Sugar Creek Homestead Update

in ghsc •  6 years ago 


Y'all know it's always something on the homestead!

Well, my oregano is not going down without a fight!
A few light frosts and a couple hard freezes and this little plant marches on!

Trying to get things ready before the weather turns really wintry. We cleaned the mower up to store till spring.... Yeah I had lots of help 😵

Was planning to take the cover off my duck huts and wrap them for winter today but a bad storm came through last night and I lost my cover, so disappointed!

Did manage to get the new run started for the Guinea,hoping to finish it this week. IMG_20181124_164052.jpg
Bonnie is officially ruined....
She throws major fits to come help me do.... EVERYTHING. 😂
Betty is doing great. Will be my first winter with goats so if y'all have any tips I'm all ears!

I'll try to catch up on the poultry soon... Chicken, Guinea, Ducks.

Thank you so much for stopping by the homestead!
@SugarCreek IMG_1532806638090.jpg

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Hope winter treats you and yours kindly, SC! It's been building up to be a doozy here in northern Maine. Hope you find that item OK...

God bless.

Thank you. It's not my favorite season. Stay warm and be blessed!

Wow, with as much as i like cooking with oregano, maybe I should plant some, if it’s that hardy...!

No snow yet for us, but it has certainly been cold. 20* some mornings 😱 I have been quite grateful we got the last of our firewood cut and stacked a couple weeks back.

Yes some 20s here to amazing how hardy it is. We had windchill upper teens last night and it's still beautiful! ♥

Howdy sugarcreek! There you are, good to see you! I know you been super busy...what kind of heat do you guys have, just a wood stove? Only one of the photos loaded but I think it's just my computer tonight, hope you're doing well, any word on the other property, is that deal still on?
Oh the pictures loaded, ahh look at those goats! lol. wonderful.

We still use propane for cooking and emergency heating.
As for the land I am having a hard time selling. I am hoping to try again in spring after thaw to move over.. I think.
Thanks for checking in ♥

howdy today sugarcreek! You guys already bought that other property didn't you? So now you're trying to sell the one you're on?

Yes, the other property is paid for.
We currently live in a small community, it's why we are a bit cramped we do not own this land.
Need more financial to get moved over. The SUV blew up at a very bad time. As much as I hate to I have taken some side jobs. Painting and tile work for some of the neighbors.
Just having hard time getting on my feet again so things taking longer.
Would have been better to move this fall every season delays years of growth and production.
The weather has not cooperated for us to finish the road.
Between now and spring we will be forced to make a decision.
The folks that own the land where we live want to move here.
They have been very good to us.

howdy again sugarcreek! ok it seems like some serious delays but if the people who own the land that you're on now will wait for you it still seems possible to move to the new place...just may take a little longer and the weather needs to cooperate. How much work still needs to be done on the road to the new place, what does that take to get in in shape, widen it and get gravel on it?

A couple spots have to be capped and then the gravel
It's 2 miles long... That's the main issue. I am still hopeful

howdy today sugarcreek! oh well that doesn't sound too bad, I mean can you travel on it without the gravel if you have to?

Not when it rains. We will see. I am praying about and for the patience to work in god's time not my own.