When I was young I could [fill in the blank].

in gettingold •  8 years ago  (edited)

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I love to play basketball. I've been playing since 1979.

Now, I normally play 2 times a week, however I've only played 1 once week for the past few weeks. I'm playing with guys that are half my age and younger.

Slow Reflexes

Tonight while at the gym, there was one play where I saw the ball bounce off the backboard. I proceeded to go get the rebound. The ball bounced low and bent down to secure it. And as I was extending my arm to grab the ball, a young guy reached down swiped the ball before I could even get a hand on it and took off running down the other side of the court.

I saw it and my brain was like go it, but this old body of mine was not quick enough. When you have plays like that which occur too often, then one must realize that I can't do what I use to do.

Talking Trash

When I play basketball, I'm very competitive. So much so that I transform, I'm not really the same person. Also, I love to talk trash while playing. Since I'm the old guy, the young guys look at me just assume they can take me. Some can, some can't.

I get into verbal battles with some guys. They may say, 'This old man can't guard me.' When I hear that, I get determined. I start talking back.

I'll say something like, 'You can shoot. Or you have no left hand.'

Trash talking is a part of the game that's mental, not physical. One of the goals of trash talking is to see if you can get your opponent to behave out of character; trying to bait them into doing something or taking a shoot that are not accustomed to.

Some guys start to exert too much power and energy and they become out of control, during a heated verbal exchange.
Also, you may discover others can't take the trash talking, they get rattled and their performance starts to suffer.

Being Old has its Advantages

What some of the young guys don't understand is the basics or fundamentals of basketball. For instance, many of the younger guys can jump really high, making it difficult for one to get a rebound.

However, you don't 'always' have to jump high to get rebounds. If you box out properly, you can get rebounds even when guys are much bigger, stronger, and more athletic.

I became a student of the game while in the Air Force. While stationed in Incirlik AB Turkey, I met a guy, named Butch, who was a very good basketball player. The team he played on was consistently a tournament favorite. I believe he played college ball as well. On day he should me how to box out. What that means is how to position oneself against an opponent to secure the basketball when a shot is missed (rebound).

I learned that lesson as a 20 year old and I've never forgotten it. I continued to play for the next 29 years. It seems like the older I become the more I learn about the game of basketball. I also watch other people play to pick up on techniques. I'm always learning.

I remember 8 years ago, I took my son to a basketball clinic. The workouts were about hour and a half long sessions. Watching coaches train players is a great way to learn. I just sat and watched. I took notes and discovered that many of the drills being taught were the same that I witnessed the professionals perform in the NBA.

For instance, I saw the Euro Step being taught to 12 and 13 yr olds. For those who don't know, the Euro Step is a technique in which a player is making a layup and he uses his two steps to change direction or avoid contact of a defender while making the layup. Take a look at footage of James Harden, Russell Westbrook, or Manu Ginobili as the make layups during an actual NBA game. You'll likely see them perform the Euro Step.

I try to use my knowledge of the game that I've learn through out the years to my advantage, in order to compensate for my decreasing athletic ability (just a nice way of saying I'm getting old).

Just Plain Fun

All in all, I enjoy going to the gym and playing basketball. I enjoy the camaraderie among the guys. It is funny, I've seen some of these kids grow up to be young men. Also, there a few old guys that I've played with over 15 years ago.

A couple of days ago while at the gym, friend of mine asked me if I knew the one younger guys in the gym. He pointed him out, but I didn't recognize him. My friend went on to say he was that guy's guidance counselor 8 years ago in summer camp. The kid was around 12 yrs old at the time.

Now the young man is a freshman or sophomore in college. My friend said,

'Man, I'm getting old.'

I just laughed because my friend is almost 30 yrs old. I thought to myself, I must really be old because I'll be 50 yrs old in a few months.

Getting Old is no Reason to Quit

I hope to keep playing long after 50. Well that's if my old body can take it. BTW, I need to stretch and get some ice for my knees, I've been sitting too long writing this post and I'm stiff! LOL

Tell Me You Story

Leave a comment and tell me your story of 'What I used to be able to do.'

Thanks @pairmike

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I realized that I was getting old when I started adding 5 more minutes to my afternoon nap ....


I used to be able to beat the #1 player on the tennis team that I coach... I still can (sorry for the humblebrag), I just can't do it in a pretty fashion anymore. Gone are the big serves and flashy points... enter "Old Man" game.

Welcome to the club! lol

Pretty impressive none the less, assuming the team you coach isn't the elementary school team. haha.

Ha! No, I coach a decent high school team. Most likely this will be the last year I can win for a long time, as we have a ton of talent developing. This is a good problem!

I discovered the hared way that one doesn't get old. It happens slowly and goes almost unnoticed until, in my case at least, everything physical gets more difficult. I had just bought my present house when I was your age 14 years ago. I worked my ass off clearing brush and painting etc and still had time and energy to go camping and hiking with the ex. I'm almost finished cutting my last log-length of wood. Every year the rounds get heavier and I have less energy to keep up with everything else that needs to be done. Anyway, you get the idea. Only thing I can say is that getting old beats the alternative and I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to experience it. I know, make that remember, too many people who didn't get the chance.

Keep at it. When you stop that's when the wheels of time speed up. I'm grateful to older as well.

First, thank you for your service in the Air Force.

I loved reading about your trash talking. That is by far my favorite part of any game. Even if I am technically losing, if I feel like I am getting in the other guys head, I am winning. My dad and I talk a bunch of trash when we play golf. We call it "head games".

As far as what I use to be able to do ... I use to be able to stay up late partying and get up early for work, etc. Now that I am getting old, I can't burn the candle at both ends like I use to.

I love trash talking, but I've noticed that everyone can't handle it. Since I play with a bunch of young guys, I have to be careful not to cross the line. I have more that I care to admit, but I'm doing better. I've learn to say I'm sorry when I see the other guy is truly offended.

Yeah. I am what I call semi-competitive in the fact that I try my hardest to win, but I also understand a game of pickup basketball or whatever means nothing in the grand scheme of things. This allows me to enjoy the trash talking part of the game. Some people are so competitive you would swear they were going to lose their life if they lose. Those people kind of ruin it for everyone in my opinion. I am friends with many of them. Haha

Ah dude come one. You gotta remember at this point it's exercise. I'm 39 and chase after 25-28 year olds every monday night. It can get so frustrating with them jumping over me or me not being able to blow by them anymore.

Luckily basketball IQ seems to have gone down over the past decade so I play so much smarter it levels out that step I lost.

I haven't dunked a basketball in 15 years. Luckily I'm lefty and could always shoot. That I still got, thankfully.

Happy balling man!

I have never been a consistent shooter. I love passing a play making more. It is absolutely all about the exercise and the fun. But deep down inside, I still like to win. lol

Yeah I hear you, wanna get that W!

I was working in a factory earlier this year and I found I could probably work harder at almost 40 than I could when I was 20.... the first day. Then, my hands were so sore afterwards I could barely move them from the many things I've put them through over the years. That's an occupational hazard for someone trying to build a career in coding and doing the factory work on the side and I eventually had to quit. However, I've noticed I do most things better than when I was younger.

That's funny! 'I eventually had to quit..' lol

I love sports but I've never been that good at them. I'm just not the fast instinctive thinker that's always aware of space, so no matter what the sport is, I'm never very good with positioning.

But there was something that was helping me remain a member that could add value to almost any team especially in my favorite sport - soccer. I had the legs to do a lot of running so I compensated for my lack of awareness and reaction time with pace, agility, stamina and the desire to work hard until the very last minute of the game. And with pitches being relatively large, that was something that could make a lot of difference in the friendly-fun matches I usually take part in.

Unfortunately, shortly after I passed the 30-year mark a few years ago, my legs started to give and nowadays I'm not physically capable of being the guy that does the most running as I've lost a lot of my stamina of yesteryear. I still have some pace, I still do my fair share of running, but it's no longer the competitive advantage it used to be before. And while some of my peers now depend on tactical prowess and ability to read the game, I'm still not as good as them at that.

Of course, I keep playing and so do my friends as we are doing it for fun and to help keep in a bit of shape.

Nice post. Keep playing and having fun! Every once and a while you'll get that sprinter boost!

cool post!

I realised I was getting old when I began to break wind when I bend over.

That's hilarious! Lol

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