Ghislaine Maxwell how I've been shown she is KEY!

in ghislainemaxwell •  4 years ago  (edited)

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More evidence was brought to my attention of people plagiarizing me.

Now I Have always said I am Not proprietary about my research and work as I want people to Know what is out there, I just wasn't aware that more operatives are profiting on book deals.

In End God Wins and that IS what Eternity is all about.

I'm Not a globalist and have Never been an elitist, so the money doesn't matter!

Those always chasing, climbing the ladder and seeking financial stability Above their families have always sickened me because they Never saw what they were doing to their family.

Speaking of Money. ..Dad in law says he believes That is what this is all about as far as a nursing home my mom in law has requested over and over to go home from. ..he says he believes it's All about Money in the industry. After looking into the financials of the healthcare industry, he appears to be Spot On! Exactly Why we said he and mom in law could stay with us to recover and would cost them Zero because God is our Provider!

People get nervous when you remind them one of the models Epstein flew with has had her hands in All sorts of businesses Just like Ghislaine Maxwell did. . .and Now she sits on the Health Board for the UK called NHS. When we were all researching it. ..downed Voat researchers with a DoS attack for months! There is Always something the Overlords don't want people to see when this happens! It means you Better get your eyes on it because the Nefarious are up to something BIG!

It was Exactly this type of information that was taken and used for a book deal by someone who is connected to Ghislaine Maxwell herself.

When people ask me Why I don't go after them and hold those who steal my work accountable. . .

It is because those of us Called see the Bigger Picture.

In the end none of what is Stored up here as treasure matters. We are headed to a place where Eternal Treasure is Far more Important!

I Want my info shared out. If someone claims it as theirs and gets a book deal. ..well, I'm hoping more people will at least have the Veil lifted from their eyes and see the Great Deception God has told us about over and over, but he said some would Not have the eyes to see nor ears to hear!

Yes, it's sick it is done by operatives (think Clowns, clown agency), at the same time. ..God Can use Anything to wake people up!

God and I had a deal. . .I would put the information and connections out there and He will make sure I can earn an income through a small business (unrelated to my research I have been doing since college) where my family participates in various ways.

My research and information have always been provided Free of Charge.

That's okay for those taking and profiting because I have an eternity with a God where He and I know they need the veil of deceit lifted from their eyes. What they really Need more than profits and treasure from this realm is Eternal Treasure!

They need to know and have a relationship with the God, who created them in His image. Satan and his minions are desperately trying to keep them from that as Satan's goal all along has been to take as many souls down with him as possible while keeping people focused on consumerism, money, popularity, success in This realm.

I mentioned Ghislaine Maxwell because I got information concerning her and all the work I have been doing for years concerning deep dives involving she and her family. Her father was as you know, an interesting placement in the time construct and the web of reach is VAST.

Happened in my small business too. Someone took my name and profits through a Corporation. It is not an Accident that it is called a Corps for short! They make tons of corpses and sadly many are too blind to see it. They are so stuck in their realm and have been assimilated by the propaganda, entertainment and Programming. Praying daily God lifts the veil as He and I wish for NONE to perish!

Sadly there are some Thinking they know God, but God will tell them on that Day to depart from Him, He Never Knew them. God has shown us how they are Clearly Marked as Imposters.

Here is an apt song as many of us have been looking around for Years trying to tell people that those "Investment Funds" and the phrasing of "Diversify your Funds" led us on a trail to discovering the most profitable were hidden in human trafficking, organ trafficking and biotech. (think Falun Gong as just one of several examples).

Now we are faced with the results of it all Right Now as everything comes to a head. Do you know how many biotech firms are out there? What does Pp actually do? Why are they like ravenous wolves when vetted information on these two industries are shown? It is Not by mistake they are some of the Most Profitable industries as this realm Is satan's domain. How are they gaining access Right Now especially to those Without a voice and someone else having Control over their own affairs?

What has been satan's goal since ancient times?

  • Usurp God's authority as satan took God on when he was lucifer in heaven then 1/3 (why they like 33, but We FLIP it on them) of the angels fell with him (Nephilim, where do elitists come from?)
  • Tell humans they can become gods unto themselves (Transhumanism)
  • tamper with and alter DNA (Biotech which produces What?) as spoken about here,

In the bible crossbreeding was used among the fallen.
Did it sound like Genetic Armageddon then? When the fallen saw the daughters of God (humanity was created in God's image) this is what happened. ..

Genesis 6:2-5
King James Version
2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Clearly just as then. will be the same Now because. ..
Ecclesiastes 1:9
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

Truly the war between Good and Evil as the followers of satan come face to face with a line drawn in the sand by the Sons and Daughters of God!

Luke 17:26
King James Version
26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

So just what was it Really like in the days of Noah?

Jasher 4:18
18 And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals.

Now if you grew up in the churches in which many of them were weakened and some of the books of the bible hidden as they were taken out by the Vatican during King James reign. may be asking What in the World is this "Book" of Jasher. Some say. ..NOT in my Bible. Oh, but it IS mentioned in Your Bible!

Did you know the book was stated in the books that weren't taken out?
WHY? What happened to it if it is written right there in 2 Samuel 1?

So if the Book of Jasher isn't Inspired. ..why was it mentioned in a Book everyone acknowledges IS inspired?

18 (Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow: behold, it is written in the book of Jasher.)

I'll put the article and some of my other info in the comments they plagiarized. If people understand the significance of what all of these connections mean. . .then I don't care Where they see it as long as they realize they need to Repent, Turn away from the "offerings" of this world which Includes Health and start talking to the ONE who created them in His Own Image! Godspeed!

When I share a song or musician, it doesn't mean I endorse all they do or say, it just means the messaging of That particular song resonates with what we are seeing on the time construct. Have a Super Weekend and when it seems All are against you. ..just start Talking to the One who Created you. He Already knows, but Wants to hear from you. He Loves You more than anyone in this realm Ever Can!

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Elizabeth Jenny Jeanne Meynard Maxwell

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She was married to publishing tycoon Robert Maxwell from 1945 until his death in 1991.

Elizabeth's parents
Paul Meynard was a Protestant descendant of the Huguenot upper class and Colombe Meynard was a Roman Catholic (whose marriage to a Protestant resulted in her excommunication).[6] Her father Paul owned a silk-weaving factory and was the mayor of the village

  • In September 1944, after the Liberation of Paris, she met Czechoslovakian-born British Army Captain Robert Maxwell, while working as an interpreter for the 'Welcome Committee', which introduced French people to allied officers

  • they married on 15 March 1945.

  • She then worked as his secretary and assistant in London as he established his publishing empire.

  • The Maxwells had nine children: Michael, Philip, Ann, Christine, Isabel, Karine, Ian, Kevin and Ghislaine. All of Maxwell's children were delivered by her sister Yvonne, a gynecologist, in Maisons-Laffitte, France.

See more here,

CIA operatives in this family?

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Just who is Vicky Osterweil? Used to be William Osterweil
Here is the dive.

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According to Post Discus

A couple of days ago Natalie Escobar Assistant Editor of "Code Switch" (a radio show obsessed with race) which is aired by NPR, had an interview with Vicky Osterweil, author of the book In Defense of Looting. The title says it all, but the most interesting part of the interview is when Osterweil is asked about what she would say to people who are concerned about essential places like grocery stores or pharmacies being attacked.

This is her answer:
When it comes to small business, family owned business or locally owned business, they are no more likely to provide worker protections. They are no more likely to have to provide good stuff for the community than big businesses. It's actually a Republican myth that has, over the last 20 years, really crawled into even leftist discourse: that the small business owner must be respected, that the small business owner creates jobs and is part of the community. But that's actually a right-wing myth.
This brainwashing and obsession to find enemies where there are none, has made the left nothing more than a fascist group that has turned against the worker.

In her conversation with HuffPost, Osterweil discussed the downsides of fixating on organizing and nonviolent tactics, why white supremacy and property are inextricably linked, and the problem with abstract conversations about civility.

Meet the Democrats’ Newest Strategist: Vicky Osterweil

What they are up to.

Similar article to Gateway Pundit found here

Notice than when he operated as William he was part of a band called Vulture Shit.

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Tracked this band here,

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Note at the bottom. . .
Written and Performed by Vulture Shit
Engineered, Mixed, and Mastered by John Meredith at Mollusk Studio
Art by Alex Crocetti

Check this out as these people are All connected and William who became Vicky gave me a Greta Thunberg vibe.

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Interesting themes!

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Perhaps they go along with some of Willima/now Vicky's book themes and covers!

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From Discogs
States featuring artwork by
Marissa Paternoster
In addition to her artwork for Vulture Shit she is in the band Screaming Females

She teamed up with ZVEX to make a limited run of wooly mammoth

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It was Sleater-Kinney who encouraged Marissa Paternoster to start her band.
Sleater-Kinney came out of Olympia, Washington, in 1994.
Here are the lyrics to the chorus in their song Call the Doctor.

This is love and you can't break it
(This is not really me at all)
In a formula or make me
(Stunt girl, dance and twirl, watch me fall)
I'm no monster, I'm just like you
(Carbon copy, same body, different hearts)
All my life is right before me
(Can't tell anymore, the real parts)

Here is the TELL (there's Always a tell)

Sleater-Kinney originated as part of the riot grrrl movement and has become a key part of the American indie rock scene. The band is also known for its feminist and left-leaning politics.

Marissa is featured in an article from Billboard which states,

The Runaways or The B-52s fusing new wave and pop in the '80s, lesbian bands (or groups that include an openly queer, bisexual, or sexually fluid female member) have been a staple of the industry, influencing pop culture all the while.

Note how they think they can Decide what Influences culture!
Pretty much the age old trick always repackaged as they Tell you it is Popular and Trendy!

Back to John Meredith. ..

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Connected to an Indonesian band

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For their song Endgame
guitar and vox : Spider Culhane
Here is what is found in a search

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Note the Song list and then remember. ..God called satan the Prince and Power of the air.
As Lucifer, God's most beautiful angel, he had a role in music in heaven.

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Now I could tell you more about these others. ..the point is, these people are clearly bent on a certain agenda and many are self proclaimed activists.

One way they reach people IS through Music and Art. Not saying all music and art are bad, they are not, it is a method they use just as they use the entertainment industry and Hollywood.

Back to William/now Vicky Osterweil

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Article and work referenced below.

What it all leads to and what has been in the wings for Years!

A must see link shared by Great Guardian and Patriot Suz ZSmiles Thank you!

He is Right!
It is time to Sound the alarm!
Real News is being blocked all around the world and this is Happening all around the world.

It's Time for a Righteous Authority to Stand Up!
Fight for Freedom and Truth!
It is Time to go and Raise a Righteous War Cry!

We will be giving an account before our Almighty Creator! Are those afraid to stand up for what is right here in this realm. .. Really more afraid of the Overlords here than the one who is omnipotent?
Psalms 94:16
“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”
And for those who think they will reach the lost by siding with them on this evil agenda. . .if they would read their Whole bible they would find. ..

Ephesians 5:11
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

According to Times of Israel (link provided in comment section of Original Post).
Access by clicking on time stamp underneath name.

Israelis will need to show proof that they have been vaccinated against, or recovered from, COVID-19 before being allowed to enter some events and places.

The coronavirus czar, Nachman Ash, said Monday that Israelis will have to use an app as proof, or print out barcoded certificates to prove their status.

According to Channel 12, Israelis will be able to download the app — which is not yet up and running — and enter their personal details, and within a minute, receive an authorization that security guards at restricted sites can scan.

Those without smartphones — mostly among the ultra-Orthodox communities — will be able to print out a certificate with a barcode that can also be scanned at the entrance to sites.
Authorities are hoping the barcode will be enough to deter forgeries. However, Ash said anybody gaining unauthorized access to restricted areas and events will be subject to harsh punishment.

Post link

UPDATE on 4.1.2021 Latest charges brought against Ghislaine with documentation
Reported finally by MSM on 3.29.2021
Those of us who took an oath have been working on this case for years.

What they have been signaling for years now.

Upload your conscience? Purchase a human sleeve? A booth for Altered Carbon at the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas 2018. How about a Cortical Stack? Is the promise of immortality a delusional illusion? Great Deception anyone?

Facebook Frames Ghislaine Maxwell arrested, her Twin Sister's connections, Father and others involved with Epstein. What does it all point to?

Facebook Frames What Kind of a world do we live in? Are things what they seem? Are they always signaling the Next Nightmare?[0]=68.ARA_x4ncCaJsIoOdXLJhDXFoZoBBhrvnLZRDLjzC6Ll5vLhHJlSmRk9KYknvOZ5E6txBulE4HWFC-HMyGCsu4e-fQ6RulATTz-HIsrREveNDDdyMZgGTjsz5pfuygBMcVh6n8ihacDiD5V-eGf22XvbY4Nll-Omp-uafGmyE31O6n7HYgD6JX1K27ePQ9ALKWIg51jM_F6oY7hv4NQ&tn=-R

See more information on Ghislaine, her family history, her twin sisters and connections to Clinton Global Initiative along with waterways being set up inside of here,
just scroll down to Robert Maxwell and Ghislaine Maxwell

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