in gettoknowme •  6 years ago 

It has been over a week since my last post.
Not only little time because of a big job I just started, also all the HF20 issues of last week made me put my posting and commenting on hold.

Now most dust clouds are disappeared, I want to treat you on (what I find) a nice compilation of some posts I did in my Steemit past sofar.
They're not all a 100% personal, but at least they give you an idea who you have in front of you if one day we would meet in real life.

I got nominated for this #gettoknowme challenge by a great Steemian that most of you will know, @abh12345.
The original idea however, comes from another great Steemian, @anomadsoul (thanks to both of them).
Here is the original post.

The challenge in a nutshell:

Select the top ten posts you've made in the past, those that you want everyone to read and make a kick ass compilation.
Posts that maybe got little to no attention and you think were amazing or at least tell more about yourself than we already know.



Even though in over 95% of my posts I try to be funny, I have a serious side as well.
So, for all of you who came here for a laugh, go to the next post.
Because this one's not for you this time.
Recently I had a big job to do at a Care Centre for juveniles, adults as well as
older people with mental problems and/or disorders.
The reason for writing this post has nothing to do with the job I did,
but everything with a young woman I already met in my
first week of that job. A patient.


Here are some pictures from my recent visit to my son,
his girlfriend and my two grandchildren in Sweden.
They live at about 15 minutes from Gothenburg
on an island called Köpstadsö (pronounced Sjupstaetseuw),
which can only reached by boat, helicopter or ... swimming.


Those are both my feet. Today.
I'll spare you the pic, but exactly a week ago that right one looked rather different.


(sorry, but in Dutch)
Zo begroet mijn baas mij altijd bij thuiskomst. Dunga is mijn naam. Je spreekt het uit als Doenga. Een zachte G derhalve, net als die bij Lady GaGa.
Die enge vent naast me is die baas. Hij heet Jan.


When I subscribed here on Steemit, I was hesitating between the accountnames RiffRaff and Smasssh.
Knowing what riffraff stands for, AND to prevent me from having a false start here, I decided to go for the "softer" option of smasssh.

Nothing against cats. But 52 two times a year a special day for cats here on Steemit !?!
High time to put a 'man's best friend' a bit in the spotlight here as well.
Reason why I want to declare this whole month of October as ...


On Steemit now since 9 months.
I realized I never actually did an introductionpost.
Here we go

Now the last 3 are not particular personal but since most of my posts have a funny twist (at least that's my intention) I want to finish with some of those.




Some rules for those wishing to join

Nominate 3 other Steemians
Use the tag #gettoknowme
Only include posts of your authorship
Avoid crypto, politics and religious posts
Only Steemians with more than 6 months in the platform or more than 100 posts made can join this challenge

Think of this challenge as your Steem blogging "resume or CV"

I nominate @oaldamster, @englishtchrivy and @kiwiscanfly.


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Nice mix 'Granddad', hahaa. It represents quite well how I know you.
Last time I saw Dunga he was still young like on the pic above.
Btw, your "strawberry" plants in France did a lot better back then.

Thanks, no use to pretend being more than one really is.
Yep, them "good old days".

Tits please

Patience. Have a post on the shelves.
Btw, did you see I've nominated you? (no obligations ofcourse)

Nice one @smasssh!

I knew you has some personal stuff in the midst of the funny.

Heading off to work now but resteemed so it's in my list for catch up later on. I remember the foot post, that shit needs to come with an 18+ rating! :D

Thanks mate.
Yeah those feet of mine, very close to NSFW I know.
If you want to quit working early tonight and people refuse to leave, I can recommend you to show them that pic above.
Have a nice evening.

I could do with an early finish, but as I'm the only one here then it's unlikely.

Fireworks at the beach tonight too 😁

oi! daz mooi!
mooi om terug te zien toch?
idd dat zijn jouw mooiste posten vooral met de honden
en de grappige post over je benen ondankts dat je in de ziekenhuis toen lag

dank je voor de nominatie
dat waardeer ik maar helaas moet ik toegeven dat mijn artikelen zijn al lang voorgeschreven
alleen mijn fotos moeten nog watermark hebben
maar verder zijn ze allemaal klaar
alleen de VI laat me niet meer dagelijks posten
dat is dat ook,
maar ik weet het zeker dat je het begrijp!
dan je wel!

Dank je wel. Begrijp het volkomen, no problem.

I'm going to see what can i use for this challenge i mean i don't post about myself commonly hehehe. Regards

OMG Smassshy is Jan for intimie and a granddad off two little smasshies😉 and Ariana looks adorable but mick is a stunning young man met zijn mooie manen! En dan Dunga die hoort in #dogsofsteemit. Je tenen kunnen me gestolen worden trouwens en ze zijn niet aflopend jouw tweede is langer dan je grote 😬😬😬
I laugh just as much as I breathe otherwise I would die Jan😉 but life is to short! Its always funny When the engagement is on and ThAnx goor the support, GREETZ van het platteland
Oh ja en het belangrijkste mochten we elkaar tegenkomen ik heb een beeld bij jouw handen gekregen dat ik moeilijk van mijn netvlies krijg.
Its Nice knowing you ..... smassshy

Hèhè, those hands are way too small for being mine. Kolenschappen meneer, hahaha.
Nice knowing you and not taking bad my "daring" remarks every now and then.

I expect the daring remarks at least 7 days a week JAN 😉

Een hele coole optelsom van idd posts van jou die verder gaan dan een geintje.

Ik vind je grappige posts echt fakking grappig moet ik eerlijk toegeven, maar ben altijd blij als je er weer een serieuze tussen hebt, want je hebt genoeg te vertellen

Af en toe een persoonlijk getinte post is zat.
Je moet de mensen ook niet te wijs maken hè? hahaha.

Lol im glad to have been first hand audience of your posts, I always knew there was that serious part of, nice to jumping on the challenge right glad to know you man, you're one cool person.

Thank you. Good luck with that!

posts that are very understandable, and very high quality, hopefully you are always successful @smasssh

Thanks for your compliments.

same with friends

Thanks for the nomination. 😎

@smasssh you have grandkids???? wtf, are you even old enough to have them?

I am sure all the guys on here with a feet fetish will love that picture buddy, but if us gus had virginas I don't think that would be an issue. ;D ;D haha

Yep, two grandkids. I was just kind of "ahead of my time".

I didn't have my first kid until I was 25, shes 11 now, time flys so fast. :D

Cool contest. I was nominated by someone too for this contest which I will be doing soon though I have not blogged much about myself, I will try to look for five posts about myself.

Thanks. Wish you luck with those five.