There is no "white supremecy problem" in USA

in getyerlearnon •  7 years ago 

The media keeps trying and trying and trying to convince us that there is but I think they have kind of overplayed their hand here because it is beginning to be completely transparent: There is no massive underground racist movement that exists in the USA at all.


I'm not saying that there are no racists. I mean, just look at that guy above. What I am saying is that the media would have us believe that there are swarms of people like him just waiting to be activated for a fight to suppress anyone who isn't white. This is a completely absurd claim and is not at all true.

This was proven in the past week when the media spent what can be equated to tens of millions of dollars of airtime talking about the "horrible nature" of an upcoming rally in Washington D.C. and Charlottesville, Virginia. The total amount of people that actually turned up for the advertised "white power" rallies were less than 100 people.

It was kind of funny to see that the Antifa people turned up in the thousands in Charlottesville, and upon finding that they actually had no one to fight / suppress, started turning on their own, and the chants turned into being anti-police... who were only there because well, these sorts of things are going to encourage people to get a bit worked up.


The people on the antifa side were shouting something along the lines of "why are you wearing riot gear? There's no riot here"... because it needs to rhyme and well whatever. However, it was only a few hours later once they realized that the white supremacy parade they were so looking forward to wasn't actually going to happen that they started to attack police and even reporters from news agencies that are ON THEIR SIDE.

Here is the thing: The KKK and other neo-nazi groups in the USA don't really exist anymore. If they do, their numbers might be MAYBE 5,000 people or so? No one really knows but it is not a big number. When you consider that there are 350 million people in the United States this is an unbelievably small percent of the population. This doesn't stop the media from talking about it over and over though. They continue to find a**holes like the guy with the swastika tattooed on his chest and let him have unlimited airtime in order to progress their silly agenda.

I really believe that the police handled the situation really well but here is what i think is so completely absurd about what happened in the past week in both DC and Charlottesville: There was no standoff between two groups because one of them doesn't exist.

There is no white supremacy movement in the USA on any sort of meaningful scale. This is an idea that has been created by the media and for lack of a better word, crazy people in Antifa. They might not realize it, but they are forcing Antifa to lose all credibility as a movement. You are fighting nothing.

When those thousands of people turned up at an non-issue event and didn't get the fight they were hoping for with Nazis, they decided to just fight whoever and that "whoever" ended up being police and journalists who were at no time posing a threat to them in any capacity.

The world has gone insane to the point where in the absence of an actual enemy, we are creating them. I hope it ends soon because I am from near Charlottesville and would prefer that my people don't end up being the laughing stock of the world.

ps. I blame facebook for these absurd ideas that many people have because of the catered newsfeeds that ill-informed people have these days... and i hope that just by ignoring them, they will go away.

Sorry to be political, i know this is frowned up here and if anyone really takes issue with this posting, i will delete it. I would just love to see us fight actual problems rather than non-existent crap.

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glaub mir! in deutschland ist es genauso ! immer wieder wird berichtet das gerade die ehemaligen Bürger der DDR Nazis sind. in Deutschland ist man ein Nazi wenn man die falsche Partei (AFD) wählt. obwohl diese Partei sich dafür einsetzt keine Soldaten mehr auf fremdes Gebiet zu entsenden.

mach bitte weiter so ich würde gerne mehr wissen wie eure medien eure Bürger manipulieren

believe me! in Germany it is the same! again and again it is reported that just the former citizens of the GDR are Nazis. In Germany you are a Nazi if you choose the wrong party (AFD). although this party is committed to sending no more soldiers to foreign territory.

Please continue so I would like to know more about how your media manipulate your citizens

I think you are spot on regarding the media making this up. I doubt your number of 5k is accurate but whatever it is, obliviously small in relation to the 350mil of the US.

Thing that gets me is how easily the left went and lumped every Trump Supporter as a racist or bigot. As if that was the only reason someone could have possibly voted for him was if they were racists/bigots. At least that was what I heard a lot of. Even lost a few friends over it. Ironically I did not vote for Trump, but called someone out on the b.s. they were spewing and labeled a deplorable! LOL ok w/e

Whole thing is a sick joke. And I am like where were you people in the early 90's ? #bushciaclinton #irancontra #gulfwar

Media has been lying to us all along and now your drinking the fn koolaide? This is what happens when you fail to teach critical thinking I suppose...

I hear ya brother. I see lots of people even now, getting into potentially friendship ending arguments over the same crap. I met a girl at a bar the other day and the first thing she said to anyone that she also met was "if you like trump or brexit you can fuck off" and i'm like "how about we be like normal people and don't discuss either of those things with strangers?"

The KKK membership numbers was estimated by the SPLC, which is a questionable organization at best. However, the motorcycle club I am affiliated with has this many members and we experience difficulty in pulling off successful barbecues so i would say this number (even if it is double that,) is insignificant.

The problem is, journalism isn't what it used to be. Politicians are owned. News corporations are owned. Watch the movie "Wag the Dog" with Dustin Hoffman. Or watch some of George Carlin's monologue on politics.

These people in power don't care about anything but power, that's it. They'll lie, manipulate and deceive everyone they can to get what they want.

There are no republicans or democrats...they all play on the same team but sheep blindly follow.

We need to wake up and realize that there is no American dream. The American dream is a crock of shit. They want us to work until we die and that's it. In the 50's, one income could support an entire family, not even two incomes can support an entire family.

The government is lying to us. They distract us with catchy headlines, they distort the truth.

Journalism 101: If one person says there's something going on outside and then another person says it's's your job to look out the fucking window and find the truth. Journalists nowadays, do not do that at all. They follow the screen prompter and continue the mass confusion.

some great information in there pal and yes, i love that George Carlin segment. man he was so good.

Love your Journalism 101 quote at the end.


I've been saying this for a long time. Thanks for this. Yes, it is seriously a sham. I mean, how many people with swasticas or KKK garb have you ever seen in your life?
Also, I keep hearing these stories of racial vandalism and more often then not, we find out later, they were actually perpetrated by someone wanting to bring attention to themselves or to racism.

The mainstream media - true creators of FAKE NEWS! They keep on bullshitting us to fulfill their owners agenda. They're puppets to the big picture, but we can see through the smoke!

This is hilarious, the Media is trying desperately to make a story. There aren't any Neo-Nazi's and the 50 Hyped up Antifa, have no one to fight. I think its great the Media, are becoming the victims of the monsters they have created. If the Media, wasn't there, no one would even care about a few losers chanting and acting like spoiled children.

why would you delete this is someone has a problem with it? you ARE allowed to have an opinion.
if someone does have an issue with it-i assume they think racism is rampant. and if they think that, and you think this, there is an issue.
Issues are not resolved by hiding them.

oh i said that because I am in a couple of minnow projects that have a policy of no political postings. While this doesn't really apply to me because I am a contributor not a recipient, i'm not 100% sure and would rather continue to be part of the minnowbuilding programs. But yeah, i don't think anyone minded and this is actually going really well. Got lots of great comments so far including yours!

DIVIDE and CONQUER. This is clearly divide and conquer strategy. The best example that it is still used and WORKS is a prison. A prison has 5000 hardened criminal and only 100 guards per shift. The guards are outnumbered 50 to 1 . It would be easy for the convicts to over throw the guards. How in the world does the guards stay in control? DIVIDE AND CONQUER. You keep the convicts fighting, whites against the blacks, blacks against Hispanics and so on. They know that a unified facility is a dangerous facility.
Please, We are AMERICANS. We could be a real threat to the controlling elite as a unified country. So many have drank the cool aid of focusing on the wrong thing. I am not your enemy. Unite as AMERICANS!

It is surprising that in the 21st century there is still racism, obviously this is false news from the media in the United States but in many parts of the world there is still racism. I seemed to see an old publication of yours that you were talking about racism in Thailand that I certainly read and did not comment because the publication already had if I'm not wrong 2 months old.

yeah, i'm not saying racism doesn't exist. What i am trying to say is that the media NEEDS it to be bigger than it is (for some reason) and they are attempting to create problems where they don't exist so they will have a story. They aren't reporting news they are creating it.

Well every where some of that type black sheep you can meet any where. They just make some abuse to be create fight between religious matter. They havs planed with big amount of money. And its all basically pre planed.

Divide and Conquer, and people are too stupid to realize, they got us divided by race, religion, politics, sex, etc.
when will everyone wake up and realize we are all stuck here together, so we might as well be nice?


It is clear that the problem of racism comes first of the lie that can promote a person, we are all "free" people are people who did not decide what color to be born, they just "were born" but the one who is responsible for exalting this news is the "guilty" as we would all say, but ... who are we to point to others? that would not also be dividing us? for God we are all worth the same (and) sometimes the conscience is the best answer in this humanity ...
as Abraham J. Heschel says: Racism is the greatest threat to man, the maximum of hatred for the minimum of reason

I have always known that in the US there is a lot of racism and I do not understand it, because in the eyes of God we are all equal

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

i thought that my country have the most political problem but now in USA too. Our government hunting student because our student want to make sure road safety. students_beaten_1.jpg

Both police and Government partys attacking teen students.

Facebook is not a mature platform. All silly people are there. All fake news are exist on facebook.people post fake material there which causes disputes.

Sad! The Cops were just standing there. These people are the problem. We need to stop pretending that these people are right. Media helps to fuel this. Thanks CNN -so glad these protestors are not racist, non violent. Black Lives Matter looked exactly like they real are.

I went to Taco Bell and ordered a Taco Supremacy