Wild Blessing

in ghsc •  6 years ago 


THIS is what blessing looks like, my friends. Unreserved, gracious, abundant blessing. ❤️ Back when the snow was still on the ground, God came to me when I asked His will for our struggling farm, and He asked me to bless and sanctify the ground in His name. I didn’t know what to think... but since my baptism things have been bizarre, so I obediently stepped out in faith and spoke Life over the land. On behalf of my husband and I, and all his ancestors who sweat and bled their lives and hope into this place, I stood in the gap and spoke God’s word over this humble ground not knowing what to expect. I’ve lived and worked alongside my husband on this patch of ground for the last 14 (almost 15) years, typical yields are 70 to 120 bales, no matter what we do. I was open-minded, but hardly daring to hope.

But this: this is abundant, wild BLESSING. 327 — yes, that’s right, three HUNDRED and twenty seven! — bales. Off this ONE field. There’s two and a half more fields to go!

I am crying, I am laughing, I am giddy, and I am beyond humbled by the God who loves us THIS MUCH that He would ask me to partner with Him just to stretch my faith, my heart, and my trust. I will go to my grave shouting Your name from the rooftops, Jesus! You, who heard a tired and desperate woman’s cry to help us honor a family legacy, and answered. As I promised, Jesus, this farm is a testament to Your rampant, unabashed Goodness, and I canNOT wait to see what else You have planned! ❤️

Malachi 3:10 — Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”


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