SILVER will CURE YOUR CANCER when used with DMSOsteemCreated with Sketch.

in gift •  7 years ago 

What made me write this story is simple. The reason is my grandfather past away from lung cancer.

I remember when he called my mother on the phone and told her. that he needed chemo therapy, and that he would not be able to drive himself home.
We did not live near pap-paw. We lived in Pa. And he live in the smokey mountains is Tennessee. I new he would never ask for help. I got a bus ticket and headed down to my grandfathers home in Rockwood Tennessee.
I arrived at his home. He was very happy to see me. I told him I was there to be his driver and take him to his treatments.

My grandpa loved to play cards as much as I did. We would play canasta for hrs. He could also do any crossword, as there where rarely a puzzle in the house not completed.
He drank coffee all day long black and it did not matter if it was cold or hot. So for two months this is what we did along with the treatments.
Now that all the treatments were done I came home. He called a few weeks later to tell me he was getting better. I was excited for him, and told him he had to come see us now that he was well he agreed at set plans.
Just a few week after the talk with papa' another call came it was his friend. She said that papa' had past. I felt terrible he just said he was better. Just like that papa' was gone.

I started looking for potential cancer cure. And I came across silver and studied the healing properties of silver, and the cures of the ions that silver produces when electric current is past thru it.

The studies of the healing of silver go all the way back thousands of years. Did you ever he the phrase born with a silver spoon in there mouth.

That is because kings and queens would often give there children silver spoons when they were born and by the babies eating with the silver spoon it would kill, any virus or parasite, and all bacteria in the food they would eat.

They would kept silver dollars in the milk and in the water because they knew it helped and that was way before they scientific proof.

Silver has almost been removed from all medical practice and I ask myself why. Why if something works that is natural and there is tons of it and it can kill and virus any bacteria fungus disease and over Six hundred other cures.
So I ask myself again. I remembered when I got burned badly on my face chest and arms. I was life flighted and they had me asleep for week till I woke up. I thought I was sleeping for one night. But it was unimaginable they pain was constant. Not even the morphine helped twice the legal limit did nothing
But what did help was what they put on my face and on my arms . I was finally able to start walking and the nurse had me walk over to the sink after telling me about this new medication that they used on my face.

I was one of six percent of people who got to try it. The substance was something like nanotechnology a combination of stem cells, and pure silver that was in this form of past all over my face but only on my face. Not on my neck or my arms. I asked why she said the insurance would not cover in, but the hospital paid for some. It was amazing. I looked in the mirror and I look like the silver silver surfer from the movie Fantastic4. The substance was dried hard now and flaked off easy and it was like brand new baby soft skin. I was speechless.

I look back now and that was fourteen years ago. And think there should not be any body in any kind of pain. We are smarter than we know and I realize now I would be scared for life if those doctors would not have given me for free what my insurance would not pay for.

Think about it for a second. When u are a baby u get shots all the time. Parents barley ever question the MD. They just let them pump these drugs into your child cause you think there gonna help your baby.
Now think of what the insurance will pay if its for babies they will not say no even if the shots are 3000 a piece.

Alright now baby gets the shot, and u get your baby home only to watch your baby get a fever, or just not feel good till the effects of the drugs ware off. Now a couple weeks later baby gets sick runny nose yellow buggers, and you are back at the doctors office. Dr. says yup yellow buggers must be viral baby needs these antibiotics. And make sure baby takes the whole bottle every drop u leave and that is what you do.

And you continue to do this through your babies childhood. Now your baby goes off to collage and is there for awhile. Now one day her friend has been trying to wake her up but she says she is to tired, but gets up sluggishly and holds her neck says her back hurts. Her friend takes her to the E.R.. Dr. says its the flu here is prescription for antibiotics. After she get home she goes to get a shower feeling worse now she takes off her shirt to find a rash and says she wants to go to a different hospital, and does. This time they do a better check they see the rash and run some test admit the girl. And find out the girl has meningitis from a virus the was not treated correctly.

Now after doing my research. I found that colloidal silver used is different was with other natural cures can kill reverse, and correct cells in the body, either skin cell and blood cell. It must touch the infected cells in order to work. Meaning if the infection is in blood it need to be in your blood, if in your lungs it needs to be in your lungs, if it is a infection this is on your skin and in your blood and lungs all three need to be treated I have found that CS.( Colloidal Silver) 20 PPM. Parts per million is enough to kill pertty much any virus or bacteria know to man. This can be found by using a TDS (total dissolved solids)tester. And to get the silver to the lungs u can use nebulizer. If you need to get it to your blood stream you can get D.M.S.O. as this substance can carry the silver into your blood through your skin this can be effective for killing infections of viral and bacterial also, as well as to treat cancerous cells, and reverses the cell, and repairs it.

What happens is these charged particles of silver electrify the bad cells much like jump starting a battery.

Alot of people think when there battery wont charge anymore that they need to buy a new one and that is not the case.

You see when a cell is dead it will no longer hold a charge. So in order to get the cell to take charge it needs to have some life in it. So instead of red to red and black to black we dont a few taps red an black yes reversed tap three time then our dead cell is back to life and can now be charge. This is the same way cancer cella react with silver (Red) charged particles and cancer being ( black) particles.

Silver ions come in contact with the neg. Cancer and shock it back to life so it can be charged. Your body is then then the ground and the new cell is the positive.

This process can take days to months. Do this every day two or more depending on how sever up to 8oz. Of 30 PPM colloidal a day, on worst cases. and 10 ppm 1 oz a day for minor cases.

A short closing statement. A friend of mine was on his death bed with a very bad case of viral meningitis he was almost gone, but his dad was able to soak a sponge with dmso and silver and he rubbed it everywhere he could, and poured some in his mouth.

  He could not drink it, but it does not matter. It is absorbed  in through your metaboliods. He got the silver to him five mins before they took him in for heart surgery.  

   I am not sure how he made it. Yes he is alive and talking.  He is getting better. They did not know how, they all thought he was a goner. 
      It makes me smile, They had no clue we gave him the silver.

I am 33 yrs old. And used to get bad took aches I take colloidal and since I have been using it five years now I have not ever had one toothache or even sick not once but u must use this correctly everyday till u build it up in your system then you take it if someone around u is sick or u think u should a I take it one sip about one ounce twice a week. I hope these helps.

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I think the silver ions are negatively charged like anti-oxidants.