Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

in getstarted •  4 years ago 

I think I have posted about this before but I'm going to post this anyway because it fits with the theme of my recent posts and shares.

You have to get off the sidelines and get in the game if you are going to grow. Grow as a person. Grow your brand. Grow your business.

I love the saying I hear that says: We have to change from the "Ready, Aim, Fire" mindset to "Ready, Fire, Aim".

Get ready enough. Like my friend Sarah Scott said in her recent post that I shared. Try the 60% rule. If you think you are 60% ready then get started and improve from there.

Then fire away, adjusting your aim as you go to perfect your writing style, your pitch, your presentation or whatever else it is you are doing.

Nobody ever achieves perfection. If that is what your waiting for you will never get started at all.


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