#1 GTF Post - A Feather

in gimmethosefeels •  6 years ago  (edited)



Finding a Colorful feather on the ground is a lot like finding that special someone. Hard to pass up. ⁣

When I was walking under a tree, I was looking for a place to sit. Somewhere in the shade, but away from where the squirrels were digging. While looking, I stumbled onto this feather. I'm pretty confident it's from a blue jay. ⁣

It was cool to find. I felt lucky. ⁣
It gave me those feels. ⁣

So here it is, sharing an image of what eluded to those feels. ❤️❤️⁣

Gimme Those Feels is a personal project of mine.

Mission: To share and talk about anything that gives me those feels. Feels defined as anything that moves my soul.

Vision: To create a community that encourages self exploration & communication.

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