Giant Skeleton Cover up - What is the Catholic Church and the Smithsonian hiding?

in giants •  7 years ago  (edited)

Excellent documentary pertaining to Giants. I happen to live in one of the ancient places where the "giants walked the land" in the Bible, Ashkelon Israel. Ashdod is about 7 miles away as well. Goliath is mentioned as passing through Ashkelon. I've done a lot of research on this topic seeing as how I live where these giants once lived. Out of all the research I've done the main culprit hiding such giant bones is the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. You can find hundreds of articles and accounts of giant skeletons being found (7 feet to 18 feet tall). For some reason there has been a major cover up. Are these bones hidden because they will bring truth out in the open? Look at the book of Enoch and Genesis. Enoch (transcripts of Enoch were found at Qumran - Dead Sea scrolls treasure trove) mentions the giants, and how they developed due to fallen angels. Very interesting book.
Could it be that these giant skeletons are hidden and given to Government scientists to try and extract DNA to develop some super human race? Your guess is as good as mine.
Did you know that hundreds of these giant skeletons were found in the United States? Have you heard about "indian mounds"? You would be surprised as to what they really hide. What about all of the movies about giants? Is the public being prepared for some sort of unveiling?
I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did. Have a great day.
skeleton giant.jpg

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They aren't hiding anything, there are no such thing as giants.

Ok, you got some old newspaper articles and pictures. These are hoaxes and photoshopped. Why don't you have any giant homes, giant shoes, giant clothes, giant silverware, giant furniture, giant armor, giant weapons, or giant skeletons? Why not? because there is no such thing a a giant.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

An alleged hoax or 2 doesnt mean they all are. Many, many skeletons have been found of which there have been no answer against. Search Steve Quayle and Tom Horn among others for additional backing info.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yea, well anyone bringing in a skeleton of a giant would be a world celebrity, not to mention a very rich man. There is no museum or private collection that I am aware of, that you can go and view giant bones, let alone any of the other artifacts that should have been found, like a giant's sword or something. If there is one supposed giant skeleton, then there would have to have been hundreds of breeding pairs of giants. Why are there no artifacts?

U would think, but sometimes things don't work the way one would think.. Horn, Quayle and friends objectively studied might make one think otherwise.

Yea, sure. No skeletons, no artifacts, no armor, no weapons, no tools, no homes, no utensils, no pottery. No evidence of ANY kind. All there are is hoaxes.

Plus the fact that giant humans are physically impossible. The record holder was nearly 9 feet tall and could barely walk. His legs needed braces and he needed a cane. He only made it to 22 years old. A 12 foot man would be unable to stand up. He would be an invalid if able to sustain life at all. No way a human heart could maintain the blood pressure needed to push blood up from his feet to his head. Impossible. No way a human skeleton could support the weight. Bones would snap.

So, yes, I do think.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

you ant did no research friend watch movie its got all the proof needed to an open mind to see
:::the unholy see allso True Legends: Holocaust of Giants .... link to page

There is nothing to research. There is no evidence to investigate. The whole thing is preposterous.

Tnx for this posting, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence for the existence of giants, many in the science field do choose to ignore because it puts a bit of a crimp in the theory of evolution..

Yes. Exactly. I full heartily agree with you.

Whilst it will take a lot to convince me that they did exist, I thank you for posting the blog. I haven't done any research into this topic and so will at least scratch the surface to satisfy my curiosity!!!

Great post, I love L.A.Marzulli's work on this, they HAVE found the Nefilim!

This images of giants are absolutely true, since we are talking about stone ages happening before the ice age. A little after the ice age they were all dead because of the ending of the ice age there will be water and cold every where and they did died. Noe with the ark is the latest story that we can explain but scientists said that there was no rain that took so long. They are talking about ending of the ice age and the passage to the modern world. Where all areas of the world started exploring the earth started living normally in all the places around the world. This discoveries of giant bodies are found in places were the Normal humans haven’t lived before. In different places of the earth there was completely different kind of human beings caused by the difference of the earth’s magnetic fields from one place to another. After Noe history we can see the modern humans living everywhere on the planet earth and they were all the same, without major differences.