Secret to unlock Ghislaine Maxwell?

in ghislaine •  3 years ago 


Ghislaine Maxwell, the Demon Queen, is behind bars. Does she have a secret that could unlock her shackles?

God, that's an unfortunate headline.

The answer is no, nothing should 'unlock her shackles'. Whether you believe men are the root of all evil or not, at least two were in this case.

Her monster father and her monster lover.

A surprisingly large number of women were also involved. Covering up, booking flights, seeking out talent. Ponying up sacrifices once they became too old or too wise.

The things people do for fucking money, right? For power, for privilege, for status.

We're always told - us men - that power and privilege and status are catnip to women. But maybe actually that was all a lie too. The seedy trickle down economy the rich ARE prepared to let us rubes exist in.

I sincerely hope she rolls over and names names.

As the trial started I had no faith in the justice of it. Wealth and privilege and power, the Eyes Wide Shot-ocracy, have a way of keeping justice at bay. We've all seen it at work. How money and celebrity nudge the odds ever in their favour. How the monsters hide in plain sight. Taunting us.

Turns out my partner was right. The only thing that counteracts that wealth and power and privilege is being a woman. Oh, THEN the sword of justice can fall. And sure enough there are demands to prosecute all the other women enablers.

Find the men. Nail the fucking men.

Did any of you read the Joan Collins interview? Nail the fucking men. Nail everyone who flew Epstein Air to the land of milk and honey. Nail every last one of the fuckers.

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