(GESARA + Rodney Dale Class + Timothy Charles Holmseth + Winston Shrout) × ("Strawman Accounts" + “Chattel Property”) = funds contained in this CESTUI QUE TRUST + CRIS?

in gesara •  3 years ago 

"Eliminates birth certificate records to be used as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation."

"Some people refer to this entity as “The Strawman.” It is the corporate
fiction created by the birth event recorded by the Department of Health/Vital Statistics and
transferred to the Administrative Agents who supervise the Bankruptcy under the Emergency
Banking Act of 1933."

"Department of Human Resources.

Forever to be known as “Human Capital”, or “Chattel Property”. (ie. a Slave)"

"A Cestui Que Vie Trust is set up under the PUBLIC CHARITABLE TRUST through a “BANK” where it “issues reserved” (Certificate) and is “Bonded and Insured” (Birth Certificate).

What is an “issues reserved”? It is a Federal Reserve Note ($ Loan). A Debit

What is a “Insured Bond”? It is a United States Treasury Bond (B). A Credit

A “Balance Sheet” is created!"

"The allegations are tied to a 40-year-old scam that promotes the notion the U.S. Treasury creates a secret cash account in one’s name at birth."

"It is the funds contained in this CESTUI QUE TRUST that the Judge, Clerk and County Prosecutor are really after or interested in!"

"This is the accounting system used by the Judicial Branch (read Judges) who often mis-allocate justice, in the interest of continuing the transfer of wealth from the defendants (that would be actual people, most of the time) to their bank accounts."

"Securitization of a legal case, happens when Judges attach a monetary judgement, or a penalty to a case, and then hold the defendant as the collateral, until the promised amount shows up in the account of the Judicial Branch.

Usually, this is done by attachment of a bond, to a prisoner or a judgement."

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