in ghana •  7 years ago  (edited)


...and let thy saints rejoice in goodness. O Lord God turn not the face of thine anointed; remember the mercies of David thy servant. 2 Chronicles 6:41-42

For the past few days we have been looking at practical steps we can take as far as hosting the presence and glory of God is concerned. We've looked at the need to make room for the things of God in our lives whenever we invite him and the benefits of having priests and believing saints around us.
Inspite of all these things we still see Solomon ending his prayer by appealing for the mercy of God. This is crucial because there are times when we might mess up. We might forget to pray or make enough room for God. There are times when others might make mistakes. Your priest or saint might give you advice that might be good to him but not necessarily God's best for you. Or you might even do everything perfectly to the best of your knowledge and things still will not seem to work out. In such times, it is the grace and mercy of God that shall keep you. We have to recognise the sovereignty of God's mercy. In that way, when we are successful, we would not attribute the glory to ourselves or to some formula but unto the living God. Unto him be glory in the church now and forever more.

Ask God for his mercies that he may keep you.

Father, may your goodness and mercy keep us.

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  ·  7 years ago 

Cute post..

Thanks and amen.

  ·  7 years ago 

Nice post. Pls keep it coming daily

I will my bro.