in gift •  4 years ago  (edited)

You might be thinking that you will not forgive those who have hurt you badly. You want to take revenge by going tit for tat also. You might be cursing them. And by doing all these, you think you will find peace and happiness. Then YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WRONG. You can find get happiness for some time by giving pain to the person who has hurt you but it will never give peace in your heart.

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Do you in this whole process who is being hurt the most? YOU. If you look within, you are hurting yourself the most by holding onto the pain and giving punishment to yourself for others wrongdoing. That painful experience happened once but you are hurting yourself every time you replay those painful memories in your mind, talking about it and being in victim mode. So, who is hurting you the most? Its YOU. You cannot control others but can help your self to heal. They don't care whether you have forgiven them or not, sometimes another person doesn't even know that he has hurt you so badly. Because a thing hurtful for you might not be hurtful for the others.

For example, if someone said you bad and useless, and if you took it seriously then you might say that person hurt you because of what he said about you but let's say if said to some other person who doesn't get hurt easily, he will not even remember what others said about him because he doesn't care. So. it depends upon our thinking mindset how we gonna take things in life.

Even if someone has done wrong to you, forgive them not for what they have done but for your own healing. Because if another person cared would not have done this to you. Forgive yourself too for trusting them. We are humans and mistakes are a part of life. But important is what we have learnt through our mistakes and try to never repeat it again. Revenge and pain will not heal your wounds but self-love.

Trust god's justice. A person who has done wrong to you will have to bear the consequences of their karmas whether in this lifetime or in any other birth. Divine timing is the best time but for now, your karma is yours and their karma is theirs. It doesn't matter what they have done to you, but how you are responding will gonna count in your karmic account. Focus on creating good karma. Forget and forgive them but never forget the lessons that person taught you.
Take the first step to your healing by forgiveness. It is for our benefit. Try to not take things personally.

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