How to install react project!

in github •  6 years ago 

To install react, we need two things. 1. Node.js , 2. npm 3.yarn
First, we go to node.js website. and here is a link.

nodejs website.png!

and install what you want.

and you install npm.
and here is a link.

but, you install node.js first, it also include npm, so you don't need to install npm seperately.

Now, you can install ReactJS!! Because it based on node.js.

but i recommand also install yarn, because it help us to activate react project.
here is a link.

First, open terminal app, and type this code.

npm install -g create-react-app

and finish process, move directory where you want to create react project and type this code

create-react-app <my-app> (<my-app> is your react project folder name!)



and this is finish window.

then, you open chrome(or any good web browser) and type http://localhost:3000/

and you see your react project!!

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