Nicaragua Crisis -Compound Update Ulog #1

in ghsc •  7 years ago  (edited)

teresita -5-days old.JPG

Teresita at 5 days old

I promised a photo of our newest addition to the compound. She was born on Friday, June 29th at 3 pm (give or take. We were a little preoccupied at the time!) She was tiny just a little over 5 pounds. Mama and Papa are not huge folks so stands to reason she is small. She is healthy and eating well. Papa did make it down from his job in the mountains in time for the birth. She is the first of his three children that he has been able to be there for the birth. He is a very happy man.

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Teresita, Grandma, Big Sister, and Mama

Our other little 17-month-old, Sacora, has returned from the hospital. She was in ICU for 6 days with a catheter to her heart. She was severely dehydrated an under-nourished because her mother refused our advice to have her treated by a doctor who was willing to come to the compound. I had the doctor examine her when she came to check on the baby.

All kinds of test were run and the final diagnosis was a severe case of parasite infestation We run a very clean homestead, so I was horrified. It turns out the infestation did not come from our homestead but rather from where her other grandmother lives near the bocana (mouth of a river that joins into the Pacific Ocean about 4 miles from us. There is a lot of livestock using that area and it is not the cleanest water for a child to be playing in.

We are so happy to have her home and looking a lot healthier and eating well. She has put some of her weight back on, but since being in hospital she is very clingy and wants to be held all the time. I noticed big bruises on her arms and her back and her father says that is where they had her strapped to the bed, so she wouldn't move while she was in the ICU.

We can't complain because now, there is nowhere to lodge a complaint. I just love her and give her the attention she needs. Today she asked for Oatmeal cookies. So we made a large batch with the kids and everyone was happy munching cookies with cold goats milk!

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Cookies can always make things a little better. So glad she is doing better. Now she needs so much love and it sounds like she is in the right place to get it. It is heart breaking to hear of hospital visits that strap children down. They are so innocent in all of this. That must have been so frightening for her.

I think she has been traumatised beyond belief...

That is so sad. Just hearing that makes me wonder when people are going to get it and become peaceful. These types of event are just allowing the situation to stay the same.

Great to see the young ones doing well. Have things gotten any better yet outside/around the compound?

No. It is much worse. I posted a follow-up post...


You might want to take a g off that ulogg.

It has been another day in hell.
Dramáticos momentos de los estudiantes atrincherados en la UNAN-M...
Esta tarde de viernes 13 julio, los jóvenes estudiantes atrincherados en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua, están siendo atacados por paramilitares enviados por el gobierno de Daniel Ortega.

Los jóvenes han permanecido en el recinto universita...
English Translation: This afternoon of Friday, July 13, the young students entrenched in the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua, are being attacked by paramilitaries sent by the government of Daniel Ortega.

The young people have remained in the university campus to protest against the Ortega regime, which has imposed a dictatorship in Nicaragua and for the more than 350 deaths that its bloodthirsty government has left since April.

that's a hard video to watch
they know they're going to die

Mortars flying and gunfire tonight. No electricity. The government shut own Claro TV, Internet and cell phones. Ours may be next...

Thats horrible, ceci, i hope you get out.
The sad thing is the new boss wont be any different than the old boss.

Leave copies of this link wherever you can, it offers hope for those left behind.

I will, thanks. We can longer get out. Things have gotten much worse. All we can do is wait it out for a window of opportunity to leave.

Keep your head down.

This link has good info, too.
These books were printed with your situation in mind.

Thanks, @freebornangel! I am going to look at it now. And I will send the link to others as well.

There are 5 volumes, each will have something you can use to improve your chances.

Thanks. Sent the link to my son too!

Great to see the sweet baby and mama are doing well, so beautiful! And a proud sister as well I am sure. So many worries around you all, a welcome blessing to have the baby healthy :)

She is a real little sweetheart. Brings much joy in a very dark time in Nicaragua.

howdy @cecicastor! this is a great report afterall, praise God!

💛 I'm glad the babies are doing OK, that's a bright spot in the darkness.

They are only light and hope for the future right now...

I am so glad the newborn and the toddler are both doing better! I know you have another post so I will go read it now.

Thanks, @debralee. Having the kids here helps bring a bit of joy.

Beautiful, a ray of light :)

Thank you! She is a sweet heart!

What a beautiful little baby @cecicastor You are doing such a good job caring for those around you. I just hope you are taking care of yourself (as much as you can under the circumstances) when you can.

Cookies and milk can make the whole world look better! 🐓🐓

Homemade cookies always bring smiles to the faces around here. Never a crumb left...LOL

From the darkness comes a tiny ray of light .... as always, keeping you and yours in my thoughts, heart and prayers. xox

Thank you, @jcedwards!

Glad to hear the baby is fine.
You have a big heart Ceci.
I'm praying for the safety of everyone.
God bless you all.
Love and prayers xoxo

Thank you, @sunnylife.