As many of you know by now, Monica Petersen died in Haiti on Nov 13th. There is proof that she was investigating, researching, and very critical of the Clinton Foundation, Hillary's brother, and other child trafficking she discovered during her time in Haiti. See the full background thread here:
This week Washington Post published an article on Monica's death. They omitted some very important facts and overall misrepresented her findings and also concluded that Monica committed suicide based on a quote from her professor/boss Claude d'Estree (who previously worked for Dyncorp, FYI). No mention whatsoever of her parents questioning the official cause of death.
#Monica's own mother is now questioning the supposed suicide. Why is the Washington Post not helping her find out the truth? What is WaPo COVERING UP?
I have the full footage of Monica's funeral from last week, but out of respect to her family I am only releasing her mother's segment in which she openly says she does not believe the storyline of Monica committing suicide.
See video beginning at the 10:25 mark.
Some quotes (in the order they were made):
"She seemingly took her own life by hanging."
"But since that time things that have come to light that just don't fit with Monica's life and her personality. When she went there 10 weeks ago, she was happy, she was up, she was motivated ... and so we don't know. What happened? What changed, so much?"
"Her family, her friends, her colleagues, just don't see this as being her. And yes, she was upset by some of her personal living conditions in Haiti, but she dealt with similar conditions in other countries. She knew she could leave and no one would place blame on her."
"So, we don't want to deny or blame as a family, but none of this seems to fit her. And maybe that's just the way it's always going to be."
"We will likely always have more questions than answers, about, about what transpired in that time."
#WE OWE IT TO MONICA PETERSEN - the truth needs to come out. Where is the investigation? The State Dept. needs to investigate. Monica was a US Citizen who died under suspicious circumstances abroad!