getan.
Und jetzt ein Wort an das Personal der Firma Polizei.... ihr Schützt einen Haufen schwerkrimineller Verbrecher und macht deren Schmutzarbeit. Ihr seid nicht hoheitlich für einen Staat tätig! Helft mit zu retten was noch zu retten ist! Denn auch ihr gehört zum Volk! Meldet euch in der Verfassunggebenden Versammlung.
Es ist der einzige Weg wieder ins Völkerrecht zurückzukommen und echte Beamte zu werden die das Recht und das Volk schützen!
Ich denke das viele von euch aus diesem Grund zur Polizei gegangen sind! Gleiches Gilt für die Bundeswehr. Im jetzigen Zustand seit ihr juristisch Söldner und genau wie die jetzige Polizei Privat haftbar für eure Taten.
Die BRD ist nicht Deutschland! Und ihre Schulden nicht unsere. Da wir in der Vergangenheit eigentlich immer betrogen und belogen wurden ist jetzt die einmalige Chance unsere Zukunft selber zu bestimmen. Jeder der sein Recht Warnimmt kann seine Ideen und Gedanken in die Verfassung einfließen lassen. Wenn wir die Werte die wir schaffen für uns einsetzen wäre ein Tag Arbeiten in der Woche realistisch!
Es wäre eine ganz andere Lebensqualität keine Sklaverei mehr! Doch leider trifft man in den sozialen Netzwerken immer wieder auf Leute die sich mit Rechtskreisen dem See und Handelsrecht und dem Völkerrecht überhaupt nicht auskennen und die Menschen von der VV abhalten. Da man uns als Nachfahren der 26 Bundesstaaten und unsere Nachfahren juristisch von den Bodenrechten der 26 Bundesstaaten nicht trennen kann sind wir Ziel Nummer 1 der NWO. Wenn wir uns wieder um unsere Freiheit betrügen lassen werden wir nicht mehr lange überleben. Unsere Vernichtung schreitet mit immer größeren Schritten voran. Kommt in die völkerrechtliche Verfassunggebende-Versammlung das sind wir unseren Ahnen und Kindern schuldig."
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Lieber Schriftgelehrter Luther ( Künstler Name JeanViete ) wo hast Du das her und wo ist diese
Völkerrechtliche Verfassunggebende-Versammlung ?
Was ist eigentlich mit Österreich sind diese auch nur Personal der Amerikaner ?
Das mit Schäuble war mir nicht bekannt das die Handlanger Satans bei Ihm zugeschlagen hatten !
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Deswegen sitzt der Schäuble ja im Rolli, seit diesem event, macht er alles was die von ihm verlangen ;)
Diesen Kommentar hab ich in vk gesehen... hab mal gegooglet und das hier gefunden:
Aber da Christus zurück ist, sollte dies per se ad acta gelegt sein, zumindest für mich...
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We are in the end times, there is no doubt about it
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This social engineering is getting tiresome quickly. It may be seen as a necessary evil, but it is no less evil for being "necessary."
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Thanks for the information, Jean!
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The whole world is in chaos
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Thank God the Lord is here!
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