in getwokegobroke •  5 years ago 


Series 12 Episode 10 AFTERMATH
This is an update for the #NotMyDoctorWho campaign
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Hello all
Firstly WELCOME, even though under awful circumstances, to all our new signers, we are here for you, and you will find a lot of material here by checking out the campaign updates, that will tell you more about the campaign, how we see things, and what you can do to help more if you wish.
It is with a somewhat sickened feeling that I write this update today.
Considering expressing that, it’s like this:
#NotMyDoctorWho is completely Vindicated!
#NotMyDoctorWho is completely Vindicated!
It’s like that!
Sadly, our hope lay in being WRONG: to be RIGHT is bitter sweet indeed.
I hope, for your sake of enjoyment of the true creative genius and legacy of Doctor Who, that like me, you DIDN’T watch “The Timeless Children”
Instead, I let Az from @HeelVsBabyface watch it for me.

Heaven along knows, it wasn’t easy for him. The image of those Cyber Timelords alone indicates a perversion of everything Timelords and their society used to represent, and is a metaphor for the soulnessness with which these deceitful miserable radical feminists perceive men.
As you will know if you have followed through the resources on the main petition and in our subsequent updates, we have called series 12 a plot (or “agenda”) to detonate the Canon of the entire franchise.
We knew this from before the start of series 12 because the Doctor Who Feminist Front, who now call themselves the Doctor Who Screenwriters Alliance, bragged on their word press over 18 months ago that they were going to use their “open page on my macbook” to destroy “institutional patriarchy” in the franchise.
Our graphic with this update exposes a particularly toxic comment from the Feminist Front's now deleted/hidden wordpress, with WORSE still to come out in our final report.
They will not escape being shown for what they are to the world.
Given the head of that patriarchy is the first Doctor, that meant he had to be dethroned and replaced by a feminist icon, in this case a female POC baby whose natural ability to regenerate we are now supposed to believe was stolen and harnessed by the Timelords for their own ends: and that as that Timeless Child, the Doctor was never really a Timelord at all.
I have little stomach for discussing that toxic misandrist mess. I am glad I will never watch the final episodes of series 12, indeed, I don’t have any form of copy of anything from the start of series 11, and I never will. My mind and my cortex are not the target of nasty agendas. For example, I have never clicked and watched a video of ISIS beheading a hostage. I figure, my enemy, who hates me, wants me to watch it. And I do not give that inch. What has been done to Doctor Who is on an equally radicalised fanatic level, just violence upon the mind than upon the body.
People are DEEPLY upset and unsure how to respond, whether to be furious, or depressed, to stick around or walk away.
Well our choice running the campaign is clear. We have no intention of sticking around giving our energy to this mess for 18 months for there to be more of this pushed into both our, and our children’s, heads.
The ratings are looking like a hot mess. Overnights are now in for episode 10, 3.78 million, a little more than episode 9 (3.78) but still less than episode 8 (3.86)
All the overnights being in for the series we have a final average of 4.10 million.
This is a terrible drop on the series 11 overnights average of 6.75 million, a massive drop of 2,650,000 viewers who just couldn’t be arsed to watch doctor who when first broadcast anymore
It is little better for the much assumed-about consolidated numbers for series 12 so far.
With episode 9 and 10 numbers still to come, the average consolidated is 5.3 million, and that’s not likely to shift much by the time all the numbers are in
That compares to the series 11 consolidated average of 8.3 million!
A whole 3 million viewers simply couldn’t be bothered to watch Doctor Who online or by any other catch up means over a whole week for series 12 after their disillusionment with series 11!
These numbers have seen the show drop below the numbers of McCoy’s last season, and also shown the online viewership has collapsed even faster than those watching on live broadcast!
We should expect the BBC would be responding, offering course corrections and moving to make changes with alacrity: the opposite is the case.
As detailed in our recent update, Piers Wenger, Head of Drama, has flat out refused to make any changes to the show no matter what the ratings are, and by suggesting the show doesn’t cost the BBC so much to make because of money from international partners as opposed to TV Tax payers, the public should take their opinions and insert them in an orifice.
The BBC has been very angry with us for pointing out one of those partners is the communist Chinese, in the shape of SMG group.
Further research has turned up that the BBC has similar sized deals with HBO and ZDF, German state TV, and that BBC studios brings in 1.4 BILLION (yes BILLION), of which 200 million is passed to BBC group as “profit”, meaning 1.2 billion is brought in from the outside and directed to finance programs. Added to the TV tax, that gives the BBC an income of around 5 billion pounds a year.
Its further reasonable to split the difference of that 1.2 billion between HBO, SMG and ZDF as 400 million EACH, meaning China certainly could entirely bankroll the show. And together HBO and SMG are contracted to take up to series 15.
Therefore, its worth a LOT of money to the BBC to just keep making it, Chibnall and the feminists in the writing room are feeling safe and pretty, and everyone else can just fuck off.
Given that is their advice, that IS what we are going to do!
It is our intent to LEAVE and FINISH with the Doctor Who fanbase and leave the woke to it at the end of our campaign.
There is nothing left for us here apart from contempt for both the production office in Cardiff, everyone whose taking their shilling for PURPOSEFULLY doing this to our show, and the entire rotten edifice of the Toxic BBC itself, for which Doctor Who, or Doctor Wu if you prefer, is not the symbol of their sickness. We do make a proviso for the actors, but behind the scenes? You sold us out!
However, our campaign is not done yet. We have set a provisional closing day of March 16th to submit our petition and drop our after-action report on the internet. We will only extend past then if the situation suggests its to the campaigns benefit.
This report will be comprehensive and will cover:

The history of the show from the 50th till today, and where things went wrong
A full analysis of the ratings
A full investigation of BBC funding by foreign powers
A full expose of the toxic feminists
The campaign on Twitter and the setback of shadowbanning
The lies of BBC shills against the campaign
Timidity and refusal to get involved of Who You-Tube channels
Direct sabotage attempts against the campaign by @EddieOfSkaro and @NoelZone, including spreading slander lies and misrepresentation to their audiences and to talent associated with the show, and what we think their motives for the same are when they are SUPPOSED to be against the current show and take MONEY off people to run their channels.
An overview of the aftermath
Exhaustive Appendices

AS you can tell this will be a large document which will be compiled as a PDF and made available in multiple ways. You wont miss it as it is certain to be included on change org as a campaign update.
Tweets from my own Twitter supporting the campaign will now slow down and I expect to be tweeting a lot less about Doctor Who soon. We are happy the campaign will meet our revised targets by the time we close it, but of course are open to it suddenly going viral and booming or otherwise doing very well in the time available.
Tomorrow we will release a sample letter of complaint and instructions for who to send it to, to both the BBC and the Press, and it goes without saying we encourage everyone to dare to do more to make the petition as successful as possible.
It WILL be submitted and WILL go to all named persons, with the final report attached, and also go to both national and international press
This cannot be stopped. By anything!
So today, we simply share with you the pain and gut ache of seeing what these dangerous extremists of the woke cult can do when their selfishness is unleashed.
In solidarity and grief with all for the loss of what was once the worlds greatest franchise: let’s see this thing done:
John White AKA @JohnTheWhite1 on Twitter

This is an update for the #NotMyDoctorWho campaign
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