("Tall Whites" / Nordics / Aryans / Nazis + Nevada) × (House of Black Sun + Reno-Sparks Indian Colony + Priests) = (Vatican + Donald J. Trump + General Milley) + (OITC + NESARA / GESARA) = Greys + Ancient Alpha-Omega ring?

in gesara •  3 years ago 

"They are what we call Nordic Blondes and also the Tall Whites who were actually working with the U.S. Air Force in Nevada. They’re able to get away with that — they had a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns go into Las Vegas to shop and they weren’t detected."

"one of the ratlines actually ran through the Vatican itself, and escaping Nazis were disguised as priests to faciliate their relocation to South America, the United States and elsewhere around the globe."

"Trump runs the FED/US Treasury hybrid based in Nevada on an Indian reservation Reno Sparks Indian Colony. ALL DC depts will be shrunk down to 10% of total Government- the 90% gone forever. All government will be in center of USA or abit west - no more in DC."

"The Alliance designated the US Military assisted by other militaries of the globe, to be in charge of the takeover of the Illuminati, Cabal, Deep State or Black Hats"

"The “Alliance” is the House of the Black Sun modeled after Hitler’s Alliance (which was their creation) Thule Society, Nazi Party, etc. were their creation. They are attempting a hostile take over for free of the banking system using their arms and legs within the Military and the Agencies world wide. These same people also run the Order of the Assassins which is mostly called the Islamic Calphite (Where Obama Hails From)."

"Trump is blocking them all. The US treasury is on sovereign Indian land at Reno-Sparks Indian Colony- cannot be fooled with"

"“Donald J. Trump is not marked just the executor, the exchequer of the U.S. Treasury and therefore the Fed within the United States…HE IS THE EXCHEQUER FOR EARTH…
He is the exchequer for the Treasuries for every single country on Earth. No human being in history has ever been more powerful owned more things or is richer than Donald J. Trump."

"Then came the Revaluation of currencies, the famous RV, worked on in Reno, Nevada, for a number of years to prioritize a particular nation’s currency in comparison with all other national currencies."

"The non-ability of OITC to enforce has been the biggest block to the success of OITC and the Plan of the Experts of 1928."

"The plans for NESARA originally and then GESARA, to use the acronyms, were outlines of financial restructuring that is more in keeping with the intent of the founders of the OITC funds"

“These guys are Nazis, they’re boogaloo boys, they’re Proud Boys. These are the same people we fought in World War II.”

"Christ Michael is using the “grey form” at this time, for exactly this reason."

"back in the days of Adam and Eve there was indeed a ring symbolizing universal forces… but not of the dark, it was of the light. This ring was brought by the Melchisedek trustees and handed to me as the representative of God on the Planet, when they left him alone. This ring was symbolizing his right to actively support and do the will of the creator. You will remember the symbol „ALOAH“ explained to you, telling you it was a symbol for the fusion of Alpha & Omega , male and female, CM and Nebadonia, everything of their divine creation is somehow Aloah, ALPHA LIGHT OMEGA brought into humanity. Adam and Eve down here were symbolizing the fusion of the divine male and female, alpha with omega. This symbol is carved into this ring. The ring was passed on as the heritage of Adam and held high as a symbol for divinity by his heirs. Caligastia and the dark ones tried to capture it since they knew about it’s existence, their idea was to program and bow the symbol under their power. The signs of A&O have been greatly misused by the churches and also in satanic rituals. The ring itself was kept safely for a long time, but just recently fell to a clan of the reptoides in power. They cannot bow it though, as the ring is of the light and will always be, so it will literally turn against anybody trying to misuse it"

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