Getting noticed even if you're (as big as) a pin head.

in gettingnoticed •  7 years ago 

This little guy got noticed. You can too.

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Galaxy S8

So how did this little guy get my attention?

I normally can't read a business card well enough to see the phone number without my glasses, but this little guy was able to get my attention. I was sealing up the sliding glass doors so the air conditioning doesn't leak out and something moved. There was no wind and something moved, then stopped.

I reached for my glasses but still couldn't make it out. The camera did the trick - I got the photo above. I dislike spiders, but am amazed at the size of this creature, who has all the planning and hunting skills of the larger of his kind. He has a running speed that got me - I was not expecting any living creature that small to run faster than any ant I have ever seen. Sure he has two extra legs , but is one twentieth the size.

As long as he lives on the other side of the glass, he can have his web.

sponge bob.jpg
courtesy @josevillanueva

Point of referrence

As small as the ball on a pen, I told my son about this little guy and he went looking for it. We found his web and we were able to grab some point of reference as to what size he is. The photo shoes the point of a Bic pen in near perfect focus and our little friend 3mm behind the tip, but out of focus. Macro is that way. The other dots would be his left overs or maybe bait?


What does this mean 4U?

You may be small, but get out there and do something unexpected. Gather a following and get more eye balls on your posts. Rinse and repeat until you start to enjoy yourself more than the $$$ (they come later and in quantity)

That is all.


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Haha Beautiful expression .. Well done
Great photos
Thanks for sharing your little adventure with us

Thank you for posting @sponge-bob.

Superb photograph and is so true.

Desire, determination and dedication....probably can only be applied to something you personally enjoy.

You mentioned something the other day....about email? Have you looked at It works in S.A.

All the best.


Nice pic, I have some of those where I live

Welcome to the club!

Lol, some spiders can be quick as fuck...
I remember I saw this FAT spider, but pretty small in size as well (not as small as yours). I tried killing it with a shoe... But as I was about to slam the fucker, he started jumping around like crazy... It shocked me because I wasn't expecting anything like that... And then it started running really fast as well.
I seriously never seen anything like that before. I thought it's some sort of freaking hyper active mutant spider that invaded my house. I only hoped that there weren't more of them in my house, because it would feel really uncomfortable...

what does this mean 4U?

Even if you're fat, you can still be pretty athletic... LOL.

Great response. You will do well my friend.

Hehe, thanks!

I wanna know something about cryptocurrency like how many days will continue this ups and downs.

I remember when btc used to work. It went to $1000 which was an all time high and the whole city (of us founders) had a party- rented a bar for the whole evening.

A month later it went to $100 and stayed between $250 to $280 for at least 6 months.
Didn't break a thousand for over a year if I remember right.

No matter, you see what has happened and it will pass. I guarantee that at least one crypto will go to $50,000. It will be one of them that is still fast, free, and secure (btc is only secure at this point - unusable for 14 months and counting). I also guarantee that the paper dollar will go to zero as all paper has throughout history without exeption. I can't believer people still believe in paper being worth something. Especially in Argentina (the next Venezuela).

bricks o kash post.jpg

Here they count it out - bricks of it see this post- and they ask me how to get the paper money when they earn steem. I answer - why do you want the paper? It only loses value.

btw: traders live on this volatility. Buy low, sell high. The whole thing doesn't work without ups and downs.

Good capture! Spiders are interesting creatures.


Muy buena tu publicación, me hace recordar todos los insectos que ya he fotografiado!

Excelente, esto nos hace reflexionar acerca de las pequeñas criaturas que nos rodean. Es agradable detenerse a observarlo.
Gracias por compartirlo.

Esa me ha interrumpido del proyecto. La verdad, tengo miedo de las arañas y no me gusta si estan cerca. Los mato si estan dentro de la casa. Esta vez, tome el tiempo para sacar una foto y agarrar un cafe.

Well buddy it seems you captured it pretty great !Well as you described this pretty little Spidey is sure tiny ;)

Good post. I am studying you who help beginner in steemit. Please instruction and help@sponge-bob

It takes time, patience, and tenacity. Keep posting and keep commenting.

You may be small, but get out there and do something unexpected.

Was not expecting a bit of inspiration upon seeing a picture of a tiny spider, wow. I will add that success such as yours encourages people to reach higher. We don’t know how high we can go until someone breaks the norm. More success to you!

I was like, well it doesn't look that small. Then you put the pen and I was like wtf, how did you see it hahaha.

Good analogy loved it. It's totally true

It happens to me sometimes. I am still not that big in business but I get to spend some time with very interesting people almost every day and sometimes they notice me and always help.

It's curious but in my life the richer the person the more it helps. It might be different for other people but the wealthier people I know are very friendly to me.


Nice shot man. I so much love it.. Lol i wish to get noticed too.

Your post made me chuckle to myself a bit, I literally just put up my first post and it's some macros of jumping spiders,then I read your post next, just an amusing coincidence.

Wow dear @spong-bob you always do something special great post carry appreciate 😍😍😍

great photography very nice shot keep it up.

Your twenty minute story was just awesome..i enjoy your story very much.i read your story attentively.i am learning alot of thing your story reading about real life... thank you very much for your good and learning story@sponge-bob..

as small as whatever it is has its own advantages, spider is a small animals but can prey upon larger.
I felt amazed with your writing, it's interesting to read.
thanks for sharing @sponge-bob

Even the fat spiders are faster 😂

Beautiful message from beautiful photography.

Quite inspiring
True words, no one is too small to make impacts
Your size doesn't determine your visibility and power to influence

Hahah I don't like spiders, but I like your post. Motivation can indeed come in many different ways :') Thanks!

Very nice the first pic!

We get the little, little tiny ones in our bathroom for some reason. There are a million of them. I have no idea what they eat, other than each other. The like to live in the shower. There aren't many right now, maybe one or two, but in the fall I was just go around with a kleenex and clean them up.
They probably shouldn't have gotten noticed.

I like your user name.. I wanted anonymity and chose a cartoon. Yours is the less silly way to say, "no, you can't have my data, passport, DL, SS# or even my phone number!"

If you know me- that is why I am sponge-bob for now.

This post has received a 13.78 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @sponge-bob.

Quite inspiring
True words, no one is too small to be noticed
Your size doesn't determine your visibility
Thanks for Sharing this

well its my first time her but i like the post

Thanks for share information. I appreciate your work. I resteem your post.

Spiders small animals It's home in the house That's why I do not like spider. But the post likes it.

Thank you so much for your encouraging words @sponge-bob Altough i have a lot of followers i don't always have payouts, i probably am doing something wrong but i do like to write in steemit and prefer it much more over facebook :)

What is facebook ? :/
Do they allow cartoon characters?
The human typing this stopped all interaction with goofle, facebook, and the rest long ago.

I took a look at some of your posts. Well done, but some are shorter than usual. Some of the whales are upset about dmania and steepshot because they encourage short posts. Longer ones don't always get entirely read. It's all about how the people (the investors) see things and pleasing as many as you can while offending none.

I see. Thank you for your words and advice. I will try to make my posts longer and with more information and pictures :) and sponge-bob you should have a happy face not a angry one :P

very well its publication, inspires us to go out and plan a method in which we can earn more $$. thanks bob

How to try its problem 😫

Perfect capture dear friend

Nice click of little guy.

Keeo steem on @sponge-bob nice photos and good article thank for sharing my friend i like your post.
I would like to invite you to visit my blog @rizkyakbar please i want to you follow, upvote and comments my post thank you my friend

Time to eat sleep Work repeat :D day will come for sure ;)

in my Yucatan, Mexico,
There are some very similar animals.
greetings great post

So true my dear joel1220!

hallooo spongebob, i like this character, make me funny and ill my stomach when watching this cartoon haha
Very lol this anime always 🤗😉

Be careful!!

Dear friend @SpongeBob Thank you for sharing this wonderful article, the little creature (spider) It is a wonderful creature It builds its home through a network of yarns woven by skill and accuracy is high, so a little creatures of the strange.
Good luck my dear friend @spongebob👍

le tengo pavor con solo mirarle aaaaaaaa